Chapter 123 Anatomy of a Corpse
"What the hell? Did you really steal a corpse?" Axue looked at the corpse of the young man on Chacha's back and was dumbfounded, "What the hell, you're not going to put it in the refrigerator, are you?"

"He was willing to give it to me." Chacha said, "I'll move him back to the third floor first. The temperature in Xingcha is high, just enough to thaw." Then he called out the sand sculpture, "Can you project on the terminal? I'll ask for it later. anatomy."

"Dear Chacha owner, the sand sculpture can project the terminal's screen onto the white wall." The clear electronic voice obviously couldn't read the air, and was responsive to Xingcha's owner.


"Uh, your hobbies are quite unique." Yan Liangyue, who had been silent on the sofa, tried to say something, but Xingcha belonged to the two of Xuecha, and as a guest, it was difficult for him to stop it.

"Thank you for the compliment." Chacha didn't care.

A Xue brought the dinner, and left Chacha's room impatiently.Obviously, a voice in her heart said that she should support Chacha's actions. After all, if one day she gets sick, the only person she can rely on is this companion who gets along with her day and night.But the body is honestly far from the autopsy room.

Looking at the young corpse, Chacha suddenly understood Gallagher's feelings.These souls buried in the polar regions do need protection and companionship.Even talking is fine.They couldn't leave the cemetery. Although it was a crater several hundred kilometers away, it was still a larger prison.Everything in the world has nothing to do with them, and they have to face the cruel magic of time.Consciousness is swallowed, character is distorted, and soul is annihilated by night.

Turn on the camera and choose various angles to shoot.Due to the effects of the magician's curse, the corpse appears to be imperishable.After all the preparations, Chacha began the systematic dissection.The normal order is to dissect the chest and abdomen first, followed by the neck and head.Because after the chest and abdomen are dissected, part of the blood will be lost, which is more beneficial for the anatomical observation of the neck and brain.Although the boy's chest was completely pierced and part of the blood was already lost, Chacha still decided to follow the normal order stated in the system.

The sharp blade cuts into the skin, cuts from the left and right mastoids down to the shoulders, then cuts forward and medial to meet at the sternal notch, peels off the submandibular and chest skin, and flips the skin flap over the face. Expose the anterior cervical organs.

In order to achieve the purpose of practice, Chacha tried to attach the black energy generated by his soul to the knife.Compare the image projected by the sand sculpture and observe it bit by bit.

This feeling is indescribable.The corpse does not have emotions, but through the cutting touch, it seems that the surrounding magnetic field is subtly changing, and the moment of the boy's death is replaying in Chacha's mind.

After dissecting the torso, Chacha put the boy's head on the wooden pillow, making him lie on his back.Shave his hair clean.The blade attached to the black air pierced the scalp from the position behind the ear at the same level as the earlobe, and started the next round of learning.

Scattered memories came to mind, and Chacha's movements became more and more skillful. She even felt that she had done a human dissection.But it's not the memory in 404, but somewhere else.There is a purple sky there, bubbles are flying in the room, and the fragrance is lingering, like another world.It's just that the dissecting mood is different from now.

In my memory, Chacha looked excited, and the unscrupulous joy of controlling everything made Chacha at this moment extremely disgusted.

"At least, be in awe." Ashe's words rang in her ears.Chacha suddenly regained consciousness.

After sewing up the boy's body, Chacha rubbed the rune on the boy's right wrist.Gallagher appeared outside Xingcha's window.After a burst of stars, the boy and Gallagher disappeared into the night sky.

Chacha sorted out her thoughts and planned to go downstairs to take a bath.Just as I opened the door, I ran into Axue who was delivering tea. "Fuck, what about others? I mean that boy."

"The autopsy is complete, and I'm sending it back." Chacha said wearily, "Why did you come up here? What should you do if you get infected with some strange disease? Come down quickly."

"I'll leave after serving the tea." Ashe said, "You said you had communicated with this young man before, and I just wanted to see if his soul is here."

"Damn it, watching yourself dissect yourself? He's a ruthless person." Chacha thought for a while and added, "If he hadn't been imprisoned in the forbidden area by himself, he should have appeared here."

"Then how do you feel now?" A Xue asked, "When you came back, you didn't seem to be in a good mood."

"I'm fine." Chacha said, "By the way, how is Bai Ze? I didn't see it when I came back. Sun Jinyan took all his medicine."

"It was seriously injured, and it may take a long time to recuperate." Axue said.

For the next two weeks, Chacha dissected different corpses.Ashue is immune to her strange behavior.Sometimes a cup of star river sand will be brought up, and sometimes she will be called to eat through the communicator.

Gallagher and Ashe reached a settlement.Share the food in the pantry together.Gallagher told them that most people would not stay in the cemetery for more than 14 days, because the influence of demonized souls in the cemetery would drive the living crazy.But obviously, Axue and the others, like the grave guards, have a natural ability to resist.

However, Chacha's mood became more and more heavy, and she found that the more she dissected, the more familiar and disgusting she became.They came from the depths of her soul, and this memory was even written into the muscles of her left hand.

Finally, she pressed down the traction pen and called out to her idol.

"Why is there a dead body on the test bench?" Mr. Wei said in surprise.Every time Chacha sees him, almost nothing good happens.

"I used it to practice dissection." Chacha said, "However, I discovered that I had this skill a long time ago."

"Are you loathing yourself again?" Mr. Wei instantly understood Chacha's feeling.Although after Chacha recovered the most critical part of his soul body, he could no longer read Chacha's memory.

"Yeah." Chacha sat on the arc-shaped test bench, her legs dangling in the air, "There is one more thing, I am very troubled. I found my eyes in this world."

"Let me guess, these eyes grow on someone else?"

"Yes." Chacha looked at her idol, full of grievances, "but that girl needs these eyes. Without them, she can't continue guarding the tomb. There are people she likes here."

"Do you need me to tell you to leave those eyes alone?" Mr. Wei asked.He tried to caress Chacha's head, but he was afraid that Chacha might hurt his own soul.After hesitating for two seconds, it finally landed on Chacha's hair.

"I really need those eyes, they allow me to see the texture of the world." Chacha's eyes were as black as ink, hollow and less lustrous, "In this way, I have a chance to return to the original world."

"But you don't want to hurt that woman." Mr. Wei said, "Then, Chacha, why do you have to go back to the original world?"

"I am not reconciled. I want to leave traces in the original world. Even though I have never been a member of 404. This emotion has always tormented me." Chacha looked directly at her idol, "I know, that kind of Desperate feeling, dear dear Dou can definitely understand."

"But Chacha doesn't need to prove anything. Have you ever thought that you don't belong to that plane?" Mr. Wei responded to Chacha's eyes with some firm strength, "Don't live in the shadow of the past, try to Accept and believe in who you are now."

Chacha nodded quietly: "It's just that we have to go back after all. Axue needs to go back to her relatives."

"You can discuss it with Axue." Mr. Wei said, "I've thought about it, Nicholas Zhao Si'er's letter, I shouldn't advise you to keep it from Axue."

"Okay, I see." Chacha's anxious heart settled down, and she showed her usual excited expression when she saw idols, "Dear beans, can I go to your world to see more living people? There are very few living things that I have seen."

"Go." Mr. Wei said with a smile, "Just don't be too disappointed."

"I know." Chacha held her idol with her left hand, "I know all about it." Because of the disgust, she almost forgot why she gave her the idol longevity talisman.Of course, she will continue to travel around the world, find her own soul, and then let her idol survive the procedure.

(End of this chapter)

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