Chapter 302

Of course, this is okay for a short period of time, but it will not work for a long time.

Ling Lan needs to complete this mission as soon as possible, she can't stay in this world for too long.

Arming the ants is not advisable, after all, the world can no longer afford another trading system.

If it is head-to-head, the final result is likely to be a lose-lose.

And the other party has a trading system, even if they lose for a while, they can make up for it later, which is just a way to treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

To really solve this problem, the best way is to resolve the conflict between the two parties.

In fact, the conflict between the two parties is very simple, and it is about the issue of food.

The bees asked the ants not to touch those flower seeds, and the ants reproduced in large numbers. This place is so big, and the grass can't "eat" it.

Under such circumstances, the food of the ants seems to have no other choice except those seeds.

This is the source of the dispute, and it is very simple to solve it, that is, to solve the dietary needs of the ants, so that the two parties will no longer have conflicts.

This is easy to say, but really difficult to do.

After all, she is just the most common ant now, the kind that goes outside day and night to find food, and can be regarded as a commoner existence in the ant kingdom.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to mobilize all ants to listen to her, so she can only do it alone.

Eating grass alone is not enough, the place is so big, and the area where ants can move is also pitifully small, if they live only on this kind of grass, soon, this kind of grass will be eaten up by the army of ants.

So, in the end, Lily of the Valley is going to find a way out underground without destroying the world.

In fact, compared with the surface, the products under the ground are also relatively rich.

At least according to Suzuran's knowledge, she seems to have vaguely heard that there is something like fungus that can grow underground!

Ling Lan didn't know whether her 'heard' was true, but it was better than nothing, she was going to try it.

Any foreign species would cause the collapse of this world, so lily of the valley did not directly synthesize some fungal hyphae or the like for convenience, but found an empty warehouse in the ant nest, and fiddled with it for a while. For a while, I tried to simulate the environment that fungi like.

However, I don’t know whether it was something done wrong by Lily of the Valley or because this fungus was also banned.

Anyway, in the end, after two days of tossing, there was no gain.

This was not going to work. Suzulan decided to walk around on the ground to see if there were any other ways besides fungi.

However, this time going out, looking for food outside, almost killed Lily of the Valley!
It was the first time for Lily of the Valley to face those bees face to face.

After seeing Lily of the Valley, those bees started to attack non-stop. The armor-like thing they were wearing made Lily of the Valley suffer even more.

All the people turned on their backs, and finally escaped to the cracks in the rocks, so they didn't let themselves die outside.

To be honest, Suzuki hadn't experienced such a thrill for a long time.

She is an ant now, it is impossible to fight a god horse.

Encountering this kind of flying thing, it is even more flustered, and there is no ability to resist at all!

Seeing that the other party wanted to come in but failed, and could only circle around twice to leave, Ling Lan breathed a sigh of relief.

This is not possible, she needs to find a solution as soon as possible to solve this task as soon as possible.

Ling Lan ran a little far this time. Fortunately, she is an ant now, so she doesn't worry about getting lost, and can find her way back even if she stumbles.

It's just that she was walking and thinking all the way, and suddenly a leaf floated down from the sky and landed on her way back.

Lily of the valley is not a real ant after all, if it were a real ant, it might not be possible to find the way back.

But for her, such a leaf is really not a big deal.

However, just as she was about to climb up, her forelegs landed on the leaves, and she was suddenly stunned.

As I said before, the world is centered around this tree, and the leaves of this tree are very special. They not only emit light, but also generate heat and release cold air. They rely on this tree to maintain operations all year round.

Now that the leaves on the tree have fallen to the ground, and the forelimbs are placed on them, some warmth can still be vaguely felt.

Lily of the Valley walked around the leaf, then thought about it, and suddenly had an idea.

She summoned the encyclopedia again, and then made a recipe for 'Ye Mingzhu'.

Her recipe retains the characteristics of this leaf to the greatest extent and prevents it from disappearing in a short time.

This method is feasible, but a leaf can only condense one such bead at most, if you want more, you must get more leaves.

It's just that the leaves grow on the tree, and the leaves will not fall for no reason at ordinary times, and the tree is the territory of bees.

Lily of the valley thought and thought, but in the end she didn't go back, but turned in a different direction, and then ran down the tree roots.

This big tree has luxuriant branches and leaves, and its roots are also very thick. Many roots broke free from the ground and grew on the ground in knots.

Lily of the Valley avoided those patrolling bees as much as possible, and quietly touched under a tree root protruding from the ground.

Lily of the Valley lightly touched the tree root with its tentacles, and then summoned the encyclopedia.

The encyclopedia seemed to understand the difficulty of its own master, so the recalculation did not require much blood from her, but even so, after these two deductions, she became extremely weak.

However, this deduction is obviously of great help.

Using the encyclopedia, she took a small piece of the root of the tree, and then made wooden beads that are not stupid and suitable for ants.

The role of this kind of wooden bead is the same as that of the leaf, it emits light and heat, but the only drawback is that it cannot be damaged, once it is broken, a bright white liquid will flow out, and when the liquid dries up, the bead will disappear. used.

This thing is definitely useful to Sudley.

Since the plants in this world can rely on the light from the leaves to survive, does it mean that putting these wooden beads into the ground can also open up a field for growth?

This place doesn't need to be very big, just find vegetation suitable for ants to eat and reproduce on a large scale.

Lily of the valley felt that her idea was feasible.

However, she forgot one thing, ants cannot communicate!

It can't be said that those ants don't understand 'listen', but that their own intelligence is limited, and Lily of the Valley's identity is an ordinary ant, those ants don't 'listen' to her at all!
Once again, Ling Lan felt that this world is really fucked up!
Fortunately, Suzuran was not the kind of person who would ask for help. Since asking those ants to help her could not work, she would find another way.

