Chapter 287 H Fairy Tale 24.0
"Send Kalia back." The king threw down the blood-stained whip, looked coldly at Kalia who had fainted on the ground, and wiped his hands slowly.

After Kalia and Xiaohong were taken away, he looked around, his eyes fell on those people who kept begging for mercy, and he waved his hand: "Kill them."

"Your Majesty, we are citizens of the Atlantis Empire! You can't do this to us!" Those people roared unwillingly.

The king came up to them on horseback, and threw the handkerchief in his hand on them. He raised his head high, disdainful: "The people who slandered the royal family are not the people of Atlantis, but the rebels."

As his words fell, the knights killed those few people neatly, and they surrounded the king, waiting for his next instruction.

The king looked around and saw the terrified eyes of these ragged civilians looking at him. He couldn't help recalling Kalia's words. He squeezed the center of his eyebrows and waved his hands: "Warning, let them go."

After speaking, he turned around and rode away.

Most of these people are just innocent civilians, and only a few are rebels who have been ordered by others with malicious intentions.

If he really killed all these civilians today, I'm afraid it will cause even greater dissatisfaction and riots.

The king tightened the reins, and his expression was extremely ugly. The people behind this really had a good plan.

Is this trying to put him in the most unfavorable situation, and then seek power and usurp the throne?

Kalia was taken back to the palace by the knights and thrown into the dungeon. The king was busy investigating the bizarre death of his lover and the rebellion, so he had no time to deal with her.

She was imprisoned in the dungeon, which was too humid, and her wounds were not treated, and gradually began to deteriorate.

No matter how much Xiaohong ran and begged, no one was willing to help her. When she was most desperate, she found David.

At that time, it was the tenth day of Kalia's imprisonment. She was tortured in the dungeon, she lost a lot of weight, and she looked very haggard.

When Xiaohong saw David, he was still seriously ill in bed. When she came in, the doctor was changing his dressing. After removing the gauze, he could see his hideous and bloody wound, which was very frightening.

"His Royal Highness David! Please! Save Princess Kalia!"

The doctor changed David's medicine, packed his things and left.

David leaned against the head of the bed weakly, his face was pale, he coughed twice, and asked her in a low voice, "What's wrong with Kalia?"

"His Royal Highness David, are you alright?" Xiao Hong carefully handed him a handkerchief, looking at the blood on his hands, she couldn't help feeling a little anxious, now David was the only one who could help Princess Kalia.

If something happened to him again, what would Princess Kalia do.

"It's okay, don't worry, talk slowly." David smiled weakly, comforting her with a gentle voice, motioning her to speak slowly.

Xiaohong took a deep breath, calmed down and talked to him slowly.

At the same time, the queen pinched her nose and came to the dungeon where Kalia was imprisoned. She looked at the damp environment in the dungeon with disgust, and the maid behind her lifted the skirt for her.

"Open the door." She raised her head high and commanded arrogantly.

The queen walked into the dungeon, looked at Kalia who was curled up in a corner with mud on her palace skirt, raised her eyebrows, and slapped her lightly with a fan: "It's disgusting."

She walked up to Kalia's side, raised her chin with her toes, looked down at her from a height, and clicked her tongue lightly, full of disgust: "It's disgusting."

Kalia's eyes were lifeless, half-closed weakly, and because of the worsening of the wound, her body became weaker and weaker.

The queen curled her lips in boredom, squatted down, patted Kalia's cheek gently, lowered her voice, her expression twisted, filled with endless hatred: "Kalia, you must live well, as my Live the humiliation."

"I haven't played enough yet. I will repay you for all the humiliation you have brought me."
It has been a year since Chi Mo came to the Kingdom of Sturt. During this year, with her help, the rebellion in the Kingdom of Sturt was suppressed. She was regarded as a guest of honor by the King of Sturt and became a hero of the Kingdom of Sturt.

She is worshiped and respected wherever she goes, the people appreciate and love her, and the soldiers worship and trust her.

In just one year, her reputation in the Kingdom of Sturt has surpassed that of the king.

King Sturt is a very gentle and kind-hearted middle-aged man who loves his people and his country. Although he has not made any amazing policies and rulings during his reign, the Kingdom of Sturt has always been in the past. Moving in a good direction, the people trust the royal family, unite as one, and live and work in peace and contentment.

After the elimination of the rebellion left by the previous king, the people of the Kingdom of Sturt are working hard to build their homeland, full of hope.

But Chi Mo's help put the Kingdom of Sturt in a delicate position. When Chi Mo helped the Kingdom of Sturt out of the war, he did not hide that he was a wizard.

After this battle, people in the Kingdom of Sturt respectfully called her Mrs. Witch, treating her like a god.

Her identity was also spread across the entire continent, which caused quite a commotion. Basically, all major countries would have witches sitting in town, but Chi Mo, the forest witch, did not choose any country and hid in the forest to see the world. She rarely shows up, so many people maliciously speculate about her appearance and evil abilities.

Now that she has chosen a small country that is not too powerful, it undoubtedly broke the peace on the road.

But due to her strength, no one dared to take action against the Kingdom of Sturt for the time being, but many people threw olive branches at Chi Mo, trying to win her over.

Chi Mo avoided the enthusiastic villagers, ran to the mountain, and hid in a tree for a while, while she was bored playing with the straw rope.

A handsome boy ran under the tree. He was wearing the royal service of the Kingdom of Sturt, and he was looking up at Chi Mo.

The system lay on the sidelines and licked its paws. During this year, it was forced to work for Chi Mo. After gaining weight, it lost weight. It was very dissatisfied with Chi Mo's inhuman slavery, and had already cared for itself. I have been fighting with Chi Mo for more than ten days.

When it saw the little boy standing under the tree, it licked its paws, squinted its eyes and opened the appraisal. When it found out the identity of the little boy, it almost fell from the tree, regardless of its unilateral relationship with Chi Mo. There was a cold war, and she pushed her: "Mo Mo! It's the male lead!"

Chi Mo turned his eyes, glanced lazily at the little boy, and turned his head calmly, as if he didn't see him.

"Chi Mo! Can you serve some snacks! It's the male lead!" The system went crazy, and Chi Mo's reaction made her want to give her a big contest.

The little boy couldn't understand the system's words, he could only see it meowing at Chi Mo.

He looked at the white cat who seemed to be cursing in confusion, and cleared his throat: "Excuse me, are you His Highness Chi Mo?"

"I want to worship you as my teacher!"

(End of this chapter)

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