Chapter 19 The Magical World
The boy got down from the giant dragon, his golden curly hair was unruly, faintly exuding the smell of sunshine, and his blue and gold pupils were shining brightly.He was wearing a flaxen robe, with a slender figure and a silver water jug ​​hanging from his waist.

"Excuse me, do you have any water?" The young man's voice directly entered the minds of Xuecha and the others, "I practice fire magic, so I can't summon water elements."

Chacha and Axue were stunned in place, their brains almost petrified.Magic, water element, summoning, dragon, these few words bumped into Chacha's mind like a stuck disc.It's not a question of whether they're still on Earth or not.This special code is actually in the magical world.Fuck, is there magic in this world?
"It's strange, why don't you have protective shields." The boy scratched his hair, "Haven't you gone to the holy city to plant flowers? You seem to be adults, it doesn't make sense."

"Planting flowers?" Chacha was confused.Also weeding.The point is, she can understand the language of another world?

"You don't even know how to grow flowers? No wonder there is no protective shield." Even though Chacha spoke the vocabulary of the original world, the young man understood without any pressure.He turned and put his dragon away.The dragon became the size of a sparrow and flew into the boy's hair.The golden hair is like a bird's nest. "Give me water first. I haven't drunk water for almost two days."

Axue handed the young man a water bottle, and the young man took it with both hands unceremoniously.Gulu gulu poured it into his mouth, and then wiped his sleeve, "What you have met is the greatest magician in the future. If you don't understand anything, just ask me."

"What is planting flowers?" Chacha asked.

"This is a coming-of-age ceremony. In my hometown, children are sent to the holy capital when they become adults, and the elders plant a plant called seraphro on them."

"This plant is extremely ugly and smells extremely bad, but it has special magical powers and can help children awaken their innate magic. The awakening process is very painful, and it is difficult for children to bear, so most of them wait until they are adults. I planted it, like me, a genius boy." The boy showed a proud look, he took out a green luminous object from his robe, and lightly threw it into the sky, forming several haystacks, and called Xuecha and the two to sit there, as if they were looking at each other. The heroic gesture of the locals.

"After Selaflo is combined with people, it absorbs the body's energy and blooms Selaflo flowers." The young man continued to explain, "These flowers overflow from the pores of the whole body, transform into different shapes, and form a transparent protective cover. For a person with particularly strong aptitude, Shiraflora will condense into a solid body, such as this bipedal dragon beside me." The young man praised himself in different ways, his face not red and his heart beating.

"What's the use of the protective shield?" Chacha continued to ask, feeling like a mentally retarded person.

"There are many functions. The simplest one is to protect against other people's attacks. You don't have awakening talents, and you don't have any defenses. So I can directly read your minds."

The two Xuecha stood up from the haystack, raised their hands in front of them, and looked like a big enemy.

"I didn't mean anything malicious." The young man quickly apologized, "This area is full of dangers, especially during the day, it's too dangerous if you don't have protective shields. How about this, I'll take you to the holy capital to plant flowers, just going there Do something private."

"Has anyone failed to grow flowers?" Chacha asked.She was worried that even if she got to the holy capital, she would not be able to bloom any flowers.After all, she and A Xue traveled from a world without magic, so it is entirely possible that they have no talent.

"Yes." The young man's expression became serious, and his blue and gold eyes shone with rational light, "After failure, the body will become weak. Shiraflo has no magic power to support it, and it will turn into withered grass from the body. The pores overflow, draining the energy of the grower's body. The failed body will dry up and die in a short time. However, the flower planting is carried out under the care of the elders, and they will help the failed children to pull the weeds."

"It feels so scary." Ashe embraced her hands, and felt very painful just thinking about it.Is this special code really pulling weeds, or pulling them from the body, one by one.Magic is risky, and one must be cautious when entering magic.

"I can still live after weeding." Chacha's heart tightened.

"I can. It's just that I can't do heavy work." The boy's mouth curved into a beautiful arc, and his smile was full of sunshine, "Don't worry, most people are gifted with magic. We are the Trans Empire, the most powerful in the Sea of ​​Clouds Continent. powerful country."

