Chapter 195 Restoring Your Body
For the next few days, Chacha stayed at A Xue's house.There were two torrential rains in the middle, and Ah Xue didn't have any headaches again.Although her mother didn't believe in religion, she faintly felt that the stone in her heart was about to fall.

"It was Zhao Si'er's medicine that worked." Chacha confided to Axue's mother at the right time.

"Is this really true?" She looked at the slightly dull young man.He claimed to be Ah Xue's boyfriend, but he has been very nervous since meeting him.Her opinion of him was somewhat discounted.

Because of Zhao Si'er's handsome and extraordinary appearance, she even doubted his sincerity towards her family, Axue.

"Yes." Ashue answered for him, "I have been taking it for a while. My eyes are working better than before."

"Thank you so much." Ashue's mother smiled meaningfully.Rediscover her future son-in-law.Upon closer inspection, the handsome face is resolute, and there is calmness between the brows.I couldn't help but think highly of him.

Chacha felt that the hero had retired, so she found a random excuse and left A Xue's house.

She had the jade gift from her idol in her pocket and wanted to find a pawn shop to pawn it.The signs on the street were dazzling, and I looked around but couldn't find the target.Wandering around angrily under the neon lights.

Many shadows cast from the soles of the feet.Chacha remembered the desert in the wizarding world.Several bright moons hang in the sky.Shadow danced on the ground, letting herself form the band.

Chacha took out her mobile phone and left a message for Axue.So he drove the car sent by Ulysses, intending to return to his former residence.

Seven years of life, more or less full of feelings.

Because there is no one else in the car.Chacha forged the license plate and drove directly onto the highway.The song she and Axue wrote together was playing loudly on the stereo.

"I still owe several songs." Chacha laughed uncontrollably and switched to other songs.The rhythm swings from time to time, leaving all the sadness behind.

The golden body is like a beetle, winding and circling on the highway.Chacha stopped and went, lay down in the car to sleep when sleepy, and ate a few mouthfuls of fresh bread from Qiankun Lingqi when she was hungry.

In fact, there is an elf who cooks in this heaven and earth artifact.Zhao Si'er looked busy, his cooking skills were all thanks to the little guy inside.When he wanted to give the ring to A Xue, he must also want to give her the mobile kitchen.It's still the super-large one with a storage room processing plant.

"Anyway, it's all my fault." Chacha put Erlang's feet up from the steering wheel.

The scenery outside the car window is nice.Chacha hugged the camera and took pictures for a long time before returning to the car.

"Why are you in such a hurry to leave?" A Xue's message came from the phone.

"Otherwise, why don't you stay and watch you guys show your love?" Chacha typed in voice, "Besides, I got the ring and the Nomad, so I must run away quickly. What if Zhao Si'er repents?"

"He dares!"

"I don't know if he dares or not. But I have to be cautious. It's not worth fighting with him." After Chacha finished speaking, he threw the phone on the seat.

It took a long time for the phone to light up, "Well, I wish you good luck!"

Two days later, Chacha took a detour to the desert.That's where the 404 is.

Because there was no one in the desert, Chacha turned the car back to the size of a fist and put it in her pocket.Black air filled the air, running wildly in the desert.Compared with the speed of the air-driven car, her legs are more reliable.

Relying on memory, I found the oasis in the desert.

It can't be called an oasis either.This unknown place is just that from time to time, the army distributes supplies to the researchers inside.

Of course, the fields they study are all highly confidential.At that time, Chacha was dissected as an alien by them as a research object.

The reason why I came here was not to vent my anger.It was dissected at the time, and part of the body should have been left in the laboratory or in a more confidential place.At least some of her brain tissue was sliced.

A strange magnetic field shuttles through the air, shielding all of Chacha's perceptions.She couldn't find the breath of her body.

Several sentry-looking men stood at the door.Chacha turned into mist and swaggered past their eyes.

The red light of the surveillance camera overhead flashed, but Chacha paid no attention to it.At her speed, nothing could be captured on the surveillance camera.

Chacha opened her flaming eyes and walked through the center of the experimental building.Most of the researchers were wearing masks, which made her search difficult.

"No." Chacha carefully walked through the basement on the third floor.She found the room where she was dissected, but no fragments of her body were found.

"Still not." She also visited the rooms on the second underground floor.

The entire laboratory building was searched carefully by her.Still didn't get the desired result.

"It must be here." Chacha believed in her own judgment and intuition.Perhaps the shielding of the magnetic field is to prevent her from looking for it.

The storage building was also inspected by Chacha.

There are also scattered dormitories, canteens, and all places are tested one by one.

Just when she was about to give up, a familiar face appeared on the corridor.This is the researcher who dissected her.Seven years later, I am still working here.

Chacha's heart was pounding and she didn't act rashly.Follow him to the equipment storage room.Carefully explore the memory in his mind.

"Who?" The researcher looked at the direction Chacha was in vigilantly.

Chacha is as fast as a ghost, and has already hidden in other places.

"Having hallucinations?" The researcher turned his head and rubbed his aching temples, "Sure enough, people can't work overtime continuously."

Chacha hid in the dark and nodded in agreement.When he fell asleep, it was better to explore the memory.With a growling stomach, I went to the cafeteria and came back with two chicken legs.

The researcher is actually still looking at his notes.No sleep at all.

Chacha waited for another intriguing time. "Damn, isn't this person sleepy?"

Finally, he moved.He walked to the safe, entered the password, took out a few slices, and put them on the microscope on the desk.

Chacha instantly regained her spirits.This surging breath of life, even if it is shielded by the surrounding powerful magnetic field, it cannot be completely covered up.It was her own, the breath of the palace of thinking.

There is her soul in the slice of glass.

Chacha jumped behind the researcher, filled with black air, and merged with her own soul.

The researcher turned around screaming, his bloodshot eyes seemed to break free from the eye sockets he depended on for survival. "It's you, you're still alive!"

"Of course I'm alive." Chacha said, "Give me back the slice."

"What do you want..." The researcher backed away in shock, his legs trembling and he couldn't move his body at all.

"Sorry to scare you." Chacha grimaced, "I'll do it myself." She went straight to the microscope.

The cells on the slice felt the master's breath and returned to her body.

"Don't kill me!" the researcher wailed.

"I originally..." Chacha looked at the researcher, "Okay, since you have such a strong request, I will reluctantly give you a beating."

Chacha effortlessly searched for the remaining slices from his memory.And the information of another researcher who dissected her.

"Thanks!" Chacha said, then erased all memories about her.

When the researcher woke up, he lay on the damp floor with a bruised nose and a swollen face.There was a tearing pain in his waist and abdomen, and his eyes were innocent and incomprehensible.

(End of this chapter)

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