Chapter 30 Prelude to the War
The much-anticipated coming-of-age ceremony was held at nine o'clock in the morning, and Chacha almost overslept.If Princess Xia Sha hadn't brought someone to find her, she would have slept almost until noon.After the hangover, my head was dizzy and painful, and I drank two cups of Huahongguoshu tea in one breath, and my consciousness was slightly clear.

Ashe was still weak and didn't want to move, so she and Bai Zeshou nested in Xingcha to watch the house.

Chacha was urgently dressed by the princess's men, her waist was slender and her chest was corseted, and four or five layers of silk fabrics such as whalebone, bird feathers, and rattan were worn off. She was so beautiful that she couldn't breathe.If it weren't for Prince Xavier's astonishing face, Chacha would have given up lying dead with Ashe.Xia Dai was so happy that his face was dying of laughter. He was dressed in a court dress and followed the princess in a serious manner. He was a natural flower protector.

Hundreds of selected teenagers and girls half-knelt on the square of the church. They were in their prime and full of vigor. They came from various towns in the Trans Empire.

The outside of the square is the eager eyes of relatives and friends. Every flower planter has several relatives and friends to escort, which is why Chacha and the others entered the city in a long line yesterday.The elders stood on the altar, calmly looking at the future of the empire.The bard plucked the strings and sang the most passionate war song.

Chacha's heart was beating violently. She didn't know whether it was because the clothes were too restrictive, or because Prince Xavier was standing beside him, sweat dripped from his forehead, and his eyes wandered among the crowd.

The photographer of Machinery City suddenly appeared in the field of vision, Chacha felt her breath suffocated and her heart constricted.The photographer was dressed in the most traditional dress of the Trans Empire, quite similar to that of General Flower.Why did the photographer of the Trans Empire open a shop in the capital of Country X?Could it be...he is a spy?
"What's the matter?" Xavier's concerned voice came from his ear.

"I'm sorry, I drank too much wine yesterday and got a headache." In a blink of an eye, Chacha made up a reason.I recalled all the conversations with the prince in the tavern in my mind.

As a mere commoner, why was he favored by the prince, standing at the nearest place to watch the ceremony like a dog?

Is it because he is Xia Dai's partner?

She is not like Axue, she is cute, she is also extremely rare in magic, gentle and considerate, and she can cook well.The only thing I am proud of is probably the slightly easier head.

It's a pity that this is a magical world, and only magic can defeat magic.Even if Xavier wants to start a war, it will not be her turn as a dog-headed military division.

Is it because she is the provider of enemy intelligence?Chacha looked at the photographers in the crowd, and denied the answer, obviously she was not qualified.

"Persevere, it will be over soon." The prince said softly, his magnetic voice made Chacha even more flustered.

The boy with blue golden eyes also saw an acquaintance, the most beautiful female magician in the town of Ayer, wearing a gorgeous white robe, standing at the forefront of the crowd.Behind her are the armies of countless empires.Maybe one day, he can stand by her side too.

The flower planting ceremony will begin soon.A group of guards of honor entered the arena holding crystal cups containing Selaflor, and the elders walked to the middle of the flower growers, gently poured it on the foreheads of the boys and girls.

At the very beginning, the flower growers kept their original postures, kneeling respectfully.A few minutes later, someone couldn't hold on anymore, and put his hands on the ground, panting in pain.The body trembled violently, the veins under the fair skin bulged, and the clogged blood twisted into a ball, but the flower growers held back without moaning.The relatives and friends outside the stadium gradually became restless, and the whole square was filled with tension.

Chacha's scalp was numb, and she didn't understand what was so interesting about such a large-scale self-abuse scene. Why didn't everyone use anesthetics to relieve pain?Chacha clenched her hands tightly, the food from last night seemed undigested, rushing to her throat.

"Ah!" A heart-piercing scream broke through the shackles of the throat before Chacha.The voice came from the young man in the middle of the square. Withered grass sprouted from his body and stretched continuously, draining every energy in the young man's body.The well-trained soldiers lifted the boy up from the square, and the elders were already standing by to pull weeds.

"Ah!" There was another scream.The painful girl was rolling on the ground, and weeds penetrated her limbs like crazy, growing out of every pore.The soldiers rushed through the crowd, rushing towards the girl who failed to grow flowers.

