Quickly cross this bowl of dog food

Chapter 81 Refining Poisons and Medicines, Not Giving You Beauty (32)

Chapter 81 Refining Poisons and Medicines, Not Giving You Beauty (32)
Yu quietly took out all the wooden boxes, and Master Sheng Xu was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth for a long time. After checking them one by one, he couldn't believe it!
Every kind of elixir is actually of the right quality, the side effects are minimized, it doesn't matter if the grade is low, good quality is the last word.

Did he pick up some treasure today?

Uh, no, it should be the old baby!
"These, 100 million gold coins, is it enough?"

Master Shengxu nodded.

Is it more than enough?If you really want to sell at a higher price, it is not a problem to make a family half bankrupt!

The woman in green followed Master Shengxu's order and put the pill together with other items waiting to be auctioned.

"Do you know what method you use to hide your strength? You can't see it at all."

Why do you like to ask like that, she is getting annoyed.

"What's with you?"

Master Sheng Xu: "..."

Anyway, he is also a respected master!

This pharmacist definitely has a bad temper!

The woman in green stepped forward and said, "Your elixir is already among the auction items. This is your number plate. After the auction is over, we will distribute the proceeds based on your number plate."

Yu nodded quietly, but the woman in green looked like she was going to send her out. She wanted to see how the market was doing!

Yu Quietly returned to the room and asked Master Shengxu, "How can I enter the auction house?"

Master Shengxu was taken aback, but there is no such precedent!It stands to reason that pharmacists are not allowed to enter the auction, so what should they do if they take the opportunity to raise the price of their items?
But this one, if you get angry...

Both sides were difficult to deal with, and Master Shengxu was very embarrassed. Seeing that the auction was about to start in a while, Yu Qiaoqiao immediately took the woman in green hostage, "I don't care, I want to go in."

The woman in green: "..."

Why did she suddenly become a hostage?This adult is too fast!

Master Sheng Xu: "..."

Why is this adult so capricious?
Master Shengxu wiped the sweat from his forehead, "It's not up to us to decide. A token is required to enter the auction house. Without a token, you can't enter anyway."

And tokens are only available to those who have money and reserve in advance.

Hey, I'm so angry, and I can't go in stealth, I will be discovered by the special inspection device.

Yu Quietly took out a small white jar from nowhere and put it next to the woman's nose in green. Little Green was forced to smell a strange smell and fell into a coma.


Yu quietly threatened, and she moved Xiaolu to a chair.

Master Shengxu sighed, what else can we do?The opponent is too powerful, we can't stand it at all!He is just a middle-aged white-haired pharmacist, why should he be treated like this? !

Master Shengxu was really forced to have no choice but to violate the rules and gave Yu Quietly his own token, which Yu Quietly took.

The wide and long sleeves just cover her hands, so no one can see her hands, and naturally they won't think she is a girl.

Yu Quietly was about to leave, but was stopped by Master Sheng Xu, "Please wait, this..."

Master Shengxu pointed to the unconscious woman in green, she must have been killed!

"It will naturally wake up in an hour."

Yu Quietly strode away and showed the token. The inspection device did not find any problems. She stepped into the auction site, but saw several familiar figures: Nangong Ao representing the royal family, Father Yun and Yun Qinghe representing the Yun family. .

(End of this chapter)

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