Quickly cross this bowl of dog food

Chapter 792 The Way of Farming (3)

Chapter 792 The Way of Farming ([-])

Obviously, there is poison in the porridge.

This explains clearly why the woman just wanted her to drink the porridge so much.

Almost got killed in the beginning.

Thinking about it, the original owner's previous situation was not very good.

After a few more hours, the rat's corpse began to emit a stench, especially in the small space.

Yu Quietly recuperated her body a bit, got off the bed with difficulty, put on her shoes, and pushed open the door.

The sunlight that entered her eyes was a little dazzling, perhaps because she hadn't seen the sun for a long time, she actually felt dizzy.

There was a barren field in front of me, and the smoke from cooking came out from another cabin.

It should be the woman who was cooking just now.

Yu Quietly supported the wall the whole time. Where there was no wall, he took a step and rested for a while, intermittently, and finally reached it.

The woman didn't notice Yu Qiaoqiao. She took out a small packet of something like medicinal powder from her sleeve, and was about to pour it into the porridge, "I see if you still want to eat it."

She poured it in and wanted to stir it with a spoon, but when she turned around, she saw Yu Youyou who was holding on to the door frame.


"Why are you up, you damn girl?"

The panic on the woman's face was very obvious. She deliberately pretended to be nothing, trying to make sure that the other party saw her taking the medicine.

Yu Qiaoqiao didn't bother to pretend to be with her, and said directly: "Let me see how you plan to kill me."

She laughed mockingly, "I didn't expect it to be such a clumsy method of prescribing medicine."

"What medicine? Su Qin, don't talk nonsense!"

The woman refused to admit it.

But her acting skills are obviously not very good, and the whole face is almost written "You must not have seen that I did it".

"Well, you can drink that bowl of porridge."

Yu quietly raised her hand and pointed.


The woman froze in place.

"What? Don't you listen to me?"

Yu quietly wrote down his name quietly.

She's not stupid either.

She took a look at the place where the original owner lived. It was not particularly luxurious, but it was elegant. There was a large field in front of it.

Although the original owner himself didn't know why he lived in the firewood house, the furnishings in other rooms were very good.

And the woman in front of her, although she was a bit domineering to the original owner, her back was slightly hunched, her hands were covered with thick calluses, and her face was also exposed to wind and sun.

Generally speaking, this happens only to people who have been working for many years.

On the other hand, the original owner, although his body is weak, has slender and cold hands, and there are no scars on his body. At first glance, he looks like a young lady from a wealthy family in ancient times, with ten fingers not touching the spring water.

Therefore, it is not difficult to judge the relationship between the original owner and the woman, one is the master and the other is the servant.

It's just that the woman's attitude is really tricky.

Yu Quietly couldn't help wondering whether the original owner's family was ruined, and that's why he ended up being made things difficult by his servants.

Her reasoning was sound, but it was just a guess.

But the woman couldn't help trembling, and the fear revealed subconsciously confirmed Yu Quietly's conjecture.

Yu Quietly straightened her back, trying her best not to look seriously ill, "I've endured you for a long time, and I haven't said it out, just to see when you will wake up, I didn't expect you to have vicious thoughts and want me to die."

She lifted the lid on the side, and the food underneath was rich, with a combination of meat and vegetables, and balanced nutrition, "You prepared this for yourself? It's not bad."

(End of this chapter)

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