A Wisdom of Quick Transmigration

Chapter 284 [Don't order yet]

Chapter 284 [Don't order yet]

And this matter is not a secret in the territory.

Ling Lan pursed her lips, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, she sat there as if nothing happened, playing with the crystal ball in her hand.

And the crystal ball is also very interesting, the color suddenly changes to black as ink, then turns into a dazzling red, and then turns into a strange purple, sometimes, it turns into white and gold, and the color flashes many times , has not stabilized.

Suzuran didn't know if the baron knew that his son was injured and almost died.

But these are not important to Suzuki, what she is more interested in now is what the two of them want to do in the future.

Seeing that Linglan didn't speak, she just played with the crystal beads in her hand, after the two exchanged a glance, it was the earl who spoke first.

"Hey, Sister Xinla, there is one thing I want you to know. This evil spirit has reached the point where it cannot be controlled. She has even reached the point where it can hurt people. It is almost impossible to break her. "

"Moreover, the original seal on this evil spirit is getting weaker and weaker. It won't take long for the other party to break through the seal."

At that time, the entire town may be destroyed in the hands of the other party.

Speaking of this, Laura took over the conversation.

"I don't know if Sister Xinla has understood the resentful soul in your hands. She is a bit special. She should have been burned at the stake. This is a relatively severe punishment. I don't know why, but her soul is not Purified by the holy fire, it turned into a wraith instead.”

"This way of burning the holy fire is unique to our Holy See. Although I don't know the specific identity of this evil spirit, she has the imprint of my god in her body, and this imprint is filthy. If nothing else, this grudge Ling should have been a nun who lost her virginity."

Ling Lan smiled, as if acquiescing, but also as if mocking something.

Laura couldn't see what Lily of the Valley was thinking, so she continued after thinking about it.

"An unclean nun, her own existence is a defilement and disrespect to my god. She should not exist in the world, so our idea is, I hope you can cooperate with us to let the holy fire burn again and wash her Guilty soul."

"..." Lily of the Valley drooped her eyelids slightly, and just as Laura finished speaking, the color of the crystal ball in her hand was finally determined, and it was fixed on a slightly depressing silver-gray.

Even, faintly, Lily of the Valley could still see a thin figure through the slightly thicker color.

In fact, at this point, Lily's mission has basically been completed. Although it has not been completely purified, Xinla's soul purification has exceeded 60.00%, and it has reached the point where it can be submitted. As long as Lily is willing, it can be over. This mission.

However, seeing the faintly appearing and disappearing figure in the crystal ball, she suddenly held the crystal ball in her palm and looked at Laura.

"I'm sorry, but it looks like it can't."

Laura looked a little surprised, and there was some impatience in her cold eyes.

"I hope Sister Xinla will not be willful. This matter is related to the lives and deaths of many people."

Lily of the valley continued to laugh, and then said.

"This is the soul of the Demon God. This is the most exquisite gift I want to give to the Demon God. Anyone who asks for it is a proposal that violates my belief."

In this world, belief is a very sacred thing, and no one can influence anyone's belief.

Otherwise, that is the enemy of life and death.

Laura obviously didn't take it seriously, she felt that Lily of the Valley was playing tricks on her, and the staff in her hand was also tightened, as if she was going to make a move at any moment.

"She is a filthy soul, and your sacrifice is a stain!"

Those who can become the reserve members of the Law Enforcement Team are all those who have a fanatical belief in demon gods. Lily Lan's words obviously touched Laura's backlash.

Or to be precise, she touched Laura's faith.

However, Lily of the Valley's answer was somewhat meaningful.

"You're not right. Who can be sure that you can escape the fate of being burned at the stake? Isn't this the guidance of the demon god?"

Looking at the slightly floating crystal ball, Lily of the Valley spoke as if talking to herself.

"Perhaps, this is a soul that even the gods sigh."

There were too many words without speculation, and the conversation this time obviously broke up unhappy.

However, since you are here, it is not so simple to want to leave.

No, led by the Baron, the 'guard', if Lily Lan wants to leave here at night, she has to bear the risk of encountering ghosts.

Originally, Ling Lan could sit here and wait until dawn before leaving, but looking at the two people sitting there silently, Ling Lan decided to leave here first.

Lily of the Valley took away the crystal ball and the priest's magic spar. The moment she opened the door, she heard the slow but non-stop footsteps.

Da da da, not in a hurry, just like a noble lady who has undergone a strict interest education, she was decent and dignified during her lifetime.

After death...

Lily of the valley didn't look up, and closed the door casually.

When the last ray of sunlight disappeared from behind her, far away, from the other end of the corridor, a figure of a noble lady in a fine dress appeared.

The lady's dress is very interesting, obviously she is in the manor, but she is wearing a long dress for going out, a beautiful broad hat on her head, and even a beautiful lace sun umbrella in her hand.

However, the lady herself is black and white.

The fabric of the long skirt is black, but the large lace and fabric flowers used to decorate it are white.

The sun umbrella is the opposite, the background color is white, and the lace is decorated with black.

Only on her huge wide hat, against the backdrop of a bunch of small white flowers in lace, there is a pair of huge red roses. color.

However, the lady herself is black and white.

The fabric of the long skirt is black, but the large lace and fabric flowers used to decorate it are white.

The sun umbrella is the opposite, the background color is white, and the lace is decorated with black.

Only on her huge wide hat, against the backdrop of a bunch of small white flowers in lace, there is a pair of huge red roses. color.

In this quiet and dark manor, there are even some weird colors.

