A Wisdom of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 287 [Don't order yet]

Chapter 287 [Don't order yet]

This crystal ball appeared when the eldest lady said she wanted to disband the Evergreen Sect.

At the beginning, Lily Lan didn't notice it, but with a slight movement, she noticed the abnormality in her arms.

What's more, this crystal ball is bigger than what Lily of the Valley has seen before, with a diameter of at least ten centimeters, and its volume is at least five to six times that of the crystal balls Lily of the valley has seen before!
Ling Lan was a bit confused, and the system had never experienced such a thing before explaining to Ling Lan after investigating.

"Originally, there was really only resentment left, but just now, this resentment was stimulated and a new wisdom was born."

This resentment itself was formed by the unwillingness of the original owner, and a large amount of negative emotions and memories were gathered in it. Under such circumstances, it is not an exaggeration to have any reaction.

Coupled with the fact that this soul is a newborn, it feels that this S-level task may be easier to complete.

After all, newborn souls are always easier to fool!
The system advocated that Lily of the Valley should use the method of "outsmarting" to complete this task, but after listening to the system's explanation, Lily of Lily looked at the crystal ball in her hand for a while.

Lily of the Valley's expression was a bit subtle, and there were many emotions in it that the system couldn't understand, but after a long time, it gradually affirmed one thing.

That is, his host doesn't seem to intend to complete this task in a 'misleading' way.

She stroked the surface of the crystal ball, her expression gradually became gentle, and a smile appeared on her lips.

"System, if I want to take the soul of the 'original owner' out of this world, what price will I have to pay?"

The soul of the original owner is the proof of handing in the task. After submitting, this soul does not belong to the tasker.

As for the final destination of this soul, Lily of the past was not in the mood to get to the bottom of it, and now Lily of the valley is not impatient to do that kind of thing.

It was the system, which got stuck for a while, and then faltered for a while before speaking.

"Well, actually wanting this soul is not impossible, but host, are you really sure you want this soul? You know, if you want this soul, you must not only purify its own resentment, but also have to live in this world. Collect a lot of merit points to buy."

Ling Lan tilted her head and asked.

"How much?"

The system reported an almost astronomical number, but Suzuran didn't even blink.

Throwing the crystal ball in her hand, Ling Lan suddenly smiled.

It seems that the existence of this so-called main god of the system is no different from that of a demon.

Regardless of what Ling Lan was thinking at the moment, after she got the answer she wanted, she was ready to leave.

She needs to follow the original plan, first find a geomantic treasure to build a foundation!
Now that she has left the main force, the mission of Kuangfu Zongmen seems to be in vain now, so she can only take a step forward.

Lily of the valley also tried to communicate with the soul in the crystal ball, but she didn't know whether it was affected by the resentment or just herself.

This soul is full of negative emotions. Once connected, what Lily of the Valley can feel is strong murderous aura, unwillingness, remorse, pain and other negative emotions. Generally speaking, it is very chaotic!
Lily of the Valley, who had no restraints, directly bought a ginseng plant with the youngest age in the space and gave it to a mortal. Afterwards, she exchanged it for silver taels, bought a nice horse, and set off on the road.

The journey alone is relatively smooth, Ling Lan is a cultivator after all, even if she meets someone who robs Dao, it is still uncertain who will suffer in the end.

Just like that, Lily of the Valley staggered to the one in the memory of the original owner, the later mountain gate of the Evergreen Sect.

Of course, now this place is just a barren mountain.

This place is not far from the place where cultivators gather. When talking about the place where cultivators gather, we must talk about the composition and background of this world.

This world is very big, and it belongs to the kind of boundless big.

If the interstellar age and the starry sky are composed of planets, then in this world, they are the Hopeless Sea and the Continent.

The hopeless sea in this world is very large, so large that it has no boundaries, and can be compared to the universe.

And above the Hopeless Sea, there are a large number of continents floating.

