Quickly cross this bowl of dog food

Chapter 791 The Way of Farming (2)

Chapter 791 The Way of Farming ([-])

The original owner's physical condition...was not ideal.

When Yu Quietly coughed, she felt that she was about to cough up all her internal organs.

A group of uncomfortable.

And there is no system, she has no idea how she was sent here and what she is here for.

Yu Quietly pushed himself up and sat up, leaning against the wall.

Sure enough, the weak Liu Fufeng sick beauty in the TV series is not believable!

The real sick man only suffers a lot.

Yu quietly surveyed the surrounding environment.

She should be in a small room now.

Similar to a woodshed.

It was cold and damp.

It was still pitch black, with no light at all.

There was cold porridge by her bed.

But it seems to have a bad smell.

The original owner didn't seem to have moved a single bite.

Yu quietly took a spoon and stirred it.

There is very little rice in the porridge, almost some rice soup.

She's hungry now, but doesn't want to drink that stuff either.

The main reason is that it is not full, and it is broken. If she eats and spoils her stomach, it will be worse.

The door was pushed open with a creaking sound, and a little light came in.

The person who came was a short, chubby woman. Her face was full of impatience, her fat was piled together, and she looked funny. "Hey, you got up so early today?"

"You sick man is really lucky, you won't die."

The woman picked up the bowl and said, "Tsk, why do you still have it? Do you really think you are so delicate? It would be nice to give you some."

She picked up the bowl and put it to Yu Qian's mouth, "What? You want me to feed you?"

Yu quietly avoided.

She felt that women were not kind, so she probably didn't have any good intentions to come up to feed her porridge so suddenly.

"Don't give your face shame!"

The woman insisted on forcing Yu to eat quietly.

Yu quietly closed her lips and pushed her hard.

The woman's puffy body couldn't stand still, and she fell backwards. The bowl she held in her hand shattered with a "slap", and the rice soup flowed all over the floor.

"You little bitch!"

The woman struggled to get up, as if she was about to hit someone.

Yu quietly coughed several times and spat out a mouthful of blood on the woman.

The woman frowned in disgust as if she was afraid of contracting some infectious disease. She raised her hand in mid-air and stopped, "You sick bastard, you died when you died, and you want to drag others into the water! You are really vicious!"

After she finished speaking, she hurriedly opened the door and left.

The house is quiet again.

There was only Yu Quietly coughing one after another.

She felt that her time was numbered.

Even if he could live longer, with people like women around, he would be tortured to death sooner or later.

Although Yu Quietly can't guess the task now, the most important thing is to keep herself alive.

If it was herself, with no other concerns, and being treated like this, she would probably choose to commit suicide.

But this is someone else's life, she has to live.

There was the sound of rats in the house, and the rattling of their movements.

They ran out from nowhere and gathered at the place where the bowl of porridge shattered.

A little mouse stepped forward to lick a few mouthfuls first, and the other partners followed suit.

They took a big bite and basically cleaned up the leftovers on the ground.

However, just as they finished eating and were about to go back into the hole, the little mouse that ate first suddenly fell to the ground.

The rest of the mice wanted to go forward to see what was going on, but they fell one by one and never got up again.

There were several dead bodies in the house.

Yu quietly lay on the bed and witnessed the death of the mouse.

She stared at the broken bowl on the floor.

(End of this chapter)

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