Chapter 301

Cause and effect, cause and effect, cause and effect, I just don't know how much benefit this country's faith merits can bring to Yue Jiaojiao.

Yue Jiaojiao's foundation building was flat and logical, with almost no twists and turns, and the foundation was built smoothly within half a year, and the daily tasks, the collection tasks released by Lily Lane, were originally in Yue Qingqing's space, so they came and went. , it also allowed Yue Jiaojiao to accumulate a lot of merit points.

After the foundation was established, Yue Jiaojiao wanted to leave, but this was an inescapable position, whether it was going up or down, it would take some time and safety measures.

Ling Lan watched the other party busy, and after thinking about it, she actually released a task.

[Function opening mission, mission goal: go to Xianren Bay, mission rewards, open the random exchange function. 】

Ling Lan's words were like a guide, with her words, Yue Jiaojiao's speed was obviously faster.

Although the climb wasted some time and was a bit dangerous.

But to be honest, being able to climb up from such a deep place, if it was replaced by ordinary people, it would definitely be useless!

Yue Jiaojiao was obviously relieved, but fortunately she still remembered where this place was, so she left without stopping.

It wasn't until she left the forest and entered the town that she breathed a sigh of relief, and then took a rest, looking exhausted.

As for Ling Lan, seeing that the other party was going to rest, she also had the urge to take a nap.

Anyway, she is too busy now, but following what she thinks in her heart, she prepares to fall asleep in a daze.

And at this moment, her soul suddenly felt a pulling force, and her figure suddenly appeared in the portable space.

The golden gate in the space has been opened, and the gate that was supposed to lead to the trading plane actually appeared in the middle of an ominous vortex.

Standing in front of the whirlpool, Ling Lan suddenly had a glimmer of understanding.

This is the passage to another mission world!

The trading system that Lily of Lily is currently using is quite special, and there shouldn't be such a task for her to complete.

However, as great as the privilege is, correspondingly, the duty will also be great.

A system like this that evolved from the parent system, in addition to being able to conduct transactions, also has another role, that is, as a 'savior'.

Of course, not all crises can use them.

If you want them to go out, first of all, this matter must have threatened the trading system itself.

Secondly, it is itself not rejected by that world.

Of course, when releasing such a task to the owner of the parent system, the system will also consider the user's own ability as appropriate, and there will be no such situation that it cannot be done at all.

To be honest, Suzuran was still a little curious about this kind of thing.

After all, she grew up from various time travels, and going to various planes seems to have become the norm in her life.

It's as easy as getting out the door.

So, she just stood in front of the door and hesitated for a while, and then stepped in with a smile.

Anyway, being idle is also being idle, since that's the case, then she should go in and have a look.

This teleportation didn't make Linglan feel any discomfort, even after the teleportation, she felt very relaxed.

This feeling is very strange, every time she travels through time, Linglan has to experience pain. Although she is used to this kind of pain, it doesn't mean she likes it.

However, after seeing the appearance of this world, she vaguely understood why she felt this way.

Lily of the Valley was standing on top of a leaf. Looking up, the sun was blocked by the grass.

Looking down, there are various enlarged pictures.

After moving the two antennae on top of her head, she suddenly realized that she had turned into an ant!
Close your eyes and accept the memory of this body.

Through the memory of this body, Suzuki learned something.

First of all, this 'world' is not that big.

Unlike the world with endless universes and hopeless seas, this world is only as large as the area occupied by a single tree.

As I said before, planes can be broken.

And the broken planes may not all perish.

Sometimes, the existence of some geniuses and earth treasures will also protect a part of the world. After the case, the world will wander in a space that Lily of the Valley does not know, passing by many planes, until it happens to meet a merged world. A very high-speed plane, or the spiritual creature can no longer support it, and then this small space will disappear.

The place where Lily of the Valley is now is such a space.

This space is not that big, at least in Lily of the Valley's view.

There is a tree growing in this space, and the range in which this tree exists is the range in which this space exists.

The leaves will change according to the four seasons of the year. Even if there is no sun and moon in this space, there are no stars and the alternation of the sun and the moon, with these leaves that can emit light and adjust the temperature, a small space can still be built in this small space. natural world.

In this space, two races lived in total.

One is the ant clan that Lily of the Valley is possessing now.

They obeyed the Queen's order and diligently searched for something to eat throughout the year.

And the other is the family of bees hanging on the branches.

Originally, these two races should exist without interfering with each other, but after being together for a long time, there will always be some differences.

The dispute this time is that there are fewer and fewer flowers in the space, which has seriously affected the amount of honey collected by the bees. The bees' rations are almost not enough!

As for why there are fewer flowers, the bees think that it is caused by the ants moving away too many seeds in the spring.

These seeds were all eaten by the ants, which made the bees very angry, thinking that the ants were simply a group of pests!
And the ants also think that the bees are very annoying, and they should be killed.

After all, bee meat is still delicious!

The fighting between the two sides continued. At the beginning, it was just a small-scale conflict. The two sides refused to give in. There were some casualties, but there were no major conflicts.

