Chapter 390

Compared with those metals that piled up like mountains and would only rust at most, Lily of the Valley was obviously more interested in the pair of medicinal materials that were separated.

These medicinal materials themselves have some damage, and nine out of ten of them are less effective, but for Lily of the Valley, these are not a problem at all.

With the encyclopedia, further purification is absolutely no problem.

Thinking so, Ling Lan summoned the encyclopedia and threw in a half-cut ginseng.

However, as soon as this thing was thrown in, Ling Lan felt dizzy and dizzy.

The encyclopedia trembled, and finally a crystal the size of a little finger cap protruded, and then the encyclopedia disappeared.

Suzuran shook her head and knew that this was due to lack of soul power. It seemed that this shortcut method could not be used often.

So in the end, Ling Lan decided to keep her feet on the ground for a while, and after a two-day delay, she synthesized a pill furnace for alchemy.

This alchemy furnace itself is not a high-end product, after all, the materials that Lily of the Valley can find are very limited, and most of those medicinal materials are ordinary medicinal materials, so a too good alchemy furnace is a waste.

The biggest advantage of this alchemy furnace is that it can burn by itself, and does not need lily of the valley to add fuel, but it saves lily of the valley some energy.

But even so, Lily of the Valley's already somewhat unstable soul has become much weaker. It can be seen that this synthesis has consumed Lily of the Valley.

After all, synthesizing the alchemy furnace looks simple, but in fact, the materials alone need to be decomposed first, and then added and fused. Adding, subtracting, and subtracting together, lily of the valley has synthesized at least a dozen times.

But it's worth the expense.

Ling Lan sighed incomparably, fortunately she merged with the encyclopedia, otherwise, she might lose even a little bit of capital by making alchemy like this!

The medicinal properties of those materials are hardly saved. If they are placed outside, [-]% of them will also be treated as waste products.

Fortunately, Lily of the Valley has an encyclopedia, and without directly synthesizing it, to check and purify the prescription, although it also costs soul power, it won't make Lily of the valley feel helpless anymore. At least, take a good rest After a period of time, this consumption can be replenished.

This refinement lasted for half a month, and this was only the initial stage of purification. Fortunately, this was also the most time-consuming stage. When it was time to start alchemy, Lily of the Valley obviously felt a lot easier.

Especially in the recent period, Lily of the Valley would still visit the store during the alchemy process.

I originally thought that if I didn't have enough money, I wouldn't come in to see it.

But her soul is consumed too much. If possible, she still wants to find something that can replenish her soul.

At first, Lily of the Valley just looked for it with the mentality of being lucky, but what she didn't expect was that there were actually such items in this store, and it seemed that the 'sales' were quite good.

At least, take the time Lily Lan saw as an example, hundreds of soul clusters were put on the shelves at one time in the store, but this thing was put on the shelves for only three seconds, and then returned to zero.

Lily of the valley guessed that there might be quite a few people with a soul state like hers, but after thinking about it, she felt that it was unlikely.

After all, the store regularly sells some daily necessities that living people will use. If there are also many people in the state of soul here, why are there no such items in the fixed window?
Don't think that the state of the soul means that there is no need for life, at least Linglan thinks that she really wants to take a hot bath now.

It's just a pity that in her soul state, she can't feel the 'hot water'.

It's not that she can't take a bath, it's just that her and the water's existence are different.

Lily of the Valley fluttered her fingers and fired a spell. The alchemy furnace was instantly turned off. Then the lid opened and several elixirs popped out.

Now Lily of the Valley has no spiritual power, and she is unwilling to waste her soul power on it, so the spells she can play are the most basic, and the ones that were originally engraved on the pill furnace, at most, are to open fire, turn off the fire, take pills, and release them. Therefore, if she wants to refine better pills, Qi herself has to pay more attention to the refining techniques.

Without the help of Hand Jue, Lily of the Valley did not go well at the beginning of refining, but fortunately, Lily of the Land is very clear about what she wants, and she can become very patient for the goal she has set in her heart.

After constant polishing, Ling Lan has the appearance of an alchemist. Unlike the flashy one before, she really feels like she has researched it.

Especially this time, the elixir she refined actually had elixir marks on it!

Although the pill pattern is shallow, it is also a proof that there is spiritual energy bred in the pill.

Pills with pill patterns are not only stronger in medicinal properties than pills without pill patterns, but what makes pill patterns even more peculiar is that the pills with pill patterns form a small cycle in themselves, and the aura has its own circulation, so The elixir, except for the expiration of its own materials or damage due to improper storage, basically the aura will not dissipate.

To be more precise, this kind of elixir can be placed in a static place for permanent storage, and can be taken out later without worrying about the aura disappearing.

Lily of the valley is still very rare for this first elixir, which is completely refined by her own experience and techniques. At least, this elixir of lily of the valley is going to be used for collection.

As for the other elixirs, Lily of the Valley directly put them into a one-meter-high glass jar.

Originally used to hold pills, it is better to use ceramics or jade.

However, in the place where Lily of the Valley is, no trace of Erdama has been found so far. As for pottery, she can make it, but the soil for making pottery is not easy to find. At least Lily of the Valley has not found a suitable one so far. .

As for the land under her feet, Suzuran also tried it, but the land was very evil. No matter how high the temperature was, the soil here did not react at all, and it still looked like soft soil.

Therefore, there was no other way, Lily of the Valley could only pick out some broken glass products, and then refine them a second time.

Now the glass bottle is already filled with half a bottle of elixir, which is the result of her hard work for so long. In fact, after the elixir is refined smoothly, she doesn't find it difficult at all.

What's more, the materials used by Lily of the Valley have been purified once, so the refining time has been greatly shortened.