The sound of da da da footsteps continued, and the figure slowly approached her, but Ling Lan didn't panic at all.

She didn't know when there was another table knife in her hand, but this table knife was different from the old one used by Lily of the Valley. This table knife was not only golden, but also covered with a very strange Mysterious patterns, among the patterns, there seems to be some kind of energy flowing in them.

In fact, when the table knife appeared in Lily of the Valley's hands, the evil spirit that had already lost control suddenly stopped, and the rattling sound did not resound, she just stood there quietly, Like a beautiful sculpture.

Ling Lan smiled, that smile was like when she was wearing a nun's robe, she waved her hand at that figure, that figure seemed to have encountered something terrible, and wanted to escape quickly.

But Ling Lan's movements were faster than hers. She raised her hand, and the table knife in her hand flew out, piercing through the body of the evil spirit that was so powerful that it was almost impossible to break up. After that, the body of the evil spirit turned into The purest magic factor in the world, its speed is so fast that the evil spirit who has been arrogant for a long time has no time to scream!

Yes, it's that simple. In the past, the source of Xin La's doom was solved so quickly in the hands of Ling Lan.

And the 'weapon' was a tableware that Lily of the Valley bought from the Demon God, and he had used it before.

Xin La, who was housed in the crystal ball, also saw this scene, but her soul remained calm.

Lily of the Valley walked back to the church just like that. Without letting Dodd find out, she went into her room smoothly, changed her clothes, and after thinking about it, she still burned it .

Putting on the nun's costume again, Lily of the Valley took the bead in front of her, and said to Xinla inside the bead with a smile.

"Now, it's time for you to see the truth, goodness and beauty of the clergy."

Lily of the valley always remembers that her task person is a person who is very particular about nun's words and deeds, she doesn't want her body to do anything 'out of line', these lily of the valley has always been well remembered.

Otherwise, she wouldn't just change out of the nun's attire just because of the possibility of fighting.

Perhaps, some people will feel that she is just deluding herself.

But Ling Lan felt that it was enough to prevent the nun's clothes, which Xin La cherished, from being stained with blood.

As for the body itself, Linglan thought about it, and she felt that it shouldn't be important.

Lily of the Valley happily took Xinla, who had turned into a crystal ball, and talked about her experience after she disappeared during this period, and also told about the two boxes she found. She took out everything in the box, bit by bit. He told Xin La all the time, but Xin La's soul just had some fluctuations when he saw the 'family portrait', and after that, he no longer had any complexion.

Linglan didn't care about this, and happily chatted with Xinla every day, and her life was very comfortable.

And this flash is half a month, half a month is enough time for some people to recognize certain things.

For example, the evil spirits in the manor have disappeared.

For example, the table knife that lily of the valley left there.

Lily of Lily hasn't seen Laura since then. She heard that she left overnight on the night when the evil spirit dissipated. Not long after that, it was reported that an 'artifact' was found in the Holy See. .

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Lily of the Valley, she is still the only nun in that humble town.

After recovering from his injuries, Fidel's temperament has also restrained a lot. Although sometimes his eyes on Lily of the Valley are still a little subtle, but he himself has restrained a lot. Everything is suppressed in his heart, and he no longer wants to cross the threshold. up.

As for Baron Fidel, after arranging everything in the manor and handing the title of baron to his son, the middle-aged and fat baron passed away in his sleep, and his only wish to stay in the world was That is, to be able to be buried together with his wife after death.

Dodd has had a good experience recently. He has already started to recite those Bibles that Lily of the Valley doesn't even want to read, let alone understand. He worked very hard. would be a good priest.

If there is anything dissatisfied, it is that whenever Lily of the Valley talks to him about her idea of ​​'making the church bigger and stronger', he will silently walk away.

Xin La has also returned to 'normal' recently, making cakes and pasta among the puppets every day, and the taste of her finished products can sometimes be comparable to those produced by the Encyclopedia.

And until this time, Ling Lan dug Xin La out of the puppet's mouth again, and then made a suggestion to Xin La with a smile.

"Do you want to switch back to your body? I think you should really want to present the cake you made yourself to your god."

There seemed to be some fluctuations in the crystal bead, but Lily of the Valley didn't have the possibility to express her opinion to Xin La at all. After she finished speaking, she changed her body.

The crystal ball instantly turned into a bright golden color, which is the most beloved color of the gods.

Xin La, who returned to her body, was still a little dazed, but after staring at the crystal ball in her hand for a while, she slowly calmed down.

Putting the crystal ball in her arms, Xinla started kneading the dough without saying a word.

She planned to make ramen for her god, but obviously, this kind of body highly strengthened by lily of the valley is not so easy to master, and she barely got used to it after trying several times, and then it was repeated. called mechanical action.

Xinla's movements are very slow and attentive. The soup she makes for the gods is not the one produced in the Lily of the Valley space. She uses the raw materials of this world, which are common things, but the soup she cooks Very attentive, whether it is the selection of materials or the temperature of the fire, it is all hard work.

In this way, Xinla stayed in the kitchen for a day and a night. Fortunately, Dodd was paid by Lily of the Valley in advance. Otherwise, Xinla's appearance would probably scare the 'children'.

In the end, she still made a bowl of hot noodle soup.

Just like Suzuran said, she is looking forward to presenting the meal she made by herself to her god.

No matter what it is, she hopes to be forgiven by the gods.

Maybe she has suffered, maybe she has experienced darkness, but in fact, the only thing she can't forgive is herself.

God, if I sincerely repent, can I be forgiven by you.

(End of this chapter)

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