Chapter 91 Different Antibodies 17
The cave was two meters high. Fortunately, it was autumn, the season of falling leaves, and the bottom of the cave was covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves, so they were not hurt if they fell.

It's just that his wife has a baby in her belly. After all the troubles, the amniotic fluid broke and she urgently needs to give birth. That's why the task is so urgent. They urgently need to rescue the pregnant woman and bring her back to the seventh district to give birth.

Today Li An's group of robbers went to the Eighth District to make trouble. The second, third and fourth teams have already been dispatched to support them. Now there is only one team left in the Seventh District. There are 13 people in the first team. It was very easy to rescue the child from the cave, and it took about 10 minutes.

But it was a bit difficult for the pregnant woman to give birth. There is only one woman at home in the refugee area, and the others are all little girls who have never even been in a relationship, let alone helping to deliver a baby. Besides, some of them are afraid of seeing blood.

Several people told Li Xuan about the situation, and without further ado, he put his mind on Zihua.

Of course, Zihua was the only woman in the first team, so he didn't blame her or anyone else.

"Zihua, go and help! I know you haven't given birth yet and you are young, but the girls in the refugee area are afraid of seeing blood, but you are not afraid of blood, and you are strong enough to hold down the mother. Now No matter how you think about it, you are the most suitable, and don't you want to upgrade? Maybe after this is done, Major Liu will upgrade you."

He smiled and patted her shoulder, his expression very serious.

Seeing him earnestly upgrade the word, Zihua's eyes that were still refusing fluctuated. She weighed the pros and cons, and found that the pros and cons of this matter outweighed the cons for her, so she gritted her teeth. With a smile, she walked into the delivery room.

As soon as she opened the door, she smelled a bloody smell, mixed with the smell of some kind of leaves, that hit her nostrils.Painful "ah, ah" cries filled my ears, as well as the loud voice of the woman in charge of delivering the baby, "Come on, don't be afraid."

It turns out that virtual people can also have children.

The scene was made quite real.

While she was thinking this, she followed the instructions of the woman in the room, walked to the mother who was already sweating profusely, and grabbed her hand that was constantly moving.

Zhou Hai's daughter-in-law was instantly entangled in iron chains, unable to move her hands, and her long nails could no longer scratch anyone, so she could only vent her pain by biting the towel tightly.

Seeing Zhou Hai's daughter-in-law's body suddenly settle down, the woman couldn't help but look up at Zihua. She had her hair tied up, perfectly showing her delicate facial features, with frowning brows and flushed cheeks.

Beautiful things can make people feel happy. It has been a long time since I saw such a beautiful face in the last days. The woman couldn't help but look at her a few more times. She didn't come back to herself until Zihua's impatient cold light swept over her.

In fact, from Zihua's point of view, only one person is needed to watch here. The woman is responsible for holding down the pregnant woman and encouraging her to give birth by her ears. There is no need for another person to hold down the pregnant woman.

I don't know how long I worked hard in the room, but not long after the sunlight shining in through the window disappeared, the child came out smoothly.

The cry of the baby soon resounded throughout the Seventh District.

The woman cut the baby's umbilical cord, wrapped it in red cotton cloth, and carried it to Zhou Hai's wife.

Zhou Hai's daughter-in-law sat up against the wall, and when she heard the baby crying so loudly, she smiled happily, hugged the baby, and caught a glimpse of Zihua's leaving figure out of the corner of her eye, and called her to stop.

"Lieutenant Guan, please stay!"

Zihua stopped and looked back puzzled.

The child has picked it up for you, what else do you want her to do?
"Lieutenant Guan, it was thanks to your help just now that you carried me out of the cave so that I could go back to the seventh district to give birth safely. Now you help me deliver the baby so that the child can meet me safely. You have really done us a mother and daughter There are too many things, can you name my daughter?"


She had never done this before.

The eyes of Zhou Hai's daughter-in-law and the woman were shining brightly.

If you don't take it, it seems that you can't go.

She glanced at the baby, pretended to think about it seriously, and said nonsense, "Let's call it Shuqing! It means dawn and sunny day."

What a meaningless name.

Zhou Hai's daughter-in-law and wife liked it very much, and they called the newborn one by one.

Seeing that they liked the name so much, she came up with another name out of guilt, replacing Shu with Shu. Calling Shu Qing seemed more suitable for girls.

Opening her mouth, she wanted to say to replace Shuqing with Shuqing, but seeing that the newborn seemed to have responded to the name, and the two of them were quite satisfied, she finally turned around and left the small room without saying anything.

Zhou Hai, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, couldn't wait to go into the small room to see the newborn.

When Li Xuan saw it, he patted Zihua on the shoulder with a smile, "Hello! Major Guan. This time I will definitely be upgraded, call ahead."

Didn't you call in advance?

It has been ten days since the merit reports were reported, but the matter of upgrading is like a stone sinking into the sea, and not a single hint has been received.

Zihua is not in a hurry, she just does what she has to do every day. Originally, she wanted to upgrade. Apart from saving herself from doing chores such as sweeping the floor, she was more thinking about helping Baihui to develop a vaccine and tripping her up. Son, let her suffer more.

But as far as it is now, without her doing any damage, Bai Hui has already suffered a lot.