Some of these continents are very large, and some are small. They are all in a state of drifting. Once they meet other continents, they will stick together like two plasticines, and gradually merge, and finally become a larger piece. The continent until it was destroyed by a greater force.

The continent where Lily of the Valley lives now is neither big nor small.

If you were an ordinary person, even if you spent your whole life traveling, you wouldn't even think about traveling one-third of the continent.

But if you were a cultivator, and you caught a mount with decent speed, you could explore this continent within a month.

There are also wars between continents. Different cultures are born on each continent. Everyone wants the resources on the other continent, so war is inevitable.

What's more, the Hopeless Sea is not a safe place. It is a paradise for sea beasts. For the creatures on the mainland, sea beasts are the source of everything.

Therefore, in order to protect the mainland from being eroded by sea beasts, the cultivators of the mainland will station at the outermost periphery of the mainland, just like the skin on the outside of puffs.

At the same time, the closer to the periphery, the more intense the aura, like the center of the continent, basically there is no aura, and a continent as big as this is basically desert in the middle, which belongs to the most barren kind , it is impossible for anything with spiritual power to grow there.

The hill itself is the dividing line between 'outer' and 'inner'. Most of the people who can stay in this area are casual cultivators. This place is allowed to establish sects.

yes no!allow!May!

One can imagine how miserable the original Changqing Sect was when they finally found such a place and prepared to settle down.

The original owner really suffered a lot in the early stage.

Later, the end of all hardships came, and she also died for the leading female cultivator on this continent, but unfortunately passed away.

This can be regarded as a "revisit" of Linglan's old place. The reason why Linglan wants to build a foundation here is also because she is more "familiar" here. She knows where there is danger, and where is suitable for hiding and temporary residence. For foundation building, she still wants to be in a safer place.

Of course, when it comes to safety, there must be no place in the world that is safer than her space.

However, this is also a rather cheating place, that is!When monks practice, they absorb the spiritual energy from heaven and earth into their bodies. Everyone knows this.

But what many people don't know is that this link of absorbing spiritual energy is also completed under the 'supervision' of Tiandao!
So, in other words, if her body is cultivated in space, she won't be able to feel any aura!

The reason is also very simple, that is, there is no way of heaven in this world in her space!

This is really cheating!

This is not the first time Suzuran complained about this.

Things in this space can be used when taken out, and the aura in the medicinal materials can also be absorbed and refined outside, but people can't enter it. Before practicing in the place where the aura is thin, Lily of the Valley faced it more than once. The aura that is so rich in the space is almost overflowing is drooling.

But drooling is useless, this world is the territory of others, even if she has all kinds of skills, she can only hold back, and if she refuses to accept her, she can't be tough.

In the end, you can only follow the rules set by others.

Lily of the Valley's breakthrough went very smoothly. To sum it up in one sentence: Three days, thirteen [-]-year-old ginseng!
It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the Foundation Building Pill, Lily of the Valley has thousand-year-old ginseng!

Moreover, Lily of the Valley has quite a lot of ginseng from the millennium, which is enough for Lily of the valley to eat.

So Suzuran didn't show any mercy and just used her as food.

For a cultivator, the medicinal properties of this kind of ginseng are really not enough, all she needs is the spiritual energy in it, so even if she eats it like this, it will not appear that the deficiency will not be replenished.

However, the early stage of foundation-building period of this kind of 'drug addiction' is not very stable. If Ling Lan wants to stabilize her cultivation base, she needs to concentrate on practicing here for at least one year.

A year is either long or short, so I won't go into details here, anyway, nothing happened, Lily of the Valley just passed the year so boringly and rhythmically.

And when her cultivation was stabilized, the first thing Ling Lan did was to kill the demon snake that had passed by her 'house' thirteen times.

Ling Lan now lives in a very secret cave, speaking of which, she and the monster snake can be regarded as neighbors.

