Boss, your master has disappeared again

Chapter 141 Rehabilitation for her

Chapter 141 Rehabilitation for her
When Tian Tian came back after paying the fee, Xing Tianyi told her how the 30 yuan came from, and she couldn't believe it.

"There is such a deceitful director in the world?"

"What, I didn't lie to him."

"Aren't you lying to him by pretending to have amnesia? He even believes it, is he confused by your appearance?"

"He's a man."

"What's wrong with men? Many men like men."

"He's not that."

"Then it seems that Feng'er is blessed with great destiny, so he brought you good luck and let you meet such a kind person."

"Well, I think so too."

"However, you signed a three-year contract with him. You are not from here. You can go back when you are not sure. In that case, you will not be able to fulfill your contract obligations. If you break the contract, you have to pay compensation? The estimated amount is not small .”

"I've thought about this question. It's nothing. I went back. He can only treat me as a vanished person. If he can't find anyone, he can't do anything about me."

"You are indeed Feng'er's boyfriend, and this style coincides with her."

"Did the doctor say when she will wake up?"

Tian Tian shook his head.

Xing Tian held Feng'er's hand and put it against his face.Tian Tian knew that he was more worried about her than anyone else, so she walked out of the ward gently, leaving the two of them inside.

Xing Tian started talking to Feng'er: "Feng girl, do you remember? When we first met, you always said that I was a playboy and had countless lovers. We always bickered and raised arguments. At that time, I thought, you She is the most special girl I have ever seen. I fell in love with you secretly a long time ago. As time goes by, I like you more and more deeply. I even want to marry you immediately. You wake up soon Okay? I can't imagine how I would live without you. After I lost my parents, I felt that life had lost its meaning. It was not until I met you that my dead heart was revived. If you leave me and go, I will My life will be as dead as before, lifeless, you are so kind, can you bear to see me like this?"

As soon as Xing Tian said that, he went to kiss her forehead, just when tears fell and dripped on her face.

Standing on the edge of life and death, Feng'er seemed to be able to sense that someone was calling her, calling her back.She couldn't step into the gate of hell, she had to go back... So she began to struggle, struggling to wake up.

However, after several days, she still didn't wake up...

Xing Zhen and others waited and hoped in that world, but Xing Tianyi and Feng'er just didn't go back.Even Xing Tianlong feels that life without them is quite boring.In Xing Tianyi's absence, not only did his grandfather not give him any care for Xing Tianyi, but because he missed Xing Tianyi more, he ignored Xing Tianlong.Tianlong began to regret doing that a little bit.

He thought that if Xing Tian was not around, he would be very happy, but he wasn't. He was depressed all day, probably because he saw He Yue being depressed, which affected his mood.

One day after class, everyone left, but He Yue was still in the classroom.

Xing Tianlong went to talk to her.

"Yueyue, you don't seem to be practicing martial arts recently."

"I came to this school because of Brother Tianyi. Now that he's gone, what else should I practice? I even want to quit school and leave this place full of his shadows. Maybe this way, I won't feel so uncomfortable Brother Tianyi, why don't you and Luo Feng'er come back? Are you still alive or dead? I miss you very much..."

He Yue burst into tears again as he spoke, Xing Tianlong looked at it and felt very uncomfortable.

He couldn't help stretching out his hand, holding He Yue in his arms.

"Yueyue, it is very likely that they are in another world, living a good life, and can be together openly, so they don't want to come back, don't be sad."

Even he himself didn't expect that he would comfort her like this.

"Brother Tianlong, that is to say, Brother Tianyi and the others are definitely not dead, right?"

"He was not shot, how could he die?"

"But Luo Feng'er seems to have been shot. I'm worried that she will die. Brother Tianyi is heartbroken, so he died for love..."

"Silly girl, Xing Tianyi is not the kind of character who seeks death and life. At most, he will be sad, and he will not die for love."

Hearing what he said, He Yue felt better.

After a while, she wiped away her tears.Xing Tianlong suddenly asked: "Yueyue, do you hate me?"

"It's fine, what do I hate you for?"

"Because my men fired, Xing Tianyi and the others left. Don't you hate me?"

"Although he belongs to you, he wasn't ordered by you. I still don't know who I am."

"But what if... I let him do it?"

"Then... did you let him do this?"

Xing Tianlong nodded, he didn't want to lie to her anymore.

He Yue really didn't expect that she managed to convince herself that Xing Tianlong could not be behind the scenes.Unexpectedly, he was so cruel that he even wanted to kill his own cousin, and even lied to her. She was completely disappointed in him.

"I don't hate you, but I never want to see you again."

He Yue dropped the harsh words and left the classroom.

Xing Tianlong looked at her back and smiled wryly: "Yueyue, thank you for making me want to repent and rehabilitate. I will cherish the memories with you."

So, Xing Tianlong turned himself in to the police station.

Jiao Liyan was not surprised when he saw him.

"I knew you would come."

"you know me well?"

"You have such a loyal entourage, you have a very good relationship, you don't want to be ashamed of him. You are Xing Tianyi's brother, your personalities are somewhat similar, I know, you will not let others carry everything for you You will definitely come and plead guilty.”

" didn't abuse him, did you?"

"Don't worry, we won't use violence and punishment at will. Besides, Feng'er's life and death are unknown, so we can't convict him."

"Now that I'm here, I'll be responsible for this matter alone. Can you let him go?"

"He is an accomplice, we will give him a light sentence, and he will get out soon."

"Okay, thank you."

Xing Tianlong was locked in, thinking: Grandpa, I'm sorry, I did this now, will you forgive me?Yueyue, I always want to help you achieve your wish, to help you chase Xing Tianyi, but it didn't work.You said you never want to see me, and I finally did it.

When Xing Zhen heard that Xing Tianlong had surrendered, he felt very complicated in his heart. He hoped that he would surrender and repent, but he didn't want him to suffer from prison.In fact, he has always loved his grandson in his heart, but he hates that iron can't be made into steel, so he always looks indifferent to him. Xing Tianlong thought that he didn't care about him, and he misunderstood his grandfather.

When He Yue heard that Xing Tianlong was going to surrender, he immediately transferred his thoughts about Xing Tianyi to Tianlong.

She couldn't help but ran to the police station to see him.

Xing Tianlong was surprised when he saw her.

"Yueyue, why are you here? Don't you want to see me?"

"Idiot, I said that out of anger. How could I never want to see you, but it's fine if you turn yourself in. I hope you will completely repent and start over from the beginning of your life."

He Yue paused and said, "I'll wait for you..."

Xing Tianlong was stunned for these three words before realizing what they meant, and for the first time showed a happy smile.

(End of this chapter)

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