Chapter 122
Through the dark space, Chacha reaches the darker shore.There are black shadows all over the eyes, this kind of dizziness feels like exchanging souls with her idol at the beginning, when I recover, I always feel that the dinner of the previous night is rolling in my belly.

"The jail has restrictions," Gallagher said.

Chacha nodded and followed behind her.With no lights burning, Chacha took out the pointer pen in her pocket and turned the button.The crimson light was a little dim, and the star pen also needed to be charged.The two walked through the long corridor and stopped by a vermilion door.A circle of six-pointed stars is painted on the door.

Light surged from Galach's fingertips, and he stroked against the magic circle. The magic collided, and the cell door slowly opened.

"Russell, I brought someone to see you," Gallagher said.

"Another person is coming to the cemetery?" The magician with only his soul left is a young man, his body half-black, covered by a layer of pitch-black silhouette.Seeing Chacha, she instinctively retreated to the corner, "Is this really a living person? I can feel the breath of death from her body."

"..." Chacha put her hands on her hips unconsciously, adding a new word after the dilapidated description of soul. "Sister, of course I am alive."

"Ah, sorry." Russell said embarrassingly, the voice filled Chacha's mind, under the original handsome face, due to the effect of demonization, the distinct facial features became a little blurred, "Maybe it's because I haven't seen a living person for a long time gone."

"Are you all right?" Gallagher asked. "It doesn't look like there's any further demonization."

"I'm fine, Gallagher," said Russell cheerfully.Evidently pleased with the gravekeeper's arrival.But he always hid in the corner of the cell and refused to go forward.

"Am I that scary?" Chacha said dissatisfied.

"Russell is afraid of affecting you. Although his demonization has stagnated in the first stage, he can still corrupt the souls of others. People who are not determined are easily influenced." Gallagher explained.After two seconds, he asked his young companion again, "Russell, did you see anything?"

"You two have the same origin?" LS Er frowned vaguely, "Her strength is stronger than yours. It is stronger than I have ever seen before. It's just..."

"Just?" Chacha tilted her head, more nervous than Gallagher.She was afraid that the young magician would see that Gallagher's eyes belonged to her.

"It just needs training." The magician said with a smile. Chacha saw a row of white teeth protruding from the half-black soul body, "You have a very strong magic power in your body, but you can't use it. For example, You need to cut a small steak medium rare, and all you need is a fork and knife to do it. But you don't have a fine knife and fork in your hand, you only have a huge axe. You hold it, It just smashes the steak into a mash instead of cutting it into small pieces gracefully."

"Then how can I operate it precisely?" Chacha moved her throat, and now her mind is filled with the smell of grilled steak.

"You need fine training in holding a knife and fork."

"Such as dissecting your noble body?" Chacha looked at the magician's soul sincerely.

"Is it possible?" The young magician jumped directly in front of Chacha, "You mean, my body is useful?"

"Of course, this is a great contribution." Chacha continued to fool around, "Dear magician, if you can provide more samples that can be dissected, I will be very grateful."

"Yeah." The translucent magician nodded hastily, "The middle floor of the west area stores the bodies whose souls have been silenced. You can use them as you like."

"Thank you very much!" The teenager slid his fingers, and a young corpse appeared in front of Chacha.The delicate face was full of warmth, as if it could come alive at any time.The heart was pierced by magic, and the white skin was covered with holes the size of fingertips.

Chacha was a little moved, saluted the corpse, and said, "I need to transport him to Xingcha. It's my own laboratory. There are delicate scalpels there."

"Understood." The boy said, "but I can't get out of this space. My soul will deteriorate and hurt you."


The moment the door closed, the boy's voice came through Chacha's shield, "I know Gallaher's eyes belong to you. If you must take them away, please bring her back to the world of human life. She is very poor , I hope she can live a normal life."

Chacha didn't respond.Carrying the boy's body on his back, he left silently.This body is very light, not only because the boy was too young when he died, but also because many important parts of his body were missing.Even the most important heart was destroyed in the battle.

Gallagher told Chacha that the boy died in a palace change.There were corpses as young as he in the cemetery, and there were many more.Most of these demonized souls have tragic pasts.If it wasn't for hate, for anger, they wouldn't let that force take away their consciousness.

The eternity of time in the graveyard gives them peace of mind.

But some things will not become indifferent with the passage of time.

"Are you the only tomb guard here?" On the way back, Chacha suddenly asked, "I mean, besides the king, are you the only one?"

"Yes." Gallagher said, "before he was annihilated, he also asked other people. But most of them were unwilling to stay. Even if there were one or two who were ready to stay, their souls would be eroded quickly. Tomb The field is friendly to the dead but drives the living mad."

"Then you are amazing. You have been guarding the cemetery all the time." Chacha said.

"No, he chose me because of these eyes, which are darker than the night, and their power makes all evil spirits daunting." Gallagher murmured, "He said, these eyes are extremely evil Existence. Worse than the ghost of the most powerful magician, Spencer Scott, who died and demonized."

"You make it sound like the original owner of these eyes is an evil spirit." Chacha said angrily, "Then I, who is of the same origin as you, is also very evil?" Become the embodiment of justice.

"No one is born evil. So is strength." Gallagher shook his head. "The captain said, I am a good gravekeeper. I can control this power to protect the lost souls. Chacha, you too."

"I don't want to be a tomb guard." Chacha chuckled, and most of the knots in her heart were untied, "You never thought about going out to see? You finally got eyes, and you should see the world where the living people live. The cemetery Lifeless, why waste the time like a flower here."

"If I leave, no one will guard them?"

"Tch, go and wake up those magicians who claim to be great." Chacha said, "It's their responsibility to protect the people, so what's the matter with entrusting you with a little girl."

"I'm used to it," said Gallagher. "It's beautiful here. Isn't there a brilliant aurora overhead?"

"The food is not fresh." Chacha said, "There are many delicious, beautiful, and interesting things outside. And your family, the people you like."

"I like it, here." Gallagher said calmly.

"However, what if no one brings over corpses in the future." Chacha said solemnly, "or if all the soul protectors die on a long journey like what you experienced before, and the stored tributes are all eaten up, don't you want to starve to death?" Is it here?"

"That's good too." Gallagher said, his dark eyes were calm, "If the soul protectors are dead, there will be no more corpses brought over. Those truths will not be buried here."

(End of this chapter)

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