Quickly cross this bowl of dog food

Chapter 80 Refining Poisons and Medicines, Not Giving You Beauty (31)

Chapter 80 Refining Poisons and Medicines, Not Giving You Beauty (31)

Then he took a deep breath.

What kind of crap is this skill, it's too much for the host, fall!


The host seems to be angry.


Taking advantage of no one's attention, Yu Quietly put on a black cloak after being invisible, and then appeared after blending in. After a while, a woman in green came towards her.

"you are?"

Most of the guests who come here are old acquaintances, and it is not surprising that there are a few new faces from time to time, but this person in front of him, who can't tell the gender, appearance, or strength, really attracts attention.

"A pharmacist."

The old voice came from the big black hat, and the woman in green was a little surprised. If it was a pharmacist, why had she never seen this one before?

But no one dared to joke about his identity as a pharmacist. After all, if he was caught as a fake pharmacist, his fate would range from severed hands and feet to severe death.

"Please come with me."

The woman in green's attitude became more and more respectful, and she led Yu quietly to a room.

Inside sat a real old man, with benevolent eyes, ruddy complexion, and expensive clothes... It seemed that he made a lot of money.

The woman in green introduced: "This is the master of virtual life in our auction house."

It's not clear whether she is old or not, but it's right to be older than her anyway.

At that age, it seems that he is older than Dr. Ling.

As soon as he spoke, it was a mature but not old voice, "May I ask which family's alchemist you are from? Or, where do you come from?"

Master Shengxu searched in his heart for a while, but found nothing. Could it be that this is some kind of hidden master?

For alchemists, it's better to keep a distance, no matter how strong or weak the opponent is, they must be cautious when speaking.

If the strength is to crush the opponent... then you are welcome.

"Poison Valley."

Those three simple words caused a huge commotion. Master Sheng Xu's expression changed, and he stood up excitedly, "Are you from the Medicine and Poison Valley?"

Then he sat down as if he had calmed down, "Sorry, I was a little rude just now."

I saw the black robe moved slightly, as if nodding in acknowledgment.

"Can you tell me your age?"

Those who come out of Medicine and Poison Valley must all be abnormal geniuses, but he is curious, which expert from Medicine and Poison Valley is this?
"The year of the armor."

The voice sounded about that age.

"My humble servant is a hypocrite, now I am two rounds younger than you, can I call you elder brother?"

The woman in green was secretly surprised at the side. Master Shengxu was usually famous for being arrogant. Of course, this was normal, but why was he so respectful now?When she thought of this, the woman in green bent down even lower, and her expression became more respectful.

Under the cover of the big black hat, Yu quietly frowned.

What are you kidding?Small two rounds?
Isn't that only thirty years old?

Is white hair a joke? !

Does alchemy make people old?
Yu Qiaoqiao did not answer directly, but directly pointed out the purpose of this trip, "I came here today because of the reputation, so I naturally have a purpose."

She pushed several exquisite wooden boxes in front of Master Shengxu, "This is my purpose."

Master Shengxu opened one of the boxes, and a faint fragrance came immediately.

Master Sheng Xu's face is full of joy, he has been refining medicine for more than two decades since his age, and the number of times he has refined this kind of medicine is very small.

The originally dignified expression was even more joyful now.

Look, this smooth surface!

Smell, this fragrant breath!

(End of this chapter)

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