Boss, your master has disappeared again

Chapter 140 Earning Medical Expenses For Her

Chapter 140 Earning Medical Expenses For Her
Xing Tianyi was guarding the wind in the hospital, still racking his brains about money.

Tian Tian brought the meal.

"You can eat, don't worry, I'm already thinking about money."

"What can you do?"

"I borrowed it from relatives in my family, but they didn't have much money at first, so they didn't borrow much."

"I can't go on like this, you guard Feng girl, I'll find a way."

"Hey, this is not your place. You can get what you want. You don't know anyone here, and you don't know the place. What can you do?"

"Don't worry, I don't have any friends or relatives here, but I have a brain and I will find a way."

Xing Tianyi pretended to be relaxed, smiled and went out.

He came to the street, everything here seemed to be similar to his world, but very strange.He used to live a life of stretching out his clothes and opening his mouth for food. He has never made money. How can he make money?
He looked around and accidentally saw someone playing a guitar and singing. Many people gathered around and some of them gave back the money.He thought: If I show kung fu to everyone, can I also get money?
But when he thought that his Xing family's kung fu was used to beg for money, his thoughts wavered again.

But thinking that Feng'er was still unconscious in the hospital, if he didn't have the money to pay, he wouldn't be able to get better treatment, so he had to force himself to perform. After he adjusted his mentality, he didn't care if there would be audiences Started to practice martial arts.

Pedestrians saw it and stopped to watch it. They had never seen such a powerful kung fu. This kind of kung fu was only seen on TV. Some people thought he was filming TV, and some thought he was some kind of hermit. Anyway, there was no one. People thought that he was performing kung fu to ask for money, so no one gave him a penny.

After watching, they left.

Xing Tianyi was very puzzled: what's the situation, shouldn't he leave the money before leaving?For nothing?
He was a little depressed, feeling so helpless for the first time.It seems that in this way, you can't make a penny at all.

However, when he showed his kung fu, a director saw it.

As soon as Xing Tian was about to go back to the hospital, the man walked towards him and greeted him friendly: "Hello, I just saw that you are very good at martial arts, and you look so handsome, you are a martial arts star, are you interested in filming? "

Xing Tianyi was a little surprised: "Filming?"

"Yes, I am a director, this is my calling card."

He handed Xing Tianyi a business card, and said: "I just happened to be here today to have something to do. I didn't expect to meet someone like you. If you act in martial arts, it will be very easy to get started. Are you interested?" cooperate?"

Xing Tianyi shook his head: "Thank you, but I haven't studied acting, I'm afraid I can't, I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter. You can learn slowly and learn while acting. At the beginning, we will give you some scenes that have fewer lines and are easier to act. It's very simple. I trust my vision."

Xing Tian thought for a while and asked, "Then how much can you give me?"

"Haha, the salary is easy to talk about. In this way, when you are just starting out, you must play some supporting roles or stand-ins. I think you are very skilled, so I will consider giving you generous treatment."

"How much is it? I need money urgently."

"Uh, how much do you need?"

"My girlfriend is in the hospital and needs to pay 30."

"OK, I am a person who cherishes talents. I can give you 30 first, but you have to sign a contract with me."

"I want to see the contract first."

"Well, is it convenient for you to come with me now? I didn't bring the contract with me."

"Okay, please lead the way."

Xing Tianyi didn't think much about it, he didn't look like a liar, even if he was a liar, with his martial arts skills so high, would he still be afraid of him?
He followed the director to his home.

"Sit whatever you want, I'll get a contract and show you."

"Thank you."

The director quickly found a proposed contract, which he had always dreamed of, hoping to meet a satisfactory martial arts actor, but he did not expect to meet him.

"By the way, what's your name?"


Xing Tianyi thought for a while: I can't say that my name is Xing Tianyi, there is no such person here, so how should I answer, and I can't make it up, should I pretend to have amnesia?

Seeing that he didn't answer, the director asked, "You don't even know your name, so you've lost your memory, right?"

"Amnesia? I really don't seem to know what my name is?"

"Then do you remember where your home is?"

"I don't remember either."

"What accident happened to you before that caused you to lose your memory?"

Xing Tianyi still shook his head.

"Oh, a good person, I didn't expect to lose my memory, what a pity."

"Director, then I have amnesia, do you still want to cooperate with me?"

"It's also possible, you should read the contract first."

Xing Tian looked at the contract, and the director asked, "Is there any problem?"

"The contract period is three years, seems a bit long?"

"This is short. We usually have five years or even longer here."

"I'm just worried, what if I suddenly regain my memory, I actually have a serious job and can no longer film?"

"It's okay, you can quit your previous job, no matter what your job is, it definitely didn't make money from me."

"Okay, then you pay me 30 in advance, and I will sign."

"Okay, but you don't remember your name, how do you sign it? Do you have an ID card?"


"That's how it is, you choose a stage name and sign it."

"Stage name? Then... Tian Yifeng."

"Tian Yifeng? Okay, that's a good stage name, let's sign it."

As soon as Xing Tian signed it, the director asked again: "Shall I forward you WeChat?"

Xing Tianyi's WeChat account also doesn't exist, and he hasn't had time to set up one here.

"Director, can you give me cash? That hospital currently only accepts cash payments."

"OK, I have to go get it, are you going with me, or waiting here?"

"I'll go with you. I'll go back to the hospital after I get the money."

As soon as Xing Tian got the money, he left Tian Tian's phone number for the director and left.

Tian Tian was guarding the wind in the ward, very anxious, Xing Tian had been away for so long, why didn't he come back, could something have happened?
"Master, wake up quickly. Xing Tianyi said he would earn medical expenses for you, but I am very worried about him. He won't rely on his martial arts skills to steal or rob, and then get caught. ? He is an outsider, if he is caught and his identity is unknown, then he will be in trouble."

While Tian Tian was muttering, Xing Tianyi came.

"What's the trouble?"

"You're back. I'm worried to death. Where have you been?"

"Go and make money."

"Look at your expression, have you made money?"

"Well, 30, here you go, go and pay the fee."

Xing Tian put a box of money into Tian Tian's hands, Tian Tian was very surprised.

"Where did you come with so much money? You can't really grab it?"

"No, you go and pay the fee first, and I'll tell you slowly."

Tian Tian was full of doubts. Although he was worried about the source of the money, he still went to pay the fee.

(End of this chapter)

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