Chapter 18 Desert Sea
The rumble of Xingcha gradually stopped, and the outside world returned to calm.The two of them, Xuecha, woke up from a coma.Chacha tried to look out while traveling, but she couldn't resist the extreme dizziness in her head.Now that I open my eyes, I still feel dizzy.

"Go out and have a look?" Chacha struggled to get up from the sofa, and stumbled out.She finally understood the function of the sofa in the living room.These ordinary-looking sofas can stabilize their figures during time travel and prevent them from accidents during time travel.

"I'll lie down for a while." Axue obviously couldn't bear it.Mingming slept soundly the last time he traveled through time.This time, I actually felt seasick, dizzy and couldn't help but want to vomit.

Chacha rubbed her ears and opened the door by herself.Can't wait to test my hypothesis.

According to the experience of the previous world, meteors have fallen wherever the stars landed, and the places where they stayed are also the past historical worlds of the earth.So she boldly assumed that traveling between planes means going back to the past, and through the historical traces of meteorites falling on the earth, they can find all the places they can reach, and then have the opportunity to get infinitely close to the original world.

Outside the door is a desert, and there are two suns hanging in the sky.Obviously, they are no longer on Earth.

A small sense of disappointment surged in Chacha's heart, but it also felt somewhat expected.After all, according to Nicholas Zhao Si'er, each plane has its own independent laws. If we just go back to the past and the worlds are interconnected, how can we talk about independence.

Failure is the mother of success, Chacha comforted herself.Just a hypothesis, they still have other opportunities.Look closely at the sun in the sky, one of which is less bright and emits a normal white light.The other one is bluish in color, has horns, and the light is very unstable.

Is it a supernova explosion?Hope rose again in Chacha's heart, that they might still be on Earth.

When some massive stars are dying, they will explode violently. This kind of explosion is extremely bright, and the dazzling light can make the night look like day, as if there is a "second sun" in the sky.There have been 10 recorded supernova explosions in history, and the earliest record occurred in 185 AD.

"Fuck!" Chacha cursed uncontrollably, and her mood fell to the bottom.If they were still on the earth, at this point in time, her idol would have died hundreds of years ago.Yesterday I was still talking to idols, and I invited him to dinner, but today I traveled through idols and all my idols were turned into ashes.

"What's the matter with you?" Asue came out of Xingcha, and saw Chacha crying.Asking carefully is some incomprehensible nouns.When Chacha mentioned her idol, Ah Xue finally got a general idea, but she didn't take it seriously, "Your idol is already dead. Before you saw him, he must have been dead for thousands of years."

"It seems to be the truth." Chacha was speechless.

If there is no plane travel, she would never have the chance to meet her idol.Now it's just a return to normal.Thinking of the pen that was obtained after trying 4 passwords, Chacha managed to suppress the unhappiness.That was another hypothesis of hers, and she didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​how to verify this hypothesis.But at least she still has hope.

"We have to find a way to get out of this desert first." The world at the moment is the most important thing.

The desert is as vast as the sea, and the undulating dunes are like solidified waves.With a thought in my heart, the world is vast, and the past is like clouds and smoke.Without food and water, they cannot survive and must find an oasis before their reserves run out.

A Xue and Chacha returned to Xingcha and changed into the most convenient walking clothes.

The shoes on the feet are transformed into long tubes to prevent the ubiquitous sand from getting embedded in the clothes.Four walking sticks were dug out from Ashe's room.The clothes that come with these canes are all British style, and they look like medieval earls.The sand dunes are soft and standing on them for a long time can easily cause damage to your knees.Walking with two sticks can reduce the pressure on your knees and save a lot of energy.

Chacha put the two bottles of water into the satchel, and asked Ah Xue to put the phone back in her room.The mobile phone is dropped in the desert and cannot make a sound. If it is lost, it will never be found again.

"Axue, let's make a plan." Chacha said, "There is no reference in the desert, we have to choose a direction."

Since the desert is surrounded by the same sandy slopes, there is no way to ask for directions with coins.Axue used the position of the sun as a reference point to calculate the life gate at that position.