"It's very difficult to die in the empire." Chacha swallowed, why did she feel that she was so easy to die.

"Are we going?" Ashue asked Chacha, thinking of the consequences of failing to plant flowers, she hesitated.

"Go, of course." Chacha said, "The notice from Hogwarts has not come after waiting for ten years. After finally traveling to the magical world, I have to go and see it first."

"Then it's settled." The boy stood up from the haystack, "My name is Xia Dai. How about you?"


"Tea tea."

"If there is no objection, let's go now." The dragon with a beak came down from the boy's hair and turned back into a huge monster.Xia Dai collected the haystacks and called Xue Cha and the two to ride on the back of the giant dragon.Gently caressing the red scales, "Sit tight!"

The magic dragon spread its wings and soared up from the desert. The wind was born from under its ribs, and the field of vision became wider. The desert under its feet seemed to flow.The clothes gradually bulged, and the wind poured into the limbs and bones, making Chacha scream involuntarily.

Humans really yearn to fly from the bottom of their bones.Looking at the sand dunes moving backwards quickly, Chacha's head began to empty, she didn't think about anything, her heart was full of joy, ready to face the exciting future.The magic dragon continued upwards and flew into the sea of ​​clouds. Axue hugged Chacha tightly, for fear that it would fall from the sky accidentally.

But soon, Chacha's eyes were blinded by the wind, and it became difficult to breathe because of the thin air.Xia Dai extended his protective cover, covering the two of them securely within the protective range.

The magic dragon flapped its wings rhythmically, and the two leaned on each other and fell asleep sweetly.It is daytime now, according to the normal situation, they should be whistling in the stars.

The boy hummed a lyrical ballad, his clear voice shuttled through the clouds.It was the ballad that the beautiful princess Shasha sat in the clouds and sang to him.A brilliant rainbow stretched out from the clouds, and every note touched his heartstrings.

The clouds turned crimson, and the sea of ​​clouds continent began its first sunset.The fiery red sun is approaching the horizon, and the golden sunset glow is burning on the horizon.The yellow sand on the ground is surging, and it is connected with the clouds in the sky.The dragon turned toward the sun, casting elongated shadows among the rolling clouds.The huge sun disk sinks into the earth, and then there is a second sunset.

Three moons rose in the sky, and the accurate biological clock woke up Xuecha and her two from their sleep.Xia Dai took back the magic dragon and put the two of them down slowly.A rising air flow was born at the two people's feet, surrounded by a layer of transparent air bubbles, which emitted a hazy glow under the moonlight.

The magic dragon sneezed, Xia Dai rubbed the tip of his nose in embarrassment, and asked embarrassingly, "Do you have anything to eat?"

On his way here, he passed a pink lake. He wanted to get some water to drink, but the lake suddenly dried up, and the food he put on the sand was also swept away.After hovering in the desert for two days, I met Axue and Chacha who were walking through the desert.Taking them to fly hungry, they are almost at the limit.

Xuecha and Xuecha looked at each other and decided to release Xingcha.Xia Dai carried the haystacks with him, and they could also bring their accommodation with them.The three-storey western-style building can just be used as a facade.

"What kind of magic is this?" Xia Dai widened his eyes excitedly.

"This is called science." Chachahu pretended to be powerful and asked Xia Dai to sit on the sofa in the living room.The sofa is much softer than the haystack.Call out the sand sculpture casually and activate the massage function on the sofa.He took out an egg yolk puff pastry from the refrigerator and handed it to Xia Dai: "First, please pad your stomach."

"Wow. Thank you so much!" Xia Dai opened his mouth and gnawed, "We will arrive in the small town of Ayer tomorrow. The Gudong water there tastes so good, I invite you to drink your fill."

"Okay." Chacha got up, and took two cups of honey-filled huahongguoshu tea from Axue. The bright red color was attractive and delicious, and a cup was handed to Xia Dai: "However, you have to sleep on the sofa tonight."

"no problem!"

After eating and drinking enough, Xia Dai closed his eyes and stretched his body. He hadn't had a good rest for many days.I don't know how my beloved Princess Xia Sha is doing in the holy capital.Now that he has a magic dragon, he must be able to protect her.

(End of this chapter)

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