Chapter 389

After preparing a way out for herself, Ling Lan began to really pay attention to this garbage space.

Although she still doesn't understand her current situation very well, but looking at the tablet computer, she always feels that this thing should be the key to her leaving this place.

Therefore, she didn't seem so worried about being trapped in this place.

However, there are some things that Ling Lan still thinks too naively.

At the beginning, she thought that it was enough for her to have an encyclopedia. As long as she had an encyclopedia, she could accomplish nothing.

However, when she used the encyclopedia to deduce a recipe, but could not find any material she knew in this space, she was finally dumbfounded again.

This situation lasted for three days, and in the end Suzuran could only touch her face, and began her study career with some difficulty.

Fortunately, there is everything in this space, and of course books are indispensable.

There are almost all types of books.

It's just that most of these books are not complete and always lack something. When it comes to things like culture, even if there is an encyclopedia, there is no way to complete the missing parts.

Later, Suzuran didn't want to learn to be so proficient, she just wanted to have a general understanding.

Well, yes, a general understanding is enough!

Even though she said so, when she started to read a book in her hand, she felt that the days seemed like years.

No one knows, not even Suzuran herself, who is reluctant to admit that she actually doesn’t like studying anymore...

Yes, after traveling around so many worlds, who would have thought that with such good learning conditions, Suzuran would not like to study?
Perhaps it is a child's general nature. She prefers things that are entertaining to learning. When faced with things that require the use of her brain to solve, she prefers to use force.

Moreover, except for some necessary situations, Lily of the Valley's patience is not very good. Although she can lurk for a long time for a certain purpose, she still finds it a bit unbearable to let her sit here for half a day just to read a book.

Fortunately, humans are creatures that are easy to get used to. Although Lily of the Valley's state is very different from a creature like a 'human' no matter how you look at it, it can still be applied.

From the beginning, I couldn't even sit still, and I always wanted to touch this and that. Gradually, I got used to lying down and reading (...) Later, I piled up books, and slowly, Suzuran finished reading them. There are more and more books.

From novels at the beginning (…), then essays, and then some technical books.

Unconsciously, Suzulan stayed in this space for three years.

When the last book "Mechanical Programming·Jian" was finished, Suzulan felt that her eyes were wet.

I have been reading books for three years, and I have already formed a habit, but when I found that there were no new books to read, Lily Lan couldn't help cheering, and then threw all these books into her own space. Seeing those books being shattered by the chaotic energy in the space, he lay down on the ground in satisfaction.

Really, it's not easy.

She doesn't want to study anymore in her life!
This is also due to the fact that she is a spirit body. The memory of the spirit body is much stronger than when she was still in the physical body. Under such circumstances, Lily Lan could barely finish reading those complicated books in three years. .

After resting for a while, Suzuran finally got up and started her next plan with great interest.

It is said that knowledge changes destiny, but this sentence is actually true.

For example, Lily of the Land, her golden fingers were already against the sky, she had the ability to communicate the laws of heaven and earth, and then check and calculate prescriptions, and then synthesize them.

Now that Lily of the Valley has studied for three years, even if it is just some general and incomplete knowledge, these things are enough to further sublimate the encyclopedia.

For example, now, in the process of evolution, encyclopedias are not only faster, but also consume less energy.

Those things that were originally recorded in Suzuran's mind can be revealed directly without checking.

And with such an encyclopedia, Suzuran obviously saves a lot of things.

If it were someone else who wanted to build a decent maintenance room, it would definitely not be a small project.

But when it comes to Suzuran, the processing of various materials is not a problem. She only needs to know what she wants, and the rest can be left to the encyclopedia.

It's just her soul, it's obviously a bit strenuous and a waste of time to do this kind of collection work.

What's more, Suzuran also wants to rest after working her mind for such a long time.

Therefore, the first batch of things she sorted out, repaired, and manufactured were a batch of crude robots.

Lily of the Valley is not very proficient in programming, basically just guessing. Fortunately, this type of robot doesn't need to be a very sophisticated buddy, what they have to do is more like a classification function.

Therefore, the robot template used by Suzulan is a cleaning robot.

After the first disk-type robot was produced, Suzuran became much more relaxed.

This land is not small, and there is also a lot of garbage accumulated on it. However, the production of these robots is not that simple, so in the end, Suzuran only made ten robots of different shapes, ranging from large to small. Used to collect different garbage.

These robots are very industrious, but the daily energy required by ten robots is also considerable.

Fortunately, Lily of the Valley has an encyclopedia, and it didn't take long to create a self-sufficient engine, which completely solved the energy problem.

Then came some electrical repairs.

Lily of the Valley has seen that some simple electrical appliances, such as rice cookers, electric irons and other electrical appliances, can be exchanged for very little money, all of which are one or two points.

And the appearance of the machine is also very important. Those things that look like second-hand goods to the naked eye and are worthless can basically not be bought for much money, and even the money required for appraisal is not enough!
Yes, appraisals want to spend money!
The one hundred in the money bag in the tablet is bound, and each identification of an item requires at least one hundred points, and for the first identification, items with no more than one hundred points will not be triggered.

This setting is so simple that it took Suzuran a long time to figure it out at first.

After that, Lily of the Valley began to try to make some other things.

Robots are originally a good choice. Even the most basic cleaning robots can be sold for at least [-] yuan each time as long as they are beautifully made. And more sophisticated ones, such as animal simulation companion robots, start at a higher price. It can be pulled up to a size of about [-].

