Advanced NPC

Chapter 356 The so-called truth of the story (8)

Chapter 356 The so-called truth of the story (8)

Before LZD company.

In fact, most of the staff don't know what happened——

There are actually very few people who really know about that experiment.

No one knows that there is such a moth in a game.

It's like no one thought that a game had anything to do with a car accident ten years ago.


It was evening, and a woman came down from the taxi—she was wearing a long white dress, with soft eyes, as beautiful as a fairy in the sky.

The high-heeled shoes made a soft sound when they stepped on the ground. She thanked the driver, then gently closed the car door and walked slowly towards the company.

Appearance, movement, and tone of voice are all gentle.

Like a gentle deer, it is harmless to humans and animals.

"Hello Miss... May I ask who are you looking for?" Just as the woman stepped into the hall and walked to one side, a projection appeared on the marble floor in front of her—the service staff on the projection spoke politely and distantly, "The company usually It is not open to the public, please leave as soon as possible if you do not have an appointment."

Seeing this, the woman smiled: "I have very important things."

The person on the projection was unmoved: "What's your business?"

The security personnel not far away noticed this, but didn't pay much attention.

It's just a woman who broke in by mistake.

The service staff waited for a while, seeing that the woman didn't respond, and when they were about to "please her out", they heard the answer——

It was still a gentle voice.

"Avenge my husband and protect my sons," she said.

At the same time as she finished speaking, the woman's hand fell on a power switch on the wall——

The crackling sound exploded!
"Miss..." The service personnel on the projection and the security guards in the distance were stunned. Before they had time to say anything, the entire projection was quickly consumed, and the lights in the hall were instantly extinguished.

That woman—Lian saw this, her face was expressionless, and a bright blue light lit up in her beautiful eyes at this moment.

"You shouldn't."

When he spoke again, it was faint.


"What's going on?!" The high-level, the moment the power was cut off, although the backup power was turned on immediately, it still caused panic.

"Circuit failure, please gather in the lobby on the first floor as soon as possible, and again, please gather in the lobby on the first floor as soon as possible—" At this moment, a calm and mechanical female voice sounded.

The staff was very puzzled.

It has just been discontinued, why is the circuit malfunctioning?

However, they also trusted the company's facilities, so they walked downstairs after speaking.

In the room on the highest floor, there are only two people at this time——

"What's going on?" Cheng Guojing stopped looking at the data in his hand, looked at the lights that suddenly went out, and frowned—he subconsciously turned his head and looked at Cheng Susu, "Check the electrical system."

"Too fast." Cheng Susu moved her fingers when she heard the words, but she was still in a daze.

At the beginning, Abai said that he would come over, and there was no need to open any channel that would benefit them for the security check in the company.

She thought it was because the man didn't want to owe anything.

The result is that people can really explode with one shot without fear.

"What were you talking about just now?" Cheng Susu breathed a sigh of relief, but then heard a voice behind him——

Cheng Guojing narrowed his eyes, and there was a hint of doubt in them.

Cheng Susu pursed her lips and said nothing.

The air was a little stagnant, and there was only the slight hum of instruments running.

Just then, there was a little more...


"What's going on? What's going on-" Cheng Guojing immediately reacted. He subconsciously took a step back towards the door, but he heard a bang and the door was completely locked.

Cheng Guojing suddenly realized something, turned his head suddenly, and looked at Cheng Susu's face, with a trace of... panic in surprise.

It had been a long time, and this look finally appeared in his eyes again.

Cheng Susu couldn't help laughing.

"What have you done?" Seeing this, Cheng Guojing came back to his senses, and as if he finally realized something, he walked in three steps——

Cheng Susu felt that she was afraid of this kind of gaze. It was cold and stern, as if she was looking at a waste.

But it's not because I think I'm too bad, but because I worry about being abandoned.

——She, she is indeed a weak person.

As she thought so, Cheng Guojing had already walked in front of her.

"What did you do?!" His voice rose, almost forcing him to ask——

Cheng Susu was not afraid of him, and looked back openly: "Call the police...don't worry, no one will cover it up for you this time."

As soon as Cheng Guojing heard the first two words, he subconsciously wanted to take out his mobile phone to make a call—but Cheng Susu's second sentence made his movements stop suddenly.

"This is impossible..." Cheng Guojing's eyes were gradually stained with disbelief, he took a step back subconsciously, then hurriedly turned his head to look to the side——

"A Tang has already withdrawn all the help, and I have also closed the escape channel." Cheng Susu knew what he was going to do, and said quietly, "Your achievements all come from the help of others. If you lose all of this, you have nothing ...No, you've lost everything a long time ago—"

Cheng Guojing's movements stopped suddenly again.

"Do you know what you have done—all I have done is for..." It took him a long time to say such a sentence.

"Your reputation." Cheng Susu answered quietly.

There was no warmth in her eyes - like a machine.

Sometimes this is the benefit of the program. What a person cares about can be analyzed like the ingredient list of food.

"You're just a program—!" The look in his eyes seemed to be a signal, and the last bit of composure on Cheng Guojing's face was completely broken at this moment. He walked over abruptly and landed a fist on the table beside Cheng Susu——

Cheng Susu's face didn't change at all, and so did his tone: "Yes, I'm just a program..."

"Then you shouldn't disobey my orders! Damn it - do you know that this is only the last bit? Are you going to cross the river and demolish the bridge now? Are you crazy?!" Cheng Guojing gritted his teeth, and the veins on his forehead popped out , "Everything I managed to get—"

Cheng Susu looked at him as if he was looking at something hopeless, with a sadness in his eyes that she couldn't understand——

"Wake up, it's over."

"Everything you need, this era can't give you—"

"Neither should you sacrifice anyone."

"From the moment you make those choices, there are no consequences."


When Cheng Susu finished speaking, he saw his hand - began to dissipate.

She glanced at Cheng Guojing, who had undergone emergency program destruction, and just blinked.

"Heh... it's just for a non-human experimental subject, a program like yours is really fragile, don't worry..." Cheng Guojing slowly propped up his body, and a sneer slowly emerged from the corner of his mouth, "But have you forgotten, Back then, I was afraid that the monster would wake up and cause us harm, so I designed a plan to completely destroy the spirit—it’s not under your control.”

Cheng Susu was taken aback.

Turning to look at the huge machine hidden in the depths of this room——

She stood up abruptly, only to find that she could no longer speak. She felt that she had reached out her hand, but she couldn't grasp anything at all.

Pupils narrowed, she looked at Cheng Guojing who was walking over there in amazement——


"Consciousness" gradually blurred, she struggled to watch Cheng Guojing walking there, and suddenly a trace of panic rose in her heart——

But it was also at this time, before Cheng Guojing could