She lives in a cave covered by vines, and it lives on a big tree thousands of meters away!
It is said that it is a big tree, it is a big tree, the kind that three people can't hug together.

But when it fell into the hands of this big snake, it was immediately crushed into a 'crooked neck' tree!

This big snake is definitely not small. Its triangular head is as big as a large laundry basin. The thickest part of its body can hold two big trees. This also depends on the deep roots of the tree itself, otherwise the roots may have to be dug out on the first day, and the roots will be overweight!

Originally, it wouldn't matter if things were just like this. Suzulan was not the kind of person to meddle in other people's business, and she didn't want to get involved in the story between the big tree and the snake.

However, what is unbearable is that the big snake actually piled up its excrement in the depression not far from the entrance of Lily of the Valley!

To be honest, this was the first time Suzuran knew that snakes could poop, and it was this 'first time' that gave her a profound 'experience'!
That overly strong stench, if she hadn't been unstable at that time and couldn't beat this big snake, she would definitely rush out directly to let the big snake understand, Hua, why is it so red!

As for why Suzuran didn't move later.

Haha, this is about a territorial issue.

This snake came after Lily of the Valley came, and when it came, it encloses this area as its own territory, and any creature that enters this area is its prey.

Ling Lan relied on the fact that her place was too hidden to escape the snake's detection, otherwise she might be the first to be the snake's dinner.

Under such circumstances, she could only endure it.

Originally, in the memory of the original owner, there was no such demonic snake here.

I don't know if this monster snake was killed because of the smelly feces. Anyway, when the original owner ran all over the mountains with the disciples of the Evergreen Sect, there was no such monster snake.

But thinking back, when the original owner came here, this mountain was indeed too safe. This was reflected in the fact that there were very few living creatures. The largest living creature was a rabbit. Thinking about it now, maybe he was killed by this monster snake. Eat it clean!
The battle between Lily of the Lily and the monster snake was not small, but the final result was quite ideal. At least, the final victor was Lily of the Lily. Although she paid a lot for this, several ribs were broken, and there were many internal organs. It was broken, the left arm was broken, and the whole body was covered with blood.

This is the world of comprehension. If it was changed to another world, with the injury of Lily Lan, she might die.

Putting away the huge snake body, Suzuran gritted her teeth and sat up cross-legged, took out a ten-thousand-year-old ginseng root and put it into her mouth, and then began to inhale the surrounding spiritual energy.

Linglan's recovery from her injuries was relatively good. Of course, this presupposed that she had eaten another [-]-year-old ginseng.

Thousand-year-old ginseng is not very effective for cultivators, but ten-thousand-year ginseng is different. At least, for lily of the valley in the foundation-building stage, it is still very good for healing.

After moisturizing her wounds with ginseng essence and making herself feel better, Lily of the Valley began to take stock of her spoils.

Although this demonic snake is not good at what he does, he still has some financial resources.

Most of them are some spiritual fruits and vegetation. As for the use of these things...

Lily of the valley could only hehehe.

However, Suzulan is still looking forward to these things. After all, she is a person with space.

However, when she planted some of the things, and then waited with great anticipation for these things to bloom and bear fruit, and then grow a large area, reality gave lily of the valley a fatal blow.

These plants and fruits are alive, the vegetation has regained its vitality, and the fruits have sprouted, and then grow rapidly.

but!but! ! !
But what's going on that these things have no aura at all! ! !

A genius land treasure without aura is just scum, okay? ! ! !
Lily of the valley was so depressed that she was about to die, at this time she also remembered her past tragedies.

And until this time, Ling Lan couldn't help but think of her encyclopedia again, couldn't help but lasagna tears in her heart, and then sighed.

If only her encyclopedia was still available!

As soon as she thought this way, a familiar wave came into her soul, and then, in her sea of ​​consciousness, a thick book she was extremely familiar with slowly unfolded!
(End of this chapter)

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