Seeing that the materials needed for this elixir were almost used up, Lily of the Valley decisively ended the refining of this elixir.

Lily of the Valley shook the half bottle of pills, thought for a while, and finally found a large piece of something like tinfoil, folded it into something like a box, and poured all the pills into it.

She doesn't plan to sell the glass bottles as well. Although it is normal to sell pills and give medicine bottles as gifts, there are not many glasses suitable for making this kind of glass bottles in this garbage space, and most of the broken glass is not Knowing what is added, those glass products that look hard are okay to say, those glass products that become soft when pinched, and become like mercury once broken are products full of black technology.

Suzuran didn't know what would happen if different types of glass were put together to make a glass bottle, so she could only choose one from the massive types that she thought was safe.

But even so, the only thing she refined in the end was just this big glass bottle.

No way, this kind of 'fragile' glass without any additives is considered a rare commodity in this space.

After stacking up the pills, Lily of the Valley started the first step of identification.

Lily of the Land could be regarded as being lazy, so many elixirs piled up together, although it cost the same amount of money to appraise each one, but it saved her effort to fiddle with it manually.

However, such a move is not so friendly to authentication applications.

A lot of information was swiped through the appraisal app, and in the end, even Lily of the Valley couldn't see clearly.

The Appraisal application flickered for a while, and on the image, the pills on the first layer disappeared instantly. Lily of the Valley subconsciously glanced at the pile of pills that had not changed, and then glanced at the picture on the app that also disappeared on the second layer , That's why I can't help but get enough of the corners of my mouth.

It seems that there are quite a lot of functions that can be developed in this application.

It took a long time to scan, and there was a lot of information obtained in the end. Basically, every pill was annotated and identified, and there was a lot of it. Basically, no two pills were exactly the same.

Ling Lan roughly scanned the evaluation given on the appraisal, and the estimated selling price is still quite high. It is estimated that each pill can be sold for [-] points, and the pills she made are at least thousands of pills.

With this calculation, Lily of the Valley's virtual points exceeded the [-] mark.

Thinking of this, Ling Lan turned around and sold these pills.

The price given by the sales app is higher than the price given by the appraisal app, especially for lily of the valley that is sold in such a large quantity, the sales app even raised the price for lily of the valley.

However, the appraisal cost a lot of money. Excluding that part, Ling Lan could only be regarded as a small fortune in the end.

After finishing alchemy during this period, Lily of the Valley entered into the plane where the shop was refreshed from time to time.

Lily of the Valley brushed a little frequently, so soon, she saw the product she wanted - pure soul group!

Ling Lan was well prepared this time, not only for the funds, but also for her quick hands.

The purchase of this energy group can only be purchased one at a time, but fortunately, it can be purchased repeatedly.

But even so, within the limited time, Lily of the Valley only snatched two.

When the energy ball appeared in her palm, Ling Lan suddenly understood why this kind of energy ball was so popular among the products.

At the moment of contact, Ling Lan suddenly had a feeling, she vaguely noticed a little life reaction in the energy group, and understood that as long as she wanted to, she could give life to this pure energy group.

In such an empty space, she is the only living body in an empty island.

Under such circumstances, I think many people would be willing to have a companion to accompany them.

It's just that, for Lily of the Valley, being lonely and cold-hearted basically doesn't exist!
He casually squeezed out a soul ball, and the pure soul energy rushed into her soul, merging with her soul without any violation.

This is the purest soul energy, basically it doesn't need to be refined, it can be absorbed directly.

At the same time, Lily of the Valley also felt the disappearing aura of life with some regret and sadness.

This feeling is like she ended a real life with her own hands...

Suzuran felt inexplicably embarrassed by this, but her men showed no mercy and once again crushed a soul mass.

With the disappearance of another breath of life crying (?), Lily of the Valley's soul finally had some condensed appearance.

Lily of the Valley's current body is like a dense fog, which is very different from the transparent appearance before, and she herself feels a lot more solidified.

Suzuran was very satisfied with this change, and then she devoted herself to the refining process again.

Only this time, Lily of the Valley purposefully picked out some materials that were still possible to be rescued, and tried to plant them alive.

This hope is somewhat slim. After trying hundreds of times, Lily of the Valley only managed to get a dozen or so plants.

Moreover, those who managed to survive looked half-dead. If Lily of the Valley hadn't been hanged with a good decoction, they might have died in a few days.

But even so, Ling Lan was still very satisfied.

For this reason, Suzulan also built a barrier above her own medicine field. She was afraid that something would suddenly fall and kill these things.

Lily's life is already on the right track. Apart from tossing her medicinal materials, which are not in large quantities, she has also started to learn to repair those broken machines.

It's just that most of these machines are so bad that no maintenance is necessary. Therefore, what she does most often is to remove the usable parts from these machines and then put them away separately to wait and see. After the type and quantity are almost the same, a new machine is assembled.

This kind of assembly obviously takes a lot of time, but Lily of the Valley seems to be addicted to it. She rarely uses the encyclopedia, and most of them are disassembled and assembled until she finally understands it thoroughly. So far.

Originally, Lily of the Valley was artificial, and when she was about to spend her days consolidating what she had learned before, she encountered the biggest trouble since she came here—a huge water polo!

The water polo is still. In fact, Lily of the Valley doesn't understand why there is such a large water polo condensed in such a space!
And this water polo didn't know if it was because it was in such a void, Lily of the Valley didn't notice it when it was far away, but when it got closer, the light from the space she was in illuminated some of the water polo.

Then, a feeling of panic surged in Lily Lan's heart involuntarily.

Perhaps the darkness cast a terrifying atmosphere on the water polo, only a small part was illuminated, and the rest of the place was still dark, as if there were some monsters in the water polo.

(End of this chapter)

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