However, I don’t know since when, the bees have become stronger. They have some abilities that the original bees did not have. They even put on something said to be called armor. They defeated the ants and even defeated them. After killing their queen, the whole group almost fell apart!
Fortunately, in the end, an ant found an egg that was laid by the previous queen from the egg and could hatch a new queen's egg, which prevented the ant family from dying out.

But even so, most of this space is occupied by bees. They are very orderly, dividing a large amount of land for planting flowers, and ants can only survive in the cracks. Will be killed by bees, and gradually, the survival of ants becomes more and more difficult.

The little queen is still young and is not ready to lay eggs, so it needs a lot of nutrition to supply.

But now, even if all the ants are dispatched, the food that can be found is limited.

In many cases, all they can bring back is the corpses of their companions, but even then, these corpses are not enough to feed the entire group.

The number of ants is decreasing rapidly. Under such circumstances, the battle between the ants has not been interrupted, and the ants have been caught in a kind of anxiety.

The goal of Linglan's visit this time is to prevent the ants from dying out!
The reason why ants will perish is because bees have a trading system and use it unscrupulously.

Originally it was nothing, just bees. In other complete worlds, this swarm of bees was not a threat at all.

However, once placed in this world, an overly powerful race would bring nothing but destruction to this broken plane.

The trading system doesn't know how it came to this plane. Because this plane is too fragile, the trading system cannot forcefully escape.

Once it is forcibly separated, the world is likely to collapse, and the plane system will also be shattered.

And if you don't leave, as the bees grow stronger, the world that loses the ants will also fall into a weak period, the world will become weak and absorbing, and the final result will not be so good!

This is a broken space, this space is very small, even a small law does not exist.

And the reason why this space can persist is because everything in this space has constructed a substitute for the law.

Under such circumstances, every plant and tree here cannot be missing. Once something is cut off, the world will collapse.

Therefore, the plane system has no choice but to send a signal to go back for help!
The arrival of lily of the valley is the result of the distress signal sent by the plane system, and what lily of the valley needs to do is also very simple, that is to ensure that the ant clan does not perish.

As for the trading system, this was no longer within Suzuran's consideration.

After all, the trading system was functioning normally and she had no reason to force the withdrawal.

It's just that it is not a simple matter to keep the ants alive.

After all, she can't even open the space now!
After all, this world is too fragile. Once the external force is too strong, it will destroy the balance that this world has managed to maintain.

Under such circumstances, if she wants to open up space to relieve these ants, she should never even think about it!

As for the encyclopedia, this one can be opened, but the ants themselves have very little blood, and even if the calculation is done, it is very laborious to find the materials.

Of course, if you don't care about so much and just want to calculate some simple things, then it's okay.

For example, calculating a composite method of cutting blades of grass is still no problem.

As for things like collecting grass, Lily of the Valley doesn't need to do it herself, just paste the encyclopedia on the grass!
This kind of grass is actually not the food that ants like, but in this period of food shortage, it is good to have grass leaves to satisfy their hunger.

In fact, it is not that there are no ants who have hit their minds on these grasses.

However, these grasses are not meant to be crushed.

The grass itself does not know what kind it is. There are many stems in the leaves, and the stems are also very flexible, which cannot be divided by ordinary ants at all.

Dividing these grasses is even more difficult than killing bees.

However, once the grass is cut into small pieces and imitated for a period of time, the grass will become softer and can be eaten.

Therefore, when encountering fallen leaves, ants will still carry them back.

Especially in this period of time, this kind of grass is also a very precious thing.

Lily of the Valley dealt with three plants of grass in one breath, and then prepared to go back.

The lily of the valley is far away from the new nest, and even she herself is very close to the territory of those bees.

This is also something that can't be helped, after all, there is very little food to be found in the small area where they are now.

Lily of the Valley crawled a little closer to the nest, and then released all the grass leaves, and threw them all on the ground. Then, leaving a mark, she slowly crawled towards the nest. During this process, she Cut it a few times with the encyclopedia, and finally on the way back, she left a large piece of tree leaves
The creatures in this world still have some wisdom, although their IQs are not very high, and they still rely on instinct to act.

But there are some things that can be kept secret, or must be kept hidden.

After she left for a while, ants came up, shaking their tentacles as if they were sensing something.

She tried to move the tentacles, and then told the ants that there was a lot of 'food' on the road.

Then, there was the scene of these ants rushing there in groups.

After Lily of the Valley sensed that there were no other ants around, she quietly walked into the ant nest along the entrance of the nest.

This ant nest is smaller than the one they had at the beginning, and it is basically in a state of complete construction, just a simple framework is built, which shows how powerful the "people's hearts" of these ants are.

The place used to store food was empty, and there was almost nothing there except some dead ants.

Lily of the valley summoned the encyclopedia. At this time, there wasn't even a single ant here, so Lily of the valley acted very reassuringly.

A large pile of cut very small leaves appeared in piles and piles in this warehouse, and a large number of leaves filled the warehouse in a short while.

These were collected by Lily of the Valley later, and the quantity was much larger than what she left outside.

She didn't want to bother those ants, so there were not many left, just to find a reason for the appearance of these grass leaves.

With these grass leaves, it is absolutely no problem to hold on for at least three or four days.

And during these three or four days, the impetuous mood of the ants can also use this time as a buffer.

After all, two or three days is a long time for ants.

(End of this chapter)

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