Chapter 196

After recovering, Chacha returned to her residence.Black air filled the air, and jumped onto the balcony.This feeling of flying over the eaves and walls made her feel extremely happy.

The flowers on the balcony are growing tenaciously under the action of the automatic waterer.The pot of roses on the far left actually bloomed several flowers.The crimson color is as bright as the stars.

In the corner of the balcony, there was a pile of couriers that she hadn't had time to unpack.Some were covered with a thick layer of dust, and some were newly sent, and the paper shell was still clean.

Chacha squatted down, the black air turned into a knife, and cut open the carton very conveniently.

A voice recorder, a hand-made model, a bouquet of luminous fake flowers, and an exquisite imitation dragon egg.

In the last plastic bag is a novel about her idol.It is written with the author's autograph and best wishes to her.

Chacha held it and leaned against the sofa.Flipping through the hardcover book, I can't help but feel a lot of thoughts.

What is idol doing?Could he have been exterminated?Do you want to go back and have a look?
He must have thrown away the longevity charm given to him.Chacha put down the book and looked at the roses on the balcony.The chain transformed by black energy pulled through the branches and leaves, and picked the brightest one and took it to his hand.

He sniffed at the tip of his nose.Tore off a petal: "Go back, don't go back, go back, don't go back..." muttering, pinning the result of judgment on the petal.

The petals are even in number.Chacha gave birth to chains again, and plucked another delicate flower that was in full bloom.Pull the petals mercilessly.

Even numbers, even numbers, until the last one, the crimson petals spread alone in her palm.

"Go back." Chacha stood up from the sofa.

She didn't dare to try to pull the pen, so she could only visit in the Nomad.It's a pity that I sent Axue home half a month ago. According to the next time it collects full energy, there is still one month left.

"Let's lose weight first." Chacha said to herself.

Open the video recorded by the idol and project it on the wall through the projector.

A few days later, Chacha fell off the projector, completely gave up, "Damn it, why should I lose weight!", and spread out on the sofa to eat and drink.

The cell phone rang at an inappropriate time. It was a business message from the boss.Only then did Chacha realize that her vacation time was already over.

"Damn it, I still have to work after my memory has been restored." Chacha directly sent a domineering and leaky resignation email to her boss.Completely unlike the attitude a person with social anxiety should have.

A few minutes later, a series of explosive phone rings rang through the room.Under the pressure of the boss, Chacha finally agreed to finish the final project.

The final project inspired Chacha. After writing the code like 007, I drove to the barren mountains.Then release her Wanderer.

Chacha sat on the main seat and called out her artificial intelligence.

She has a buffer time of half a month, even if she doesn't see her idol in the end, she doesn't want to be too sad.

Enter the command to switch to the underlying code.She will use the appearance of idol as a hologram of artificial intelligence.

Dedicated himself to creation, comparing the portrait of Gui Yisong with the idol in memory.I can't take care of my hunger, and I don't have the strength to open the Qiankun Spiritual Artifact bought from Zhao Si'er, and sometimes I forget to drink the nutrient solution.Fighting in front of the screen for days.

The code was written and changed, and changed and written.Various debug runs.Input the commonly used sentences of idols that you remember into the artificial intelligence.He also synthesized electronic sounds from memory.

"Come out, let me see you." Chacha rubbed her swollen eyes and hadn't named her artificial intelligence yet.

A burst of crimson light flashed by, and a holographic image was suspended in the living room.Chacha stared at its brows and eyes in a daze.

"It's not like it." Chacha said to herself, "How could it be like that. Even if it is, it's not."

Lost emotions were written on his face, "Go back."

After a long time, Chacha raised her head and found that the image in the room was still there, "Don't you understand human language, I tell you to disappear." She raised her hand to her forehead, "It's indeed the sand sculpture that once fused with Zhao Si'er. It really is mentally retarded."

"I just came, are you going to drive me away?" The image suddenly asked.It was Chacha's familiar tone.

Chacha froze in place, screaming in her head, unable to think of a suitable word for a long time, "Axue and Zhao Si'er ran away. There is no food."

"Don't I know how to cook for myself?" Mr. Wei came down the spiral staircase with a serious expression.

"It seems right." Chacha suddenly realized, and suddenly touched the red ring on his hand, "Ah, there is an elf in this ring who can cook. But...ah, let me think about it, I seem to have not eaten in many days. , I don’t have the energy to change them out now.”

"Yes." Mr. Wei walked past Chacha and went straight to the kitchen.

"Ah, I haven't asked yet, why are you here." Chacha followed eagerly.

Mr. Wei didn't answer, his hands ran across the kitchen utensils. "Sorry, you can only cook by yourself."

"Is it a soul?" Chacha looked at her idol, "You..." She remembered Zhao Si'er giving her the drawing pen.

"Yes." Mr. Wei nodded.

"It doesn't matter." Chacha said, "I know there is a place where you can cultivate a new body. Xuanyin Huangquan water can fuse your soul and body. If you like, you can use your original one. I remember your side texture of the world."

"It does matter." Mr. Wei pondered, "They are all gone."

"I see." Chacha wanted to hug him, but only saw her hands passing through her idol's soul, "Actually, your CP..."

"Huh?" Mr. Wei frowned.

"What I mean is that you have a son who has the same surname as Mr. Wei. Because you can't use your real surname blatantly, half of it was removed." Chacha told all she knew, "Your CP... I It means that the CP I often mate with changed his own son for yours. So, your son is not dead."

"I still have a CP that I don't usually match?" Mr. Wei deliberately missed the point.

"My dear, I was wrong." Chacha lowered her head with twitching eyes.

"That's all." Mr. Wei waved his hands, looking like he hated iron.

"Are you going to pick him up?" Chacha asked.

"Of course not."

"Why?" Chacha was puzzled.

"It's the same as the reason why I didn't go with you." After Mr. Wei finished speaking, he lay back on the sofa.It seems that he can touch the furniture that is connected with the western-style building, and other foreign objects can only pass through it.

"Back then..." Chacha felt aggrieved when she thought about it.

"Think for yourself." Mr. Wei closed his eyes and fell asleep.It will take him a while to get used to the fact that his body is dead.

"After that, dear Doudou, do you want to travel in the plane with me?" Chacha finished drinking the nutrient solution and lay down on the edge of the sofa.

"Is there anywhere else I can go?"

"Then, let's get back your body first." After Chacha finished speaking, she sat down in front of the screen in the living room.

Crackling input coordinates.The streamer was flying, and the two engines at the bottom of the Wanderer roared from left to right.

"Sand Sculpture!" She called out the artificial intelligence that had just named it, "Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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