Due to the lack of experience of the doctors responsible for developing the vaccine, Bai Hui assisted in the development for a month, but the vaccine against IFI has not yet been developed.

Every time the people in District [-] saw Bai Hui's pale face, they would be very concerned about her health and well-being.

However, too much concern has become her burden.She greeted people with a smile at first, but now she has a black face when she sees everyone.

With a hot face and a cold butt, gradually, people have alienated her.

Zihua is still the same Zihua, but Baihui is no longer Baihui who just entered the seventh district. Her kindness and enthusiasm seem to have been consumed, leaving only indifference and disdain.

This state was maintained, and after another month, she slowly regained her previous enthusiasm until the experienced doctor appeared.

It's just that the refugees' attitude towards her is no longer as enthusiastic as before. The person they admire most now is Zihua, the person who will always appear by their side no matter when they are in danger, the brave and fearless captain of the fifth team .

After Zihua became the captain of the fifth team, she has been following her own training standards to strengthen her team into a strong force. No matter what tasks it performs, it remains calm and fearless. Just three months after its establishment, it has become the seventh team. recognized as the strongest team in the district.

In the past few months, the number of refugees in District 50 has increased from 200 to 80 now, of which more than [-] were rescued by people from Team [-].

Liu Chuliang was very satisfied with the result.

The day when the anti-IFI vaccine was finally developed happened to be the day when Zihua was promoted and became a major. Baihui and Zihua took the stage at the same time and received Liu Chuliang's commendation together.

People are certainly happy that the vaccine has been developed, but they are more happy for Zihua as a major, and they are very grateful to her for her courageous rescue all the time.After she was promoted and stepped down, Tuantuan surrounded her to congratulate her.

Obviously, her aura overshadowed Bai Hui, and Bai Hui's credit for helping to develop the vaccine was far less than her constant assistance.

In this life, Bai Hui failed to become the savior sought after by everyone as in the previous life, and settled down mediocrely in the seventh district.

As for whether she and Li Xuan were together, Zihua didn't know, because she resigned from her position on the fifth day after she was promoted to lieutenant, and the big truck when she came back with a hundred people left the seventh district .

The world is so big, she wants to take a look.Besides, now that the task has been completed, instead of going to rescue refugees every day, she prefers to drive a truck, stop and go, free and unrestricted.

Bai Hui was happy when Zihua left District [-] because she no longer had to hear her name mentioned so often.However, she was wrong. Zihua's departure made District [-] miss her even more and talk about her great achievements all the time.

In order to forget these troubles, Bai Hui began to show her love to Li Xuan crazily, but Li Xuan was like an elm, no matter how she expressed her intentions, he still took care of business and not personal affairs, and finally married a refugee.

And just when she was about to sabotage his wedding, a strong light suddenly appeared in the world in front of her, her eyes darkened, and she fainted.


Jinping Central Hospital.

The sound of the ventilator and heartbeat monitor filled the room.

According to the monthly routine, Father Bai came to visit his daughter at nine o'clock in the morning.

The person on the bed today is still sleeping peacefully, without heavy makeup, his face looks so pale and pure.

Seeing this, Father Bai's expression remained as usual, without any trace of distress.Instead, the housekeeper who had been taking care of Bai Hui felt distressed.

"Master, I think we should let the young lady enter the life experience system one more time! After the young lady was connected last time, the frequency of her heartbeat fluctuated wildly, and she seemed to be showing signs of waking up."

After hearing her words, Father Bai didn't show any joy on his face, he just waved his hands to show his rejection.

Recently, the company's turnover has declined. It costs 500 million yuan to enter the broken system once.

And now that Bai Hui has become a vegetable, she cannot marry that boy from the Xie family, and that boy from the Xie family has a family now. To be honest, she is like a useless chess player now, and it doesn't matter whether she wakes up or not.

The butler knew what his master was thinking, but looking at Bai Hui's bloodless little face, he still couldn't help feeling sorry for her, and couldn't help but feel sorry for her and said, "It's all my fault for meeting a girl with big breasts. How can a man have such a thing?" I don't like big breasts, that young master of the Xie family really has no discernment, and he actually likes such vulgar women..."

Father Bai raised his hand to tell her to shut up, and sighed: "Everyone has their own love. Besides, if Xiaohui hadn't hit someone with the car first, she wouldn't have had a car accident. She would have been lying here for two years."

After that, he stood up, tidied his expensive suit, and looked at the person on the bed, "It's been two years, I don't know how long she will have to lie down, if I lie down again, I will be old, and the company doesn't know what to pay to whom."

Sadness stained his wrinkled face.

The butler stood aside respectfully, just as he was about to comfort Father Bai, a crisp bell rang in the private ward.

Father Bai withdrew his gaze from Bai Hui, and answered the phone casually. After answering, he left the ward while talking on the phone, got in the car and went back to the company.

As if the housekeeper had expected it, she stood in front of the blinds and looked out the window. She didn't turn around until she saw a stretched Lincoln driving away from the hospital.

He started changing the water for the flowers in the room, helping Bai Hui tidy up her appearance, giving her daily massage, talking to her, and helping her turn over.

Turn around and leave, then come back and continue doing the same work as yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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