Quickly cross this bowl of dog food

Chapter 168 The Subjugated Princess ()

Chapter 168 The Subjugated Princess ([-])

Maybe I still have a runny nose.

Ming Jin shook his head and said, "It's okay."

He was already very satisfied to be able to comfort the little princess.

Yu quietly sniffled, and said, "Go change your clothes later, it's so dirty."

In fact, she disliked herself a little.

She was wronged to a certain extent, but how could she cry so much?Forget it, it would be nice to be a squeamish little princess who only knows how to speak.

It was just tears and snot one after another, it was really hard for her to face the reality.

Holding the glazed cup, Yu quietly said to Ming Jin, "Do you want to use this water?"

Ming Jin: "..." Do you use this water to take a bath?

Ming Jin shook his head and said seriously: "Is the little princess injured anywhere?"

It was his task to protect the little princess. The little princess didn't hurt her brain when she fell like that, but she must have been hurt elsewhere.

Not to mention, Yu Qiaoqiao really can't remember that she was injured, probably because the pain of losing her beauty offset the physical pain, now that the former is gone, she can feel the latter immediately.

Yu quietly rubbed her waist, "It hurts, it hurts."

Huge pain, okay?If the task hadn't been completed yet, the probability of death was relatively small, and she might have fallen to her death long ago.

Ming Jin expressed some hesitation, he naturally wanted the little princess to recover as soon as possible, especially when the little princess spoke, he wished that he was the one who got hurt.

But actions such as rubbing the waist are too intimate...

Ming Jin entered the carriage, rummaged through it, and took out a box just in case of danger, which contained gauze and some medicine. He thought he could protect the little princess without taking the box.

But he didn't do it.

"What is this?" Yu Quietly asked curiously, still sitting on the ground.

"Back to the little princess, this is a medicine box. It's actually not that formal, but the medicine inside is more effective than the ones on the market."

Ming Jin rummaged in the box again, "The little princess is like this, it is very likely that she has an internal injury, it might be better to use this."

Ming Jin put a small white porcelain bottle in front of Yu Qiaoqiao, who was momentarily dazed.

The small white porcelain bottle...he also has...

"Little princess?"

Mingjin called back Yu, who was distracted, and poked her face in a daze. The previous plane had too much influence on her, especially a certain person.

Ming Jin continued to explain to Yu Quietly the function of each medicine bottle. He is a man, so it is impossible for him to help Yu Quietly apply the medicine, so no matter how "squeamish" the little princess is, she has to endure the pain alone to administer the medicine for herself.

Yu Qiaoqiao was clearly absent-minded, and seeing Mingjin looking at her again, she felt a little embarrassed, so she changed the topic, "Mingjin, why do you remember so clearly?"

Ming Jin smiled and said, "I practiced martial arts when I was a child. I didn't have any problems, but I had a lot of small wounds. Therefore, I often need medication. Naturally, I remember it clearly."

"It seems that there are..."

Apart from practicing martial arts, it seems that there is something else, which is also the reason why he needs medicine. What is it?Why can't he remember?
Seeing the puzzled expression on the little princess's face, Ming Jin quickly denied himself, "It's nothing."

Probably he remembered it wrong.

After learning some basic knowledge, Yu Quietly sat in the carriage, muttering softly while taking medicine.

"Oh, it hurts!"

"How can it hurt so much!"

She dared not speak loudly, for fear of being overheard.

As everyone knows, even so, Ming Jin, who was leaning against the carriage, still heard it, and he only felt that his heart was about to be pulled.

(End of this chapter)

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