Chapter 92 Untitled 1
[No.30 One World, the script "The Empress Smiles Allure" is loading...]

[Special reminder: In this life, your wish is to destroy the beauty of the female patron, and prevent the male protagonist Chen Changxu from ascending to the throne. 】

It stinks.

It's like a rotten onion, after being cooked in a pot, it tastes like three months.

The stench came from Zihua.

She pinched her nose tightly and looked at herself with disgust, even more disgusted than when she hadn't merged with this string of data just now.

0718 didn't care about her current state, without asking for her consent, and introduced the plot to her as soon as it came up.

Just because this time, the plot is a bit complicated, divided into the original plot and the previous life plot.

Zihua is now in the Sheng Yuan Dynasty, she is the daughter of Prime Minister Gu Qin, and her biological mother is the nanny of the heroine, but her biological mother died of dystocia when giving birth to her.

And because the birth mother is gone, she is not a son, so although she is Gu Qin's daughter, to Gu Qin, she is just the product of his one-night affair.

Her father didn't pay much attention to her, and her mother didn't. She lived a very humble life in the prime minister's mansion, not even a concubine lady, but a newly bought maid, or a rough envoy.

The male protagonist in the original plot is the current saint Chen Nanfeng, and the female patron Qingcheng enters the palace for a draft. After entering the palace, she uses her intelligence to continuously attract Chen Nanfeng's appreciation and become a concubine Shu.

And not long after she became a concubine in Gu Qingcheng, she deliberately seduced Chen Nanfeng with her beauty, so that she could break free from her status as a maid and become a concubine Rong, and then continued to design the heroine, and finally ended up as a standard female supporting role who was given poison and wine to die.

The original plot was going to be like this, but this time the tourists were a bit willful, because they didn't like the appearance of the original hero Chen Nanfeng, so they changed the hero, and replaced it with Xu Wangye Chen Changxu, the original male supporting role.

And because she was too beautiful, not long after she appeared on the stage, Gu Qingcheng scratched her right cheek, disfigured her, and kicked her out of the prime minister's residence.

This is a dynasty that values ​​appearance very much. Ugly people have to pay taxes, so she was disqualified. After being kicked out of the prime minister's mansion, because of her ugly appearance, no one was willing to hire her, and she was willing to use her salary. After deducting taxes, it cannot support daily expenses.

In this way, after two days of shopping in the Changhuang City, she finally fainted due to exhaustion. It was a beggar who woke her up and kindly gave her a bowl and asked her to join him. From then on, she began to be a beggar on the Changhuangcheng Street. .

Three months later, because of assassinating Gu Qingcheng and destroying her wedding with Chen Changxu, she was beaten by someone sent by Gu Qingcheng, wrapped in straw mats, thrown to the side of the mountain, and died of hunger and pain.

The amount of information was a bit large, and Zihua finally fainted because she couldn't bear the smell on her body after listening to the whole plot.

It was already past noon when I woke up again, and the meat bun stalls on the street were shouting again, and the business was booming.

Zihua leaned against the big tree behind her, and after someone threw a penny into her bowl, she bought a big meat bun with the money she saved from being a beggar for a month.

Different times are different. The small meat buns in the past have tripled in size here, and one is enough for her to recover half of her physical strength.

But finding a suitable job is still a problem.

Zihua asked 0718 to help her navigate to a river, tidied up her appearance a little, and then rushed to Wudu.

The ancient fog city can arouse people's shopping desire more than the modern fog city, but she went this time not to buy things, but to make money, or to make a lot of money for the second child.

She started early, and when she arrived in Wudu, there was no one there yet, so she was not in a hurry, and just lay down and rested at the stall that Qian Laoer was going to set up.

He slept until the night wind became cold, and he woke up after being poured with a ladle of water.

The person who threw her was Qian Er Er, because his passenger ship stopped here and she blocked the way for his guests to get on the ship.

"Go, go, stinky beggar, get out of the way, don't hinder my business."

Zihua raised her eyebrows, and when she saw a handsome and luxurious man approaching, she sat and moved a bit.

The man is tall, 1.8 meters in height, handsome, and has the aura of a high-ranking person on his body.

[You met the male protagonist Xu Wang Ye Chen Changxu in this world, who is vicious and merciless, and has a habit of breaking his sleeves. 】

Broken sleeves?
What a strange setting.

Although Zihua is very grateful to 0718 for telling her the identity of the man, but the latter one, the amount of information is too much!

As a result, when she saw him talking to Qian Laoer at this moment, her eyes couldn't be straightened, but she remembered some things in the plot.

It is said that a gang has sprung up recently. The name of the gang is to rob corrupt officials, exchange the stolen goods for silver, and then throw the money into poor houses at night.

The guards pursued them many times, but they were never arrested.

The deeds of this gang naturally attracted the attention of the hero Chen Changxu, making him intend to include them under his command in order to strengthen his dark army and seek to usurp the throne.

Speaking of it, Chen Changxu had no intention of government affairs, but because of Gu Qingcheng's few words, he had the intention of treason, and she encouraged Gu Qin to help Chen Changxu ascend the throne behind his back, so Chen Changxu had a dissatisfaction with the current sage.

Zihua guessed that Chen Changxu's visit this time must be looking for Qian Laoer to inquire about the gang, so after Chen Changxu left, she recommended herself and asked to inquire about the gang.

Hearing that she wanted to help him, Qian Er Er grinned, showing his old yellow teeth, "You come to help me? Hahaha, don't be kidding, don't tell me you are the leader of the gang of beggars, so you can scout around for information."

He is short of manpower recently, but he still doesn't want to ask a beggar for help.

So after he finished speaking, seeing that Zihua was still standing there, he started to chase her away like a duck, pushed her to the side of his boat, and signaled her to go back to the land.

Zihua stubbornly didn't leave. After confirming that he really didn't believe it, she quickly picked up the flatbread on the wooden board and stuffed it all into her mouth.

Seeing this, Qian Laoer was so angry that his beard flew away, and he shouted angrily: "Where did the beggar come from? He actually ate all my supper. Spit it out!"

He was furious, but not only did Zihua not spit it out, but he also picked up the water bottle on the wooden board, poured water into his mouth, swallowed the big cake in his mouth well, and wiped the pimple on the side of his mouth when he was done. Water damage.

Qian Laoer's face was ashen.

Zihua ignored the fire knife in his eyes, and ran the breath in his body, shattering the kettle just put down, leaving only the bottom of the kettle.

The sound of the kettle exploding attracted the attention of many people, and Qian Laoer was even shocked and speechless.

Seeing his stunned appearance, Zihua smiled lightly, "Now you should believe in my strength!"

Qian Er Er looked at her dirty and ugly face in disbelief for a long time, and finally believed in the saying that people should not be judged by their appearance, and reluctantly nodded to hire her.

After Zihua took the opportunity to swindle some small money from him, he started to return to the Changhuang City, bought new clothes, went to the inn to open a room, and quickly washed off the dirt accumulated for a month, and put on a clean body Pack.

There was no peculiar smell on her body, she wrung out her hair comfortably, and then helped herself to tie it.

(End of this chapter)

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