Chapter 288 H Fairy Tale 25.0
one year later.

Chi Mo blew up the wooden house again, and she was dragged out of the black smoking wooden house by Hui Hui.

The system squeaked and rushed out of the wooden house: "Chi Mo! You god damn it!!"

Gaia poured a bucket of water on the system's body to extinguish the flames on it. Seeing it lying motionless on the ground, he sighed, squatted down, and poked it lightly with his fingers.

The system turned over with difficulty, let out a breath of foul air, and stared at the blue sky in a trance.

"Teacher, are you not injured?" Seeing that the system is fine, Gaia walked to Chi Mo's side, and seeing her looking thoughtfully at the burning wooden house, asked gently.

The attendants brought by Gaia were struggling to put out the fire, and the fire in the wooden house was much smaller, leaving only black smoke rising continuously.

Seeing the rising black smoke, the people at the bottom of the mountain sighed helplessly, knowing that it was the lord witch who was tinkering with the magic potion again.

"Teacher?" Seeing that Chi Mo was in a daze, Gaia stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her eyes. Seeing her ecstasy, Gaia stood on tiptoe, trying to press down the bloated hair on her head.

Chi Mo came back to his senses, took a step back, avoided Gaia's hand, wiped his face nonchalantly, but inadvertently added a smear to his face.

"Teacher." Gaia put down her hand helplessly, pointed to her left cheek, and signaled to Chi Mo that her face was covered with dust.

"It's been a year." Chi Mo raised his head, looked at the birds flying past the bushes, narrowed his eyes slightly, thoughtful.

Gaia paused, inevitably thinking of what Chi Mo said when he promised to teach him a year ago.

Today is the deadline they agreed upon, and she is leaving too.

"Gaia." Chi Mo turned his head sideways, looked at the hero who had changed a lot from a year ago, and smiled: "I'm leaving."

Gaia is different from Kalia, he is sunny and gentle, good at expressing his inner emotions, and his parents love a happy family.

In a way, Gaia is like the mirror image of Kalia, he has all the things and qualities that Kalia admires and wants to have.

Chi Mo pulled his messy hair. It was rare for the system to be right. Few people would really hate a person like Gaia.

He is too clean, sunny and kind, straightforward and gentle, he will carefully notice the changes in the mood of the people around him, he will carefully protect the people around him, and he will empathize with him.

"Teacher, will you come back?" Gaia was a little disappointed, but he didn't speak to persuade Chi Mo to stay. He knew that Chi Mo had something to do and difficulties that he couldn't talk about.

Chi Mo blinked and shook his head: "Maybe not."

Hui Hui at the side looked at the ruined wooden house with dejected eyes, moaned softly, rubbed his head against Chi Mo's hand, and acted like a spoiled child to her aggrieved.

It likes this little house and this country very much, and doesn't want to leave.

This country is as warm and sunny as Gaia, and the people are very receptive. They never reject Hui Hui and Chi Mo, but instead warmly welcome them and express their sincere gratitude.

Huihui has been to many human countries, and this is the first place that is not hostile to it and is willing to accept it. It likes children, and those children also like to play with it.

"I'll leave Huihui to you." Chi Mo rubbed Huihui's head, sensing its reluctance, scratched its chin, and pushed it to Gaia.

Humming grumblingly, biting Chi Mo's hand, he didn't want to be separated from her, and he didn't want to leave this place that was willing to accept him.

Gaia squatted down, hugged it gently, and comforted it with a gentle voice: "Hui Hui, Teacher will come back to see us, right? Teacher!"

Chi Mo squeezed the center of his eyebrows, this brat has learned how to trick her, she nodded helplessly, agreed, and kicked the system lying on the ground with a dead body, her tone was cold: "Let's go."

The system got up aggrieved, muttering and cursing in dissatisfaction.

Hui Hui, who was standing beside Gaia, bared her teeth and growled, threatening the system.

As soon as the system turned around, it met the gray and upside-down animal pupils. Thinking of the days when it was tormenting it, its whole body trembled, its legs rolled, and it ran fast.

Chi Mo performed a cleaning technique, and her body was tidy again. She took out a bone umbrella from the mustard space, opened it under the scorching sun, and walked forward slowly.

During this year in the Kingdom of Sturt, she discovered that in this world, time revolves around two people, one is Kalia and the other is Gaia.

The time of the two is not synchronized, but there is a delicate balance point. According to her guess, the time of this world is completely synchronized, and it should be the moment when Kalia and Gaia meet to trigger the plot.

Chi Mo originally didn't want to take Gaia as his apprentice, not only because it was troublesome, but she didn't want to have too many bonds with people in the small world.

But when she saw Gaia, she thought of Kalia, who was always incongruous and extremely arrogant. She wanted to see what this person who could marry Kalia in the future would look like.

This stay is one year. Counting the days, she has been in the Kingdom of Sturt for two years. I don't know how the situation in Kalia is.

The system trotted along behind Chi Mo on short legs, looked at her leisurely figure, filled with resentment, and meowed softly to greet her.

Chi Mo stopped in front of a cliff, looked at the foggy area below, and lowered his head to look at the system: "How is things going?"

The system that was cursing Chi Mo in a low voice almost didn't stop the car and fell off the cliff. It held on to the branch tightly, looked at Chi Mo full of resentment, and licked his burnt hair: "Already investigating By the way, the person you mentioned, I have not found any trace of his existence so far."

The system has the operation manual of [-] small worlds, and records of all the people in the small worlds.

"However, there are too many small worlds, and there are many parallel and overlapping places. It takes a little effort to check it out. It's not sure yet." The system shook its hair, raised its head curiously and asked Chi Mo: "Why did you say that to you?" That person is so caring?"

This is the first time it has seen Chi Mo care about someone so much, and it has specially asked it to investigate the origin of this person.

This inevitably made him a little curious as to who the person Chi Mo wanted to investigate was.

It also secretly investigated the relationship between him and Chi Mo, but found nothing. It was as if the two of them did not exist in the same world, and there was no connection at all, which made the system even more curious.

Chi Mo put away the bone umbrella, lowered his eyes, and looked at the foggy scene under the cliff: "Because I can't let it go."

"Can't let go?!" The system inevitably raised its voice and looked at Chi Mo strangely. This was the first time it heard Chi Mo say that she couldn't let go of someone.

Who is this man?

It asked her cautiously: "Could it be... your old friend?"

Chi Mo glanced at it indifferently, neither refuted nor agreed, the system was about to say something, but felt a strong force coming towards it, and it jumped off the cliff following Chi Mo.

"Ahhh! You damn Chimo!"

(End of this chapter)

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