The encyclopedia cannot store things at will, but it can store materials after there are synthetic deduction formulas!

Therefore, Lily of the Valley took advantage of the characteristics of the encyclopedia to carry out vigorous excavation operations underground.

She is the only one. Fortunately, the encyclopedia is very powerful. Use it like a shovel, and the land bordering it will disappear in large swaths (based on the shape of ants), so even if Lily of the Valley looks like an ant Poor little girl, after ten days and half a month, she was actually allowed to clear a large area underground!
After clearing out a large enough space, Lily of the Valley began to attach wooden beads to the 'roof'.

When everything is taken care of, looking around, this underground world is no different from the surface above!

Lily of the Valley was quite satisfied with this, and then came the issue of planting.

Those lily-of-the-valleys are not meant to be. According to the memory of the ants, they used to eat those flowers.

Whether it's the delicate petals, the honey at the center of the flower, or the scattered seeds at the end, they are all things that ants like.

But now, those things are all occupied by bees. Lily of the valley thought about it, and finally she could only grit her teeth and start a life of fighting wits and courage with bees.

Three years passed in a flash, and when all the ants had moved underground, Lily of the Valley's ant body was already useless.

Suzuran didn't know whether her body died of old age or exhaustion due to overwork. When she died, her body was severely broken. She lost two arms and legs, and one of her antennae. These were all the same as those The result is a battle of wits between bees armed to the teeth.

But even so, Lily of the Land has also done a lot of things in the past three years.

Not only did she open up an underground world for the ants, but she also found a way to make green leaves grow from the roots of the big tree. The young seedlings looked fragile, but they exuded a soft light and illuminated the sky. That big place.

After lily of the valley died, she nestled next to the seedling, and slowly closed her eyes as she watched the blooming flowers in front of her.

The ants shuttled among the flowers may never know who brought them these things, and they will just be happy to find a new world, completely breaking the boundaries with the bees outside.

Even, perhaps, the body of the ant used by Lily of the Valley will be found by other ants, and then decomposed and taken back as food rations.

But what is it?

At least, Suzuran felt that this was nothing.

Walking out of the door, Ling Lan had a faint smile on her lips. Those three years were considered a difficult environment, but for Ling Lan, it was more like a different experience.

Sitting comfortably in the chair, Ling Lan glanced at the 'outside' scenery, seeing Yue Jiaojiao chatting happily with others, Ling Lan also relaxed her mind.

Lily of the valley has been an ant for three years since she left, but in fact, only three days have passed in this world.

Yue Jiaojiao received the mission issued by Linglan to go to Xianren Bay. During this time, she took a ride with a caravan and planned to go to Xianren Bay together.

Ling Lan went to do the task, and of course no one issued daily tasks to Yue Jiaojiao.

After Yue Jiaojiao found out that Linglan had disappeared, she couldn't help but panic for a while, but afterward, she couldn't tell whether she was relieved or relieved.

But now, Ling Lan came back, and after sending out a daily task casually again, Yue Jiaojiao's expression became a little stiff.

Finding a place where no one was around, Yue Jiaojiao began to question Linglan.

"Didn't you already leave?"

Ling Lan was dodging in her own space, and couldn't help raising her eyebrows after hearing this.

[The host does not provide enough energy, the system fell into hibernation to store energy before, do you know what is wrong with the host? 】

Yue Jiaojiao pursed her lips, and then said as if she had made up her mind.

"I don't know why I was found, but after thinking about it, I still feel that we are not suitable..."

There are also cultivators in the caravan that Yue Jiaojiao set up, and these three days are enough for Yue Jiaojiao to understand some things that she didn't know very well before.

For example, this matter of merit.

The monk who was able to talk to Yue Jiaojiao didn't know if he had read too many novels and picture books. When Yue Jiaojiao talked about merit with the other party, his description had a lot of personal understanding. It is miraculous, and it is able to embrace its own descendants, and it is possible to ascend to the sky in the daytime after collecting enough merit.

Of course, it also includes that if you don't have enough merit, you can't be diligent in Yunyun's life. If you don't talk about what Yue Jiaojiao listened to, you still have a feeling of fear.

Yue Jiaojiao has also thought a lot in the past three days, the more she thinks, the more she feels that Ling Lan is a guy with malicious intentions, and the more she thinks about her existence, the more she looks like a ghost blocking her cultivation!
Ling Lan hadn't been there for the past three days, so she didn't know what Yue Jiaojiao had heard, but she could faintly hear the resistance in Yue Jiaojiao's tone.

Ling Lan slightly frowned at this.

To be honest, she, Lily of the Land, is not someone who will beg others with a faceless face. Since others are unwilling, she will not continue to rely on the other party.

So, after thinking about it for a while, she actually agreed.

[The host wants to unbind. 】


Regardless of whether the system is good or bad, Yue Jiaojiao feels that she cannot afford it.

After all, there is no such thing as a good thing in the sky, she doesn't have that confidence, she might as well give up as soon as possible!

Ling Lan nodded, which was considered to be the other party's answer, but it was not an easy matter for her to separate from the other party's body.

After all, she is in a special state and cannot leave directly, at least she needs to find a host.

So, Ling Lan and Yue Jiaojiao said.

[The system confirms the unbinding, and the binding is released.The host is requested to find a suitable host within three days, so that the system can leave. 】

Yue Jiaojiao frowned, as if hesitant, but also as if she was in a dilemma.

"You need to find a new host? Why? Can't you just leave? What kind of person are you looking for? What exactly do you want?"

[Finding a suitable host system will tell you that you don't need to worry. 】

(End of this chapter)

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