Chapter 123: Ancient Vacation 1
Ling Wei returned to the system space after her death.

Personal attributes are as follows.

"Name: Ling Wei.

Gender: Female.

Age: Varies.

Credits: 219.

Medals: None.

Glamour: 2.

Skills: actress acting skills (self-carried), language proficiency (gifted by the system).

Equipment: name modification (gifted by the system), plot reminder (gifted by the system), healing (given by the system, only used when the host is possessed), emotional seal (given by the system, only used after the host completes the task). "

"Host, since you have just completed the strategy mission, the system can give you benefits and let you take a vacation in a small world. In that small world, you don't have to do missions, and you are free. If you want to come back, after death, you can naturally Back to the system space. Host, would you like to go on vacation?" System Lord asked.

"Is that world the ancient world? Or the modern world? The future world?"

"Host, before you go to that world, I have no way of knowing which world you went to."

"Okay! I'll go!"

System Lord threw Ling Wei into the vacation world.

Darkness strikes.

When Ling Wei regained consciousness, two voices came from her ears.

"Do you think the master can kill the palace master?"

"Idiot! You have to kill me even if you can't, otherwise you and I will both be finished. Remember, you have to call me Lord Palace Master, now Master is the new Palace Master."

"Then... what about the old palace lord? The old palace lord is the master's mother, what should we call her?"

"Call her old woman."

"The palace lord even killed the old woman, wouldn't it be enough to put him under house arrest? That's her mother!"

"Xiao Yin, don't let the palace master hear this, otherwise I won't be able to protect you. The palace master doesn't like to hear this."

"Okay, I won't say any more. However, the same goes for the Palace Master. She didn't let us help her. Instead, she let us look at the dead body. It's overkill. Tell me, Palace Master, can she whip corpses? Young Master Ouyang Lingwei is so pitiful. Sister Wen, we need to persuade the Palace Master."

"It's quite pitiful. But you can't persuade the palace master, the palace master is moody. Don't call yourself young master Ouyang Lingwei. From now on, we don't have any young masters in Wuyou Palace. If there is, only young master Ouyang Xuejing host."

Listening to these conversations, Ling Wei did not act rashly.From the conversation she heard, Xiao Yin was timid but soft-hearted, and the person she called Sister Wen was ruthless and decisive but protected Xiao Yin everywhere. The relationship between the two of them was not simple.As long as you take them for your own use, then they are all her help.

This thought flashed through Ling Wei's mind.

She opened her eyes with difficulty, and saw two pairs of embroidered shoes moving around.

Ling Wei raised her head slightly and looked at the owner of the embroidered shoes, who turned her back to Ling Wei.

They were two women dressed in ancient costumes. They held swords in their hands. The reflection of the sword made Ling Wei's inexplicable heart palpitations.

When Yin Mo turned around, Ling Wei was so frightened that she immediately closed her eyes and pressed her head to the ground.

After Ling Wei did what she did, she regretted it.But, she can't do anything now.

"Sister Wen, she... is moving!" Yin Mo hurriedly said, pointing at Ling Wei with one hand and grabbing Qian Wen's arm with the other.

Qian Wen turned around, glanced at Ling Wei, and said, "Where is it? Xiao Yin, open your eyes and look carefully."

Qian Wen looked helpless towards Yin Mo.

"Really?" Yin Mo carefully opened his eyes and saw that Ling Wei was motionless. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Maybe I was too nervous and saw it wrong."

Ling Wei was thinking in her mind, she didn't have the strength to restrain the chicken, should she get up immediately?Or continue to pretend to be dead?When she was looking at the two people just now, she was also looking around. It looked like an ancient meeting place, antique, probably a living room.What's hateful is that she didn't receive the plot prompt and didn't dare to act rashly.

However, even if she wants to pretend to be dead, she has no experience in pretending to be dead. When the person named Wen takes a serious look, she will most likely be found out by the person named Wen.

Ling Wei planned to act first.

With their backs to Ling Wei, Qian Wen and Yin Mo stood at the door and looked around.

Ling Wei made a plan, stretched out her pale hand, and made a weak and terrifying voice, her face was hidden between her hair, making her look even more terrifying.

"It was you who killed me. I want to seek revenge from you. Give me my life back! Give me my life back!"

"Ah! Ghost!" Yin Mo screamed.

"Don't be afraid!"

The memory of the original owner suddenly flooded into Ling Wei's mind, interrupting her next plan.

The original owner is Ouyang Lingwei, nine years old. She came to Wuyou Palace with the palace owner four years ago. She is the palace owner's youngest daughter and is very popular with the palace owner. The palace owner's eldest daughter Ouyang Xuejing is jealous of her and thinks that she It was because of her beauty that she won her mother's love. Amidst the growing jealousy and hatred, Ouyang Xuejing launched today's change, poisoning the palace lord and the original lord.

From the memory of the original owner, Ling Wei saw the original owner in the mirror. She looks like a beauty embryo when she is small, and it will be even worse when she grows up. There is a kind of beauty that makes people fall in love at first sight. No wonder it makes people jealous and pity.

After Ling Wei absorbed the memory of the original owner, she found that she was in a bad situation.

Qian Wen had already seen through Ling Wei's disguise when Ling Wei was immersed in the memory of the original owner, and tied Ling Wei, who was powerless, to the chair.

Now it seems that her situation is very bad. If she is not careful, her vacation will end immediately.

"Ling Wei, you have suffered a lot and have become a lot smarter. Although I don't know why you are still alive, but you want to scare us and then sneak away. Corpse. Even if you are a ghost, we have to keep an eye on you, otherwise we won’t be able to eat and walk around.”

Ling Wei didn't speak.

Yin Mo said in Qian Wen's ear: "Sister Wen, I have an idea. It can not only save Miss Lingwei's life, but also vent the master's resentment, and make the master value our sisters."

Qian Wen glanced at her and said, "You want to save Ling Wei, right? Don't be tricky. I know you are a soft-hearted person, so tell me! What's your idea?"

After Yin Mo finished speaking, she was worried that Qian Wen would scold her for being nosy, but she didn't expect that Qian Wen actually praised her as a soft-hearted person, and she was very happy.

Yin Mo told Qian Wen her idea.

When Ouyang Xuejing led a group of people back in triumph, two sisters, Qian Wen and Yin Mo, greeted her. After saluting, Qian Wen reported: "Master, Ouyang Lingwei is very lucky, but he is not dead."

"What?" Ouyang Xuejing was shocked and angry.

She caught a glimpse of Ling Wei with her head resting on her head, walked up to her, gently raised her chin, and sneered: "The palace master has fallen off the cliff, she is dead, and your backer is gone. From now on, I will be the new palace." Lord, someone, drag her down and feed her to the dogs."

(End of this chapter)

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