Chapter 283

Every time her mother touched her belly, she felt a little hairy.

At that time, Baron Fidel just thought that his wife was not used to his mother's sudden change in attitude, and even laughed at her for being timid.

However, he didn't know until the moment the child was born that he had always been the one who was thinking too much!

It turned out that his mother had been possessed by an evil spirit before they both realized it!

The evil spirit took over his mother's body and devoured the lives of more than one baby.

This evil spirit has an inexplicable hostility towards the heirs of the Fidel family. Perhaps because of the fact that she was sealed and severely injured, she wanted to devour the blood of the Fidel family more than once.

At the critical moment, it was hidden in the mother's body, and the soul of the Baron's mother emerged to stop the evil spirit.

But it was just one blow. After one blow, the baron's mother disappeared, her body was damaged, and the evil spirit retreated.

This incident made Baron Fidel very uneasy, so for a long time, Baron Fidel took his children and wife to stay abroad, either traveling or living temporarily, and rarely returned. Live in this manor.

However, what people didn't expect was that the evil spirit actually followed him!
To be precise, the defeated evil spirit itself is hidden in the wedding ring on the baroness's hand, and has been absorbing the life force of the baroness to repair her body.

Don't look at the baroness who seems to be fine, but in fact, her vitality has reached the point of exhaustion.

Therefore, within a few years, the baroness passed away, which made the baron very sad, and finally returned to this land with his wife's body.

And at the moment of burial, the priest discovered something was wrong, forced out the evil spirit, rescued his sister's soul that was about to dissipate, and sent his sister to reincarnation.

And that evil spirit returned to Fidel's manor again.

Such an evil spirit was no longer something the priest could deal with.

And the clergy who can deal with this evil spirit cannot be hired by Fidel, who is a baron.

So in the end, they could only seal this evil spirit in this manor by means of a large-scale seal and let it leave.

And the price is that people from the Fidel family will live here for generations to guard this evil spirit.

As for the priest, after doing all this, he also fell into the situation of exhaustion.

In the end, just in case, he gave up the idea of ​​returning to the embrace of the demon god, and drew out his divine power and sealed it in the magic spar, leaving behind the possibility of dealing with evil spirits in the future.

The story ended here, but it was obvious that Suzuran was not satisfied.

"So that's the case. Then, what was this evil spirit like before he was alive? And why did he transform into an evil spirit?"

Lily's words quieted the atmosphere around her, and this time, it was the 'cousin' who spoke.

"The evil spirit was a noble lady in life, and the cause of death was her husband's infidelity."

Suzuran looked at her 'cousin', and her 'cousin' also looked at Suzuran. After a long time, she spoke again.

"The one who seduced her husband was a nun in the church in the small town. Even, the nun was pregnant with the other's child. Later, the nun killed the evil spirit and replaced the identity of the evil spirit."

Suzuran's eyes flashed, and then she seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly smiled, as if she was talking to herself, or as if she was explaining to someone.

"There are two ways to get rid of the evil spirit, one is to disperse it directly, and the other is to complete the obsession in her heart and let it dissipate directly. Obviously, the evil spirit cannot be dispersed just by breaking it up, so , now the only solution is the last one. However, so many years have passed, things have changed, and it is impossible to find the former parties. "

Having said that, Ling Lan looked at the two people sitting there, her expression became half a smile.

"Baron, your son approached me on purpose, right? As the only nun in the town, if she degenerated and became Fidel's plaything, wouldn't it be the same as the scene back then? If, I was pregnant A child from the Fidel family would be even better, you can kill two birds with one stone, as long as you burn me to death and let the evil spirit see it, maybe the evil spirit will disappear."

Having said that, she suddenly laughed heartily.

"By the way, if you have to be despised by thousands of people, have everyone point at you, and burn 'me' to death in front of everyone, it's best if your son also despises 'me' and abandons 'me', the worse it will be. The better, right?”

The baron's expression was obviously very ugly, but in the end, he reluctantly explained.

"My son, he, actually he doesn't know anything, he just..."

Lily of the Valley smiled, and under such a smile, the Baron didn't say his last explanation.

What could he say? What could he say that his son didn't know about evil spirits and went to seduce the nun Xin La, but he deliberately found someone to let his son's bad friends seduce the bet he made?

In the end, he still didn't say such an explanation.

At this time, Lily of the Valley also turned to her 'cousin'.

In fact, Lily of the Valley knew this 'cousin', or to be precise, it should be 'Laura, Captain of the Law Enforcement Team'.

In fact, she recognized this 'cousin' at the first sight. This is Xinla's last memory, the leader of the law enforcement team that arrested her from the two churches.

In fact, when Ling Lan was looking at Xin La's memories, she always had a question in her mind.

Originally, if the law enforcement team dealt with this kind of matter, it should deal with both parties involved. After the parade, two people should be burned to death.

But in the end, only Xinla was burned to death, and Fidel was still standing there, watching Xinla being burned to death.

This is wrong, but when she looked at Laura after hearing this, she already had some guesses in her heart.

"Who are you."

Laura looked at Lily of the Valley, and after thinking about it, she still revealed her real identity.

"Reserve of the Law Enforcement Team, Laura Adway."

Ling Lan closed her eyes, all the doubts in her heart were finally cleared away.

Edwin, the surname of the Baron's father.

This is not a secret in this town. It is said that the baron's father is a count. The birth of the baron is very accidental. It is the product of the time when the baron's mother was working as a mercenary outside.

Later, the baron's father returned to the family to inherit the title, and then married a wife who suited him.

The baron's mother returned to this small place and inherited the land.

(End of this chapter)

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