After finishing the preparations, Chacha put Xingcha into her satchel, and with a cane in both hands, she set off in the direction of Shengmen.Since it was going uphill, Chacha tested the resistance of her feet, changed the shape of the shoes, and made the toe of the shoes tapered and smooth.She kicked the sand and walked in front, and Axue followed her footprints, trying to save energy as much as possible.

Both feet inevitably sank into the sand, and it was difficult for both of them to walk.

Because of her eyes, Ah Xue seldom went out, let alone walked through the desert.As for Chacha, although she had the opportunity to walk in the desert, she spent most of her time riding on a camel, listening to the sound of camel bells and admiring the sunrise and sunset.Fortunately, the bodies of the two of them were much stronger after the baptism of plane travel, and they gradually got used to it after walking a certain distance.

Chacha took off the gauze covering her face and put it in her pocket. With something covering her face, she always felt difficult to breathe.

The two suns in the sky scorched the entire earth mercilessly.

The two shadows overlapped, heat spread from the soles of the feet to the center of the eyebrows, sweat dripped from the forehead, soaked in the desert, and no sound could be heard.There is a monotonous yellow everywhere, the hot wind blows head-on, the gaps between the lips are covered with dust, and the strength of the body slowly disappears with the transpiration of sweat.The clothes rub against the skin dryly, leaving only endless fatigue.

"Let's go at night." Chacha suggested, "Walking like this will only waste water and energy."

"Well. Let's go back to bed first."

The two put Xingcha back into the desert again, creating a circle of dust.The gate of Xingcha is facing the direction of Shengmen.When it was turned on again, Chacha took her pointing pen and planned to use it as a flashlight.Looking up at the sky, he put the pointer pen back in his room.

The desert is as white as snow, and the starry sky above is vast.Three moons hung in the night sky, covering the desert with a light blue veil.Two crescent moons are scattered on either side, and the one in the center is a daytime supernova, shining brightly in blue.

Chacha stood under the moonlight, and the three shadows on the soles of her feet were scattered in the dust, changing with her movements, like a band.

When Ah Xue came out of Xingcha, the desert instantly became lively.Two people, six shadows, happily wandering in the desert.

Because of the supernova, the temperature did not drop too much after the heat of the day dissipated. Twenty degrees was the most comfortable temperature.After turning over the sand dunes, the terrain became flatter, and Ah Xue and Chacha walked side by side.

"It's worth it to see the blue moon in my lifetime." A Xue said happily.

She has an inexplicable attachment to the moon since she was a child, and bought several moon lamps at home.There is a 3D printed one, but unfortunately the color is yellowish, and Axue is not satisfied.Chacha also sent one, the kind of magnetic levitation, the surface is concave and convex, and it rotates by itself with the music.It's just that the music is not Ah Xue's favorite style, and it gets a bit boring after listening to it for a long time.I have always liked the blue moonstone, but the price is too expensive for a good quality, and I have been planting grass for a long time and I am not willing to buy it.

"That's right. This moon hasn't changed from cloudy to cloudy, it has always maintained a constant brightness." Chacha also said with emotion, "I hope that the world we live in will be as magnificent and complete as the moon in the sky."


The two take breaks every hour, stopping to rehydrate and strengthen.Strictly control the time of rest and walking.In the morning, the first sun rose from the sky.The two walked another distance, found the flat land among the sand dunes, opened the Xingcha, and ended today's journey.

Walking at night and staying at dawn, I walked for three consecutive days, but I didn't see the oasis of hope.

Instead, a mirage appeared, with overlapping peaks and peaks, uncanny workmanship, like a fairyland in Penglai.Chacha opened Xingcha excitedly, grabbed the camera and frantically pressed the shutter, and kept taking pictures until the scenery disappeared.There were no houses or buildings in the mirage, and no figures appeared. It is temporarily impossible to judge their location and dynasty.

On the fourth day of walking in the desert, a black shadow appeared in the sky, and a young man descended from the sky riding a giant dragon with a beak.

(End of this chapter)

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