Chapter 288

Seeing the encyclopedia again, Lily of the Valley was excited.

However, after the excitement, she couldn't help but feel a little confused.

An encyclopedia opened in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Damn, how do you use this?
The use of the encyclopedia requires energy. In order to be able to use the encyclopedia in any situation, Lily of the Valley designated the energy as blood.

Moreover, there are trace components of the soul in the blood, and the encyclopedia can completely confirm Lily of the Valley's soul based on the blood.

But now, let alone blood, she can't even send in materials that need to be sent into the encyclopedia!
Linglan once again felt the pitfalls of this world, but fortunately, there is no unparalleled path, after she tried many times, she found that as long as she can put things into her body, the encyclopedia can pass through her body , to absorb that stuff.

Of course, the premise of this is that it must be ensured that the body completely covers it, not allowing any, even a slight gap in communication with the outside.

Therefore, under such unreasonable conditions, Lily of the Valley's only solution is to swallow that thing!

Moreover, at the moment of absorption, she needed to hold her breath and stop her breathing completely, otherwise she would not succeed.

Stopping breathing isn't that difficult, but swallowing something is not a good experience.

Smaller things are fine, and liquid things are also fine, but if they are replaced with larger ones, such as stones, how will they be broken?
Ling Lan curled her lips, and then decided not to think about it yet.

Now, the first thing she has to do is to try to erase the imprint of this world in those seeds or plants.

In fact, this is relatively simple to do, at least, it is simple for Lingzhi who is young and has not yet developed spiritual wisdom.

The rule of this world is that everything has a spirit. The translation means that everything in this world can open up spiritual wisdom and then embark on the path of cultivation.

It is also this rule that restricts these things from absorbing other auras that are no longer under this rule.

Therefore, if you want to erase the rules, you only need to erase the possibility of them being enlightened.

Regarding this, Lily of the Valley did it very simply.

After all, there can't be anything magical in her space, and if she erases it, it will be erased.

This process is very fast for lily of the valley. After a while, the first seeds were planted, and then the things grew vigorously.

As for those rhizomes.

Ling Lan chuckled, and received all of them in the space, ready to take them out and sell them!

It’s a joke, it’s bad enough for her to swallow things like seeds, the feeling of not even being able to chew but swallowing directly, she doesn’t want to try it a second time after trying it once!
After several times in a row, she chose to give up directly when she saw those things with roots and stems that had aura.

Seeds are so difficult, the roots are amazing, she should let herself go!
Anyway, she didn't intend to use these things to make a fortune.

In this world, the farming style is not advocated. This is a world where force is paramount, and cultivators have a strong voice. Although she has not come into contact with many cultivators, she can faintly feel that Unfriendliness from other cultivators.

She is a casual cultivator now, with no family or sect.

Under such circumstances, farming is simply walking on a tightrope, which is not worth the candle in Lily of the Valley's view.

Without a strong enough support, without a strong force, the portable space is like a reminder for her.

Therefore, although she has planted these things, after taking them out, they are just a kind of collection and early-stage funds, and they are not really valuable things. If you take out less, there will be no danger.

As for the path that Lily of the Valley will take in the future, of course it is to kill sea beasts!
Because she wanted to buy that soul, the system popularized with her how to earn merit.

Merit is not what Suzuran imagined, as long as you do good deeds.

Merit is a gift from heaven, which can be regarded as a kind of contribution value.

As long as you have this contribution value, Tiandao can give you some convenience before you 'spend' the contribution value.

Therefore, if you want to earn this kind of contribution value, the goal must be set on the Dao of Heaven. It is useless to help individuals or individual races, because those races are not Dao of Heaven, no matter how many good things they do, Dao of Heaven will not give You have a dime of merit, because it is useless to the way of heaven.

Therefore, if you want to exchange for merit, you must please the favor of heaven.

The Dao of Heaven is almost omnipotent, and it is not easy to please it.

Basically, it is to mend the sky, eliminate the negative energy between the sky and the earth on a large scale, and then it will be seen by the Dao of Heaven.

Of course, these are really too difficult for Lily of the valley. When Lily of the valley was silent, the system smiled and said something that Lily of the valley can do now, that is to destroy sea beasts, and destroy the ocean The kind of node.

Ling Lan didn't understand what it meant, so the system gave her a brief introduction to the real background of this world.

It's like someone said a theory of relativity, saying that there is another world outside the universe that is larger than the universe.

This seemingly infinite world itself has an end, and from a distance, it looks like a piece of paper with two sides.

The place where Lily of the Valley is now is the front of this world. Originally, this should be a complete continent. Such a huge ocean does not exist. There are only a few inland seas and lakes on the continent, running through the entire continent.

On the back, there is an endless ocean, which is the hometown of the Sea Clan.

But unfortunately, under a turmoil outside the sky, the wreckage of another broken world collided with this world, and then merged.

That world was a world made of water. A large amount of sea water poured in. During the process of fusion, the rules of the two worlds competed and merged. A large amount of land broke and sank to become the "seabed" today.

Although, in the end, the rules of this world defeated the broken rules that flowed into that world, and absorbed and strengthened itself.

But some of the rules of that world crept into this world as well.

For example, the demise of the sea clan and the appearance of sea beasts.

Yes, sea beasts were not originally creatures of this world. They themselves were brought about by that broken world, and they were existences that were not recognized by this world.

Therefore, no matter how powerful these sea beasts are, they cannot transform. Even some sea beasts cannot activate their intelligence. Apart from the most primitive desires and aggression, they have almost no ability to think.