More screams rang out, the scene was chaotic, the most solemn square of the church was turned into a grass field, and the bad smell surrounded the holy capital.In less than half an hour, most of the flower growers were covered with weeds.Those weeds did not fall off from the pores of the boys and girls to gain new life as Chacha expected.

"Flower planting failed." These four words were like a gust of wind, sweeping away countless hopes in the square.They are the future of the magic empire, but the future cannot use magic smoothly.Numerous protective shields propped up from the crowd, trying to cover up the oppressive atmosphere in the square.

Chacha looked worriedly at Prince Xavier beside him, his pupils shrank slightly, his lips were pursed into a line, and he tried his best to restrain the anger in his heart.When the words came to her lips, she swallowed them again, Chacha felt that it would be wiser for her to keep silent, she lowered her head subconsciously, and found that the prince's toes could not wait to turn up.Is His Highness happy?

"It will end soon." Xavier's voice echoed in Chacha's head, and Chacha covered her mouth in surprise.No, no, how could the prince of the empire destroy the future of the empire with his own hands.

The voice in her ears became distant, Chacha was immersed in her own world, and the image of the discussion between the devil and the savior emerged in the hall of her mind. She didn't even know how she got back to the post.A Xue got off the bed and helped her take off the complicated burden on her body.Chacha lost her soul like a puppet, letting A Xue swing.

"What happened? It seems very noisy outside." Axue couldn't help being concerned.

"I don't know. These clothes really hurt." Chacha was exhausted physically and mentally when sleepiness struck, "Is there anything to eat?"

"I haven't done it today." Ah Xue said truthfully.

"Forget it, I'll drink some nutrient solution and go to sleep." Chacha entered the kitchen and pressed the emergency button, "You are not feeling well, just lie down and leave me alone."

The news of the failure of planting flowers spread like crazy, and more terrible news appeared in the newspapers of the Holy Capital.

General Flower captured a spy from Country X, and he and his accomplices destroyed Shiraflo at the flower planting ceremony. The mechanics of Country X secretly manufactured an artificial sun, which dried up the small town of Ayer in the south of the Trans Empire, and all the residents in the town were killed.There is also reliable evidence that country X is training inhuman humanoid weapons, ready to move on the border, intending to attack the Trans Empire.

The war is about to begin.The holy capital was gathering troops, and General Flower propped up a thick protective cover to shuttle through the clouds, and the streets and alleys were shrouded in a bloody and terrifying dark cloud.

"What should we do?" A Xue asked Chacha.

"Xingcha hasn't fully charged energy yet." Chacha pressed her aching temple, "Let's find a chance to leave, we can't get involved."

"Where is Xia Dai?"

"He's probably going crazy with joy right now, after all, this is a good opportunity for him to make a name for himself." Chacha began to rub the Baihui acupoint on the top of her head.

Twice the prince's messenger came and invited her to the palace.They are going to attack country X now, and Chacha, who can easily destroy the weapon targeting system, coupled with the knowledge reserve of Sand Sculpture, may be regarded as the world's top mechanic.As for why Xavier knew about sand sculptures, it was naturally due to the honest boy Xia Dai who explained everything in detail.

"I heard from Xia Dai that the gates of the city are blocked, and entry and exit are very strict." Axue was a little worried, "Your Highness has looked for you twice, so you have no plans?"

"I have a lot of walls, and Sylvia still belongs to my family." Chacha rolled her eyes, "Let's go out to try our luck at night."

Chacha returned to her room, looked up and saw the photo of her idol, and couldn't help but feel sad.If it was an idol, what would he do?The pen she got after entering the password [-] times was placed on the bedside. Chacha picked it up casually and turned it around in her hand.

"Ding!" I didn't know where to press it, and after a soft sound, the tip of the pen shone with a dazzling red light, surrounding Chacha.

The world was spinning like a hangover, and something was tugging at her soul.Severe vomiting followed, and Chacha struggled to hold up her arms.The palms were bent strangely, and the body was deforming. Chacha shouted to her companion in horror, but she couldn't hear her imaginary voice, and her mouth opened in vain.

I tried my best to roll over to the door and tried to pull the door handle, but I couldn't even move my fingers.

A piece of talisman paper was pressed under the body, Chacha seemed to think of something, panted and wrote a series of numbers, then passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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