Chapter 224 Holographic Online Game 2
After Ling Wei entered the game warehouse, her eyes darkened, and then she came to a space full of stars.

In this space, there is a beautiful man as beautiful as a crown jade, with clear eyebrows, rich and elegant. His clothes are wide and his sleeves are wide, with no trace of skin exposed. He is so handsome that he does not look like a mortal. It reminds her of "stones are like jade, and pine trees are like emerald green." .Lang Yan is unique and unique, there is no other in the world' these two poems.

love at first sight.

If he is a star in the real world, Ling Wei is willing to become his fan.

However, he is just a guide NPC designed by artists and programmers.

"Welcome to the large-scale holographic online game 'Second World' under the Immortal World. I am your guide, Feng Ziyuan. You can call me Ayuan. Now, you can choose to enter the male version or the female version of the holographic online game?" The tall and handsome man had a deep and elegant voice, which was unbelievably pleasant, like the snow falling from the top of Cangshan Mountain, with a different kind of beauty.

Ling Wei really couldn't treat him as a simple NPC or data, his existence was very realistic, she was willing to treat him as a person, she couldn't help blushing, and said shyly: "Ah...Yuan... ...Feng Ziyuan, I choose the girls version of the holographic online game!"

"Okay, the player chooses the girl version of the holographic online game!" Feng Ziyuan flicked his sleeves, and two doors appeared on the left and right of Ling Wei, with words written on each door.

The door on the right says "Ancient World" and the door on the left says "Modern World".

"The world that the player chooses to enter, is it ancient? Or modern?" Feng Ziyuan looked at Ling Wei with a very gentle look. Just looking at his beautiful eyes, Ling Wei is willing to give this game a good review.

"I choose the ancient world!" Ling Wei wanted to go to the ancient world because she felt that according to the message left by the original owner, the Ye Shaoxia mentioned by the original owner was probably in the ancient world.

"Then, please choose cheats! Players can choose from zero to four cheats according to the world they want to go to!" Feng Ziyuan raised his hand.

At this time, many cards appeared on his slender, white fingers that looked like jade carvings, each with words written on it.

They slowly floated in front of Ling Wei's eyes for Ling Wei to choose one by one.

"Don't move: When the player says the word 'Don't move' to the NPC, the NPC who hears the words will be frozen and unable to move. It can only be released after 5 minutes. It can only be used once a day. Price: 1000 game coins.

"Infinite strength: With it, my mother no longer has to worry about me being unable to move things. Price: 1000 game coins."

"Proficient poison doctor: With it, my mother no longer has to worry about me being poisoned or getting sick. Price: 1000 game coins."

"Overwhelming Country: Using this skill, players can change their appearance when they enter the game world and have a beautiful appearance. Price: 1000 game coins."

"Aristocratic Background: Use this skill to allow players to have a prominent status when they enter the game world. Price: 1000 game coins."

"Proficient in martial arts: Use this skill to allow players to have superb martial arts when entering the game world. Price: 1000 game coins."


"Taming: When you kill an NPC, that NPC will not die, but will be loyal to you. Price: 10000 game coins."

"Resurrection: When you are killed, you can come back to life, and can be used three times. Price: 10000 game coins."


Ling Wei chose the cheat of "Proficient in Poison Doctor". Choosing other cheats is neither practical nor expensive.The hack of being proficient in poison medicine is just right for Ling Wei, and also in line with Ling Wei's aesthetics.

"Has the player decided to buy only one plug-in?" Feng Ziyuan asked gently, making people really want to spend a lot of money, and the beautiful man smiled.

However, the original owner didn't have much funds, so Ling Wei gritted her teeth and said, "Yes, just buy one cheat."

"Well, please enter the ancient world, and then choose to go to the world."

Feng Ziyuan led Ling Wei to open the door of "ancient world".

After entering that door, Ling Wei saw that there was another door behind the door.

Some doors say "Cultivating Immortals World", some doors say "Ancient Words Travel through the World of Literature", some doors say "Gongdou Literature World", and some doors say "Sweet Literature World". Some doors say "Fantasy World", some say "Girl World", and some say "Martial Arts World"...

There were so many things that were dazzling. Ling Wei just took a quick glance and heard Feng Ziyuan say: "Of these worlds, only Gong Douwen's world has the heroine left, and the characters in other places only have supporting roles and cannon fodder. Please Players enter the world of 'Three Thousand Harem'."

"What? Only Gong Dou Wen World is left? No, I don't like Gong Dou Wen World. I would rather go to Tian Wen World to be a supporting role than to be the heroine of Gong Dou Wen." Ling Wei shook her head hurriedly.

Feng Ziyuan approached step by step and said, "Player, please don't embarrass me!"

Ling Wei panicked and backed away in a hurry, then, without knowing what happened, she inadvertently opened a door behind her, and the last impression left was that Feng Ziyuan's calm and calm face showed a nervous expression, stretching out to her. He took action, but failed to catch her.

These memories flashed through Ling Wei's mind. Ling Wei remembered that the heroine in "Three Thousand Harems" was Xie Yixian. The servant's wife deceived, took in, and was sent to the palace, where she participated in cruel palace battles and more plots.Ling Wei didn't know anymore.

However, she knows how to get out of the game world.

Ling Wei cleared her throat and asked, "Who are you? Where am I?"

Hearing Ling Wei's words, the beautiful woman wept and said: "Xian'er, don't you remember? I am your mother, and you are Xie Yixian, the daughter of the servant of the household department! This is the servant's mansion!"

"Ma'am, don't panic. The doctor once told my husband that when Xian'er fell off the horse and accidentally fell on her head, Xian'er might have lost her memory." Father Xie comforted him outside the screen.

After hearing what Father Xie said, Mrs. Get up and who are you!"

"No, I remember who I am, I am a time traveler!" Ling Wei said with confidence.

Just when Ling Wei said this, "rumbling", thunder suddenly broke out in the sky, drowning what Ling Wei said.

"The sky is clear, okay, why is there thunder!" Everyone didn't hear Ling Wei's confession, and they were worried about the weird thunder.

"My son, you were scared just now! Don't be afraid, mother is here." Mrs. Xie looked at Ling Wei with concern.

Ling Wei continued her efforts and said, "I am not from this world!"

When she said this, what Ling Wei was thinking was that she should leave the game world after she said this!The game world can be spoken in vernacular, but it also has game rules. If the player does not abide by it, he will be ejected from the game.

Of course, death can also make players leave the game world, but Ling Wei is afraid of pain. The simulated pain in the game world here is 98%, and she does not want to return to the real world through death.

Who knows, after she said this, she did not leave the game world.Mrs. Xie also looked at her with a very strange look, and said with concern: "Xian'er, what nonsense are you talking about, is there something uncomfortable?"

"I'm not Xian'er!" Ling Wei's eyes flashed, and a way to get out instantly appeared in her mind.

"Xian'er, what nonsense are you talking about, you are my daughter. Come here, give the young lady some medicine, and let the young lady recover from her injuries."

As soon as Mrs. Xie's words fell, three or four servant girls rushed forward and forced Ling Wei to drink the dark medicine.

Three days later, Ling Wei was identified by the Xie family, and she had lost her mind.

She was secretly sent to a courtyard for lunatics. The Xie family said to the outside world that Miss Xie Yixian missed her mother very much and went to the nunnery to pray for her deceased mother.It is impossible for them to let outsiders know about Ling Wei's madness and affect the marriage of Xie's daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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