However, these sea beasts are a race protected by broken rules after all. Although they are oppressed by the rules of this world, they also possess another extraordinary ability, that is - the ability to give birth!
Yes, this is such a painful talent.

At least, because of this talent, no matter how powerful a cultivator appears on the mainland, they cannot really fight against the sea beast.

Who let the number of people be so large that they are not afraid of you killing them at all?
What's more, sea beasts are not vegetarians, and there are so many strong ones to a terrifying level. If there are really strong ones who dare to take risks, they will definitely end up with no return!
So, the two sides are at such a stalemate.

However, with the increasing number of sea beasts, many continents were captured by sea beasts and then sank, and the rules of this world gradually shifted. The luck of the creatures in this world was gradually occupied by sea beasts.

This is absolutely intolerable in Tiandao's view, but due to some kind of fairness and the last trace of energy guarded by the broken rules on the sea beast, it can't really do it directly.

Therefore, in this case, massacring sea beasts on a large scale is definitely the fastest way to gain merits, not one of them!

Of course, it is not advisable to simply kill sea beasts. After all, people are so capable of reproducing, and Heaven is not a fool. It is impossible for every one of them to be counted as merit.

And powerful sea beasts with meritorious virtues are not something that Ling Lan can imagine now.

Therefore, the system gave another suggestion, that is, after slaughtering and cleaning up a piece of sea beast, dive into the bottom of the sea and destroy the nodes that seal the continent on the bottom of the sea, so that the sinking continent can rise!

This is definitely a great merit. You know, there are only 290/[-]th of the continents that still exist in this world, and the remaining [-]% is sea water. The rise of one piece, each continent, represents a great deal of merit from the Dao of Heaven!
The system encourages Lily of the Valley to earn merits, and it earns a lot of merit.

After all, this is the world of self-cultivation, and the lifespan of Ling Lan's body can be very, very long, very, very long. If she stays here and keeps striving for merit, what she can get in her whole life The merits will be massive, even if it is a system, if you calculate it carefully, you can't help but feel a little crazy.

Regarding the system's agitation, Lily Lan was very calm, she just simply asked about some of the methods used by those strong people to kill sea beasts.

In the face of huge merits, the system is simply obedient to Lily of the valley, answering every question.

It is no longer a matter of a day or two for sea beasts to run rampant in this world. It has been a long time, so many strong people have tried various methods.

Poisoning seems to be the fastest way, and some people have tried it.

But the effect is not great. After all, the hopeless sea is so big, if you want to kill all the sea beasts, if you just rely on poisoning, just the amount of materials used to refine the poison, the remaining continents are added together, and they have been planted crazily for thousands of years. , may not be able to save enough.

What's more, people's sea beasts are not invariant, they die quickly, and they are born quickly, and soon, these toxins will not be a problem for them, and they will be immune to them after a few generations.

On the contrary, the creatures on the mainland do not have such strong vitality and fertility as other sea beasts.

After all, water can flow. With water vapor and subsequent rainfall, the poison in the seawater will soon fall on the entire continent. By then, the exterminated people will become the living creatures on the continent!
Moreover, the way of heaven does not allow such a large area of ​​destruction.

If someone really does this, the karma will be extremely huge, and it is simply not something that an individual can bear.

Then there are some other tricks, such as making a large number of puppets and throwing them into the sea water regularly.

Another example is heating the seawater in a part of the area, or freezing a part of the seawater.

The puppet method was originally popular for a while. After all, the puppet can work endlessly. As long as it is not damaged, it can continue to kill sea beasts.

Moreover, puppets are lifeless, sea beasts should not notice.

At the very beginning, there was indeed a huge response, which led many people to devote themselves to making puppets. I hope that one day, relying on this way of accumulating, we can kill the endless stream of puppets on the coastline. sea ​​beast.

But, later, slowly, a sea beast that eats puppets appeared among this group of sea beasts!

This is simply unbearable!

To be honest, when they first discovered this matter, the cultivation world at that time was completely confused.

Not long after that, the puppet sect also slowly declined.

After all, such a thing that took so much effort to make a puppet, and after it was put in, it became a snack for sea beasts, it's just a shame to think about it!

As for the matter of heating seawater and freezing seawater, it also had a lot of repercussions in the early stage.

This kind of heating and freezing is not intended to cook or freeze the sea animals to death.

The Hopeless Sea is so big, this idea is simply unrealistic!

In fact, the real use of these two methods is to make that sea beast sick, and it is easy to make some sea beasts with weak resistance get sick in hot and cold weather.

Then these sick and dead fish are being swallowed by other powerful sea beasts. After a long time, those powerful sea beasts will still get sick.

Moreover, the biggest advantage of this way of getting sick is that as long as it is exposed to high temperature, the lesions will disappear. If you are worried, boil it with a high fire, and the drinking water will basically be fine.

However, as mentioned before, the sea beast can reproduce, but the early effect is still not maintained. After a few generations, the body of the sea beast has become more powerful. It is not afraid of such hot and cold at all, and its combat power has also been strengthened. This approach is simply like feeding the enemy!
What else is there after that, raising sea beasts in captivity, letting sea beasts kill each other, but it ended because the sea beasts had low intelligence and could not be domesticated, etc.

Among all these strange methods, one that still makes people think that the predecessors were mentally retarded is the Neptune Fish Plan.

This is similar to the method of domesticating sea beasts, the only difference is that this domestication itself is not domesticating sea beasts, but optimizing a certain aspect of them.

There used to be a sea beast called Neptune among the sea beasts. It was huge in size, but it was basically non-aggressive. Apart from eating, it also moved slowly. generally.

(End of this chapter)

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