However, it is very difficult to make this kind of simulation robot. Even if Lily of the Valley has the blessing of an encyclopedia, it still needs luck to make such a robot.

After all, the materials needed to simulate skin and fur are not easily available.

At least, those robots have cleaned up a quarter of the land, and the materials together are only enough to make two.

At the same time, when Lily of the Valley's total assets reached [-], a dialogue box popped up on that monotonous, tattered-looking tablet, asking Lily of the Blue to confirm the upgrade.

Ling Lan hesitated for a moment before agreeing to upgrade.

Then, the flat plate gave off a faint light, and those parts that looked rusty began to change and became brand new.

However, when Ling Lan was looking at it with new attention, suddenly, the tablet turned into a stream of light and shot into the center of her eyebrows.

In an instant, Ling Lan's soul body fell into a state of rigidity.

However, this state did not last long, and the tablet that was originally inserted into Suzuran's eyebrows was suddenly pushed out, and finally fell to the ground with a clang.

Lily of the valley's soul body seemed to have received a shock, and it seemed that her condition was not very good. There seemed to be a hazy shadow flickering in her soul body.

But in an instant, the shadow was shattered.

It wasn't until the shadow shattered and turned into light spots that merged into Suzuran's soul that Suzuran regained consciousness, but she also failed to stand still and sat directly on the ground.

Even though it was only a soul body, Lily of the Valley still panted for a long time as if she had a physical body. After a long time, when she finally calmed down, she picked up the still broken-looking thing again with a complicated and serious expression. A broken tablet.

At that moment just now, she felt that this tablet wanted to bind her.

It's just that for some reason, it was squeezed out at the moment of binding.

Open the tablet interface. Although the binding is not successful, some functions have been upgraded.

In addition to the two icons of appraisal and sale, there is also a store icon on the tablet interface.

Click on this icon, and the first thing that pops up is about money exchange.

This store is divided into four areas, the comprehension area, the ancient area, the chaos area, and the technology area.

Each of these four regions has its own currency.

For example, spiritual stones in the cultivation area, ancient coins in the ancient area, chaotic crystals in the chaotic area, and credit points in the technology area.

Of course, these things have no entity. At least Lily of the Valley doesn’t want to take out these currencies. If you really want to take them out, you need to exchange them with relative currencies in various regions, and the price of physical currencies is the same. Double the virtual currency of the corresponding area!
This is simply black.

And the darker ones are yet to come.

The unknown point currency that Suzuran originally used was the most basic and could not be traded in any area. If she wanted to trade, she had to exchange the point currency she now owned for the virtual currency of the corresponding area.

Moreover, the exchange rates of these coins are not the same.

The cheapest ones are credit points, one point is equal to ten virtual currencies, and the highest mixed crystals, one mixed crystal is equal to ten thousand virtual coins.

Moreover, this exchange rate is refreshed once a day, and there will be certain fluctuations during this period.

At the same time, during the redemption process, the tablet needs to deduct a 20.00% handling fee.

In other words, when you need to exchange one credit point, you need to pay two virtual currency points.

It's so dark, if it were someone else, it would probably vomit blood.

But for Suzuran, apart from feeling that she should not be taken advantage of, she didn't have any other feelings.

After all, her virtual currency is too simple, as long as she is given a period of time to research more items for sale, the exchange rate of 20.00% is not something difficult for her to bear.

After closing the explanation dialog box, Suzuran clicked on the four areas and started checking them.

Unlike the dazzling array of things that Lily Lan imagined, except for some daily necessities, the things in these four districts are pitifully small, and the number is not very large, and they are updated in time. After a while, there are still some The quantity will reset to zero, and the icon will be refreshed and replaced with another item.

Lily of the Valley took a look, and there was a fixed grid in every area, in which there were a lot of daily necessities, and when the quantity fell below a certain value, there would be replenishment.

The other ten grids can be refreshed at any time.

Suzuran looked at it for a while, and the information she could glean from it was that she was obviously not the only one with such a tablet.

Ling Lan didn't know whether there were other people in this silent space. In fact, Ling Lan thought about this matter at the very beginning. After all, there are quite a lot of floating lands like her in this space.

Now that it was confirmed, she wasn't very surprised.

Moreover, the need to snap up such a situation also made Ling Lan a little interested.

Especially at a certain moment, she saw a... ticket!
This is a ticket for the death train. It comes from the Chaos Zone. The price is very high. I don’t know where it has been hanging for a long time. Suzulan was a little surprised when she saw it. She just clicked it and took a look, and then it was refreshed. It must have been bought by someone else.

Therefore, although Lily Lan didn't see clearly what was written on that ticket, she still kindled some hope. Now, her mobile phone's scraps had a lot more motivation.

Turning off the store icon on the tablet, Suzuran once again devoted herself to the intensive development of new sales items.

Now her assets are not enough, and looking at that thing is useless. Instead of wasting time, it is better to think about what she can synthesize next.

Lily of the Valley finds the most scraps of machinery, a large amount of metal and wires, followed by some vegetation. Most of these things are useless, like weeds.

At least a few are useful, like medicinal materials.

It's just that in this space, lily of the valley doesn't have anything to store these medicinal materials, so most of these medicinal materials will rot over time.

(End of this chapter)

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