Quickly cross this bowl of dog food

Chapter 169 The Subjugated Princess (1)

Chapter 169 The Subjugated Princess ([-])

In the end, the spring water that Yu Youyou obtained so hard was used to clean her wounds.

Leaving hands and feet aside, there were indeed two scratches on his face, which made Yu Quietly depressed for a long time.


After about four or five days, they finally saw a living person in the desert.

There were two people in total, one was tall with a scar on his face, and the other was short, but they were menacing and did not look friendly.

In fact, they are also really unfriendly.

After seeing Yu Qiaoqiao and Ming Jin, the little one among them was the first to speak: "Hit, hit..."

It's a little stutter.

Yu Quietly guessed what he was going to say, but thought it was a little funny.

You have to look like a bandit to be a bandit!
There was a chuckle in the carriage, the little man noticed that there was someone inside, and he exchanged a glance with the tall man...

No, the height difference between the two of them is too big to be called eye-to-eye.

The little man said secretly: "What should I do? It seems that there is more than one person on the other side, and there are people in the carriage."

The big tall man laughed, "What are you afraid of? So what if there are people? We are still afraid of them? We finally met someone in this poor place. How can we get over it if we don't grab him?"

The little man and the tall man were originally servants of the same family, but because they were too fierce, they could only do jobs like guards. The guards were hard and tiring, and their salary was still low.

The long-term poverty life made them more and more dissatisfied. Finally one day, the tall man asked the little man if he wanted to leave?

The little dwarf didn't dare to speak like the big tall one, at most he just thought about it, he didn't dare to say it, he wanted to leave, but he signed the deed of sale, and he couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

Besides, when they heard that the daughter of the mansion was about to marry a prince, they thought that after that, the salary should be a little more.

It's not like eating worse than a dog.

Who knew that after that young lady got married, not only did their salary not increase, but even less!

So the tall man encouraged the little man, and together they stole a lot of things from the house. In the process of escaping, they ended up in the desert for some reason, and got lost a few days ago!

"Excuse me, do you two have anything else to do? If nothing happens, please give way."

Mingji's low voice silenced the tall man and the little man for a while.

The tall and the small ones originally thought that meeting people in this desert would be very difficult. They had no way to go out and could only waste time in the desert. They seemed to be on their way when they saw this person, and wanted him to Take them a ride.

But after thinking about it, the two of them are also considered bandits, especially after seeing each other's outfit and guessing that the other party is either rich or expensive, their restless hearts are disobedient.

What do you want to make peace with?What request?Just grab it!This is what bandits do!

Thinking that the little man spoke too slowly, the big tall man spoke first, "Can't you tell from the robbery? If you have any valuables, hand them over!"

Why give way...

Oh, is that what they are supposed to do?

The tall man trembled a little when he said this, but he still pretended to be calm.

They have no experience, they have only stolen things from the owner's house, and they have never robbed in such a formal way.

Robbery or something, really scary!

Ming Jin was about to draw his sword, but Yu Quietly stopped him with a voice, "Ah Jin, don't do it."

She still thinks that no one is looking for trouble, and she feels bored!
Someone delivered it to her door, wouldn't it be just in line with her wishes?
(End of this chapter)

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