Chapter 223 Holographic Online Game 1
Ling Wei returned to the system space.

She opens the personal attributes.

"Name: Ling Wei.

Gender: Female.

Age: Varies.

Credits: 719.

Medal: 1 rookie medal.

Glamour: 7.

Skills: actress acting skills (self-carried), language proficiency (gifted by the system).

Equipment: name modification (gifted by the system), plot reminder (gifted by the system), healing (given by the system, only used when the host is possessed), emotional seal (given by the system, only used after the host completes the task). "

Not long after, Ling Wei entered the mission world.

When Ling Wei opened her eyes, what she faced was a high bed with soft pillows and colorful tent brocade quilts.

A little girl dressed in ancient costumes who looked twelve or thirteen years old was sitting on the small stool on the Babu bed. When she saw Ling Wei opened her eyes, she was excited and pleasantly surprised, and said with tears in her eyes: "Thank God, miss , You have woken up! The doctor said, if you don’t wake up this morning, you won’t be able to..."

The little girl didn't say the next words, but looking at her expression, it seemed to say, "I'm scared to death. I thought you wouldn't wake up and were going to die..."

Ling Wei's fingers moved slightly.

The little girl didn't notice this, she looked at Ling Wei still full of joy, she couldn't help clasping her hands together, and said happily with her eyes full of joy: "Fortunately, the eldest lady is lucky and lucky to survive this test!"

Ling Wei's first reaction was, did she time travel again?The second reaction is that she has time-traveled again!

At this time, a few hurried footsteps came from outside the screen not far from the Babu bed.

Several beautiful maidservants turned around the screen and filed in, rushing to Ling Wei's bedside.

"Is Missy awake?"

"Quick! Go ask the doctor to take a look! Inform the madam, the master, and the old lady, and say that the eldest lady has woken up!"

"Miss, you have been lying down for three days and three nights. Are you thirsty? Do you want some water?"

"Miss, my servant has stewed porridge on the stove in the small kitchen. Are you hungry? Do you want to eat? This servant will bring it here!"

"Miss, the doctor has told you that if you wake up, you must take medicine. Take the medicine first!"


Ling Wei was in a trance for a moment because of the beauty's carelessness.

After a period of chaos, Ling Wei's body finally regained some strength.She said, "Give me the mirror!"

Ling Wei wanted to see her own appearance before making a decision.

"Mirror? I'm here for Miss." A beautiful girl who looked like a big maid was taken aback, then directed a little maid to fetch a bronze mirror for Ling Wei, and said to Ling Wei: "Miss, you Don't worry, your appearance has not been damaged in the slightest, and it is still so beautiful."

After Ling Wei took the bronze mirror, she looked at the person in the bronze mirror, with black hair and red lips, crescent eyebrows and white teeth, and a fairy-like appearance, she was a beauty embryo.

"My son!" A beautiful woman Pingting rushed in gracefully, Yingying and Yanyan from a room hurriedly made way for her.

The beautiful woman walked to the head of Ba Bu's bed and trimmed Ling Wei's hair, full of heartache and concern.

While wiping the golden beans on her face with a brocade handkerchief, she said sadly and happily: "God is so pitiful, mother's sweetheart, you finally woke up, God bless you! Mother! I made a wish in front of the Buddha, if my son can survive in peace, mother will go to Huguo Temple to fulfill the wish, eat fast and chant Buddha to thank Buddha for protecting my son."

The beautiful woman spoke so sincerely that Ling Wei almost felt that the beautiful woman was the mother of this body.

"Madam loves Xian'er with all sincerity, and I take it into my heart for my husband, thank you for your hard work!" At this moment, a gentle and elegant man's voice came from outside the screen.


"Greetings to the master!"

From the address the beautiful woman and the servant girl gave to the handsome middle-aged man, it can be seen that the handsome man should be the biological father of this body.

The beautiful woman went up to the beautiful man, and said with tears: "This is what I should do. The child's mother left early, and I am in great pain physically and mentally. All my thoughts are on Xian'er. What's more, Xian'er is still so cute, and my concubine loves it very much. However, a few days ago, my concubine still didn't take good care of her, which caused Xian'er to fall off the horse and hit her head. The concubine is guilty and betrayed the trust of the master."

There is a unique style when a beauty sheds tears.

Xian'er's father quickly said: "Madam, don't worry, isn't Xian'er okay? What's more, it was Xian'er who was naughty. If she hadn't secretly gone to the racecourse without telling Madam, how could she have fallen off the horse?" The end. Now that she has learned a lesson, she will not act so recklessly."

From their conversation, Ling Wei deduced that this body fell from a horse and died, and then she traveled over.

But, no!Why is this conversation so familiar to her?

By the way, she remembered, isn't this the opening line of the most popular large-scale holographic online game Gongdou "Three Thousand Harems"?
She remembered that after she traveled to the mission world, the original owner was an ordinary woman, but she suffered from a family hereditary disease and would not live to be 35 years old. Her only wish was to roam the rivers and lakes in martial arts games and live recklessly.However, before she finished understanding which game it was, the transmission of the plot was suddenly interrupted, and the system master could not be contacted. She could only think about her mission from the few words left to her by the original owner.

But in the real world, under the overwhelming publicity of the large-scale holographic online game Gongdou "Three Thousand Harem", she learned about all the holographic online games under the company Immortal World.

She became interested in this kind of large-scale realistic games played by real people and NPCs. Then, she bought a game warehouse and planned to play this so-called "build an all-round and bug-free second world".

The game she chose was the martial arts adventure love game, why did the ancient style palace fighting game come here?

Ling Wei carefully recalled before and after she officially entered the game.

She remembered that after she bought the game store, she read the game instructions carefully, and then bought supplements to connect the game store to the Internet.Then, she lay down in the game room and started her holographic online game journey.

In fact, when playing this holographic online game, Ling Wei once had doubts about the safety and scientific nature of this holographic online game.Because it's all so incredible.

The original owner was from Blue Star in the 22nd century. This era is an era of rapid scientific development. She has played with mobile phones, computers, and 3D movies.However, she never thought that by the time she graduated from university, future high-tech products such as intelligent robots, levitating cars, holographic online games, and optical brains, which only appeared in novels, would actually appear in real life, and, It is still popular in every household.

She has a feeling that the high-tech products of her world have been invented in advance.Now, she finally understands why the older generation can't accept using mobile phones all at once.She feels that way now too.

After the original owner gradually got used to the existence of intelligent robots, levitating cars, floating buildings, holographic online games, and optical brains, it was her third year of work.

In the first year, she was surprised by the existence of intelligent robots and other things, just like drones, which existed when she was born, but from her elementary school to university, drones were not her affordable.However, intelligent robots entered her life at a lightning speed with the price of washing machines, refrigerators, computers, TVs, etc.

In the second year, she slowly adapted to intelligent robots and other things, and no longer made mistakes.

In the third year, she got used to intelligent robots and other things, as if she was used to the existence of mobile phones and computers.

All in all, time is a wonderful thing.

(End of this chapter)

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