Chapter 124: Ancient Vacation 2
"Palace Master Qi, I have something to say!" Qian Wen knelt down on one knee.


"The subordinates know that Mr. Kang has a medicine called Zhuyan. People who take this medicine will burn their whole bodies and their appearance will become ugly. If this medicine is given to a bitch like Ling Wei, it will ruin her. Because of her appearance, she was thrown into the downtown area, trampled upon by others, and left to fend for herself.”

"Good idea!" Ouyang Xuejing praised, "You are worthy of being my subordinate."

Ouyang Xuejing patted Qian Wen's shoulder vigorously.

Ling Wei showed a look of fear, and said: "Sister, you are born from the same root, why are you in such a hurry? You kill me with one knife! Why do you have to torture me so viciously!"

Ling Wei's voice was as touching and melodious as the sounds of nature.

Ouyang Xuejing was burning with jealousy.

"If you want to die, there is no way!"

Although Ouyang Xuejing admired Qian Wen's opinion, she didn't want to accept Qian Wen's opinion.

Although Qian Wen's opinions are vicious, she hates Ouyang Lingwei and doesn't want to let Ouyang Lingwei live in this world for a day.

However, when she saw Ling Wei's fearful look, she suddenly found Qian Wen's opinion interesting.

Ouyang Xuejing changed her tune.

"Come here, Mr. Chuankang, let her bring the face-killing medicine and dumb medicine to the main hall."

They poured all the medicine down Ling Wei's throat.Then, a mirror was thrown in front of Ling Wei.

Ling Wei didn't want to look at herself in the mirror, but they forced her to look.

Ling Wei saw that the beautiful and flawless but unfamiliar face slowly climbed up with a layer of scorched scars like after a fire. No part of her body was spared, even the ears were also that disgusting scorched scar.

Ouyang Xuejing looked at Ling Wei's ugly face with satisfaction.

Kang Yu said something in Ouyang Xuejing's ear.

Ouyang Xuejing ordered: "Qian Wen and Yin Mo obeyed the order and took off her clothes and threw them into the busiest market in the city. When they come back, they will be rewarded heavily."


A carriage was driving on a secluded official road. Yin Mo looked at Ling Wei who was unconscious, and said sympathetically, "Sister Wen, are we really going to do this? Miss is pitiful enough, she doesn't know martial arts, and Her appearance has been ruined, and she can't even speak. We have to strip her naked, and it's too cruel to her. Why is the palace master so vicious?"

"We don't need to take off her clothes." Qian Wen, who was driving, said to Yin Mo in the car.

Ling Wei had already woken up from the coma, but she just pretended to be in a coma to lower the vigilance of others.

After hearing what Qian Wen said, she was secretly surprised.How did Qian Wen change his gender?She has always distinguished interests and interests, and puts Yin Mo's interests first, how could she show kindness and make fun of her and Yin Mo's lives?There must be something hidden in this.

Soon, Qian Wen's words cleared up Ling Wei's confusion.

"When I was in the hall, I saw a trace of unbearable flashing in the eyes of the Palace Mistress. Mr. Kang is a great hero who helped the Palace Mistress ascend to the throne. If she hadn't used drugs to control the whole palace, how could the Palace Mistress ascend to the throne so smoothly? Although the palace lord is ruthless, she is still afraid of karma, and that one day someone will use the same method to deal with her. We can show her that we are not unintentional people by not taking off Ling Wei's clothes. After we finish this matter, I will I will tell her myself."

Sure enough, Ling Wei saw Qian Wen right.Qian Wen is a smart man.She has mastered Ouyang Xuejing's psychology.

Sanssouci.Ouyang Xuejing retreated from the crowd and asked Kang Yu for advice.

She said: "Why did my husband suggest that I take off Ling Wei's clothes and let her be watched? After all, she is my sister. It is too cruel for a woman to do this."

Facing Ouyang Xuejing's temptation, Kang Yu smiled calmly and said, "Palace Master, I did this for your own good. There are two advantages. One is to establish prestige for the Palace Master. If you seize the throne like this, there will be people in the palace." If you don't accept it, doing so can make them dare not act rashly. The second is to prevent Ouyang Lingwei from revenge. Ouyang Lingwei has suffered such humiliation, and with her weak personality, she will definitely commit suicide."

"Mr.'s idea is really a clever plan. With Mr. here, it is better than my palace's thousands of troops."

"No way. The palace master is being polite. If the palace master didn't accept my opinion, then there is room for me to play. I hope the palace master will do what the palace master promised me as soon as possible. I hope that I can kill my enemy as soon as possible and return to the mountains and forests. "

"Okay, okay, okay, I will bloodwash the Shen family manor for my husband, and arrest the owner of the Shen family before my husband. As for returning to the mountains and forests, don't mention it. There are still many places in this palace that need to rely on my husband. Come here, hold a banquet, I want to have a banquet with you." Mr. Kang drank three hundred cups!"

At the gate of Sanssouci Palace, someone immediately greeted them, and said to Qian Wen and Yin Mo, "The Palace Master is hosting a banquet, and he is waiting for the two sisters."

At the banquet, delicious delicacies, singing and dancing are graceful.

The two sisters walked straight past the dancing men, walked up to the palace lord, knelt down on one knee, and saluted.

"Get up!"

"Qian Wen, come and take a look, this is a dancer invited from Nanfeng Pavilion, it's hard to feast your eyes on weekdays."

Qian Wen looked at the palace master's blushing face and sighed in his heart, the old palace master was just good at this, but he didn't expect that the new palace master would be no exception.

Qian Wen knelt down on one knee again, lowered his head, and said, "Palace Master, this subordinate asks for punishment, but this subordinate violated your order by not taking off Ouyang Lingwei's clothes, but throwing her on the street."

Ouyang Xuejing was stunned.Then with a smile on his face, he said: "It doesn't matter. Don't hinder your interest in enjoying the singing and dancing. From today on, I will promote you two to the right and left guardians. The specific canonization matters will be discussed tomorrow."

"Thank you Palace Master for not killing me."

"Thank you Palace Master for the reward."

Qian Wen and Yin Mo said at the same time, and stepped aside to enjoy the singing and dancing, so as not to disturb the palace lord's sight.

At this time, the banquet was at its busiest time. At the ball, ten men in red clothes joined together like flower petals, and then suddenly spread apart, like blooming petals. A man in white clothes appeared in the middle of them out of thin air, like flowers The king is like the pistil in the flower.

The appearance of the man in white made the stunning man in red stand out.

I saw him flicking his long sleeves, turning his head up.

The flower opened, and he walked in front of Ouyang Xuejing with charming steps.The long sleeve flew towards the side table like a streak of silver and red, and a glass of wine landed firmly in his hand.

He took a sip of the fragrance of the wine, and toasted Ouyang Xuejing: "Congratulations to Xiao Jing'er on becoming the Palace Master. Xue is so polite."

Xue Fan drank the wine in the glass in one breath, and then, using the strength of the wine, he danced wildly at the banquet.In an instant, everyone present was amazed.

Ouyang Xuejing said to Kang Yu who was beside her, "Sir, I want him, okay?" Her tone should not be underestimated.

"But Palace Mistress, you are only fifteen." A gleam flashed in Kang Yu's eyes.

"What happened to Fifteen?" Her heart was all on Xue Fan.

"Xue Fan is one of the four top names in the Nanfeng Pavilion. Unless he voluntarily follows you, the palace master. Otherwise, there is nothing anyone can do."

(End of this chapter)

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