Quickly cross this bowl of dog food

Chapter 157 The Cold Palace Concubine (End)

Chapter 157 The Cold Palace Concubine (End)

At that time, A Lu didn't know that when he met the young master, the young master escaped because of the cover of his tribe.

The clansmen who sheltered the son did not have time to escape, and all of them were sentenced to death.

That's why that little boy desperately and unswervingly wants to learn everything he can learn.

Because he knows that one day, what he learns will come in handy.

Everything was in preparation for the revenge plan that he had hidden deep in his heart since he was young.

As if he was born for revenge.


When Lu Ji came out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he felt more and more uneasy. He hadn't had a nightmare for a long time. To him, having a nightmare meant that he was going to lose something very important.

The last time I had a nightmare was when I was seven years old.

During that year, he never slept soundly, and whenever he closed his eyes, what appeared in his mind were blood-stained clansmen.

But this time, he dreamed of Shu Qing.

In the dream, Shu Qing was also lying in a pool of blood, the difference was that she was first strangled to death, and then stabbed.

He also heard the words of several servants.

"Concubine Shu! It's so miserable! Not only did she lose her life at such a young age, but she also lost her child!"

"I heard that the poor child was drowned in the ice water alive!"

"Say, who did this?"

"Who else could it be? It's nothing more than Su Jieyu! She had a child before, but after losing Concubine Shu, wouldn't she be the master of the harem?"

Even though he was as smart as Lu Ji, he didn't know what was going on. Could it be that Qing'er was saved from death because of his plan?
But Qing'er doesn't like Lu Hong, so how could there be Lu Hong's child?

Lu Ji couldn't figure it out for a moment. He rubbed the center of his brows, and suddenly remembered the fat cat she raised.

She is a kind woman, and Zuko's children are well taken care of, as are the cats.

He picked up the brush and dipped some ink on it. When he saw the food box, he was stunned, and the ink dripped on the table.

He didn't notice it at all, put down the brush, walked towards the red lacquered golden pear case, stroked it with his slender fingers.

"It's a pity that we didn't get mung bean cake."

Not far away, a vase with a round and smooth body, white and delicate porcelain, and plum blossoms on the flower surface suddenly fell from the air and shattered into pieces.

Lu Ji's black eyes looked over, and his thin lips pursed slightly. It was a vase given to him by Shu Qing, but it fell on the ground for some reason.

And there was obviously no one there.


Xiao Cui finally left the palace, it took her quite some time to know where her master was going, but the master didn't bring any coins with him, and walked westward alone.

It seemed that it was a gamble, the master blocked everything from her, and no one knew what bet she wanted.

Prime Minister Shu was furious and threatened to kick her out of the Shu family, denying her as a daughter, but he still sent someone to look for her in private, although there was no result.

Concubine De also wanted to go look for her together, but the general didn't allow it, and Concubine De made a fuss for a while.

Not long after, Concubine De finally married her beloved man, and the two made an appointment to grow old together.


When Lu Ji took the throne, it happened to be August [-]th, the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The moon in the sky was like a jade plate, and he saw the scene where the lights of Wanjia were lit up again.

There was a mocking smile on Lu Ji's lips, and his indifferent eyes were exactly the same as that night in the bamboo forest, even colder.

This year, too, he was alone.

He thought that this year would be different.

In the end, it's just a matter of your own doing.

(End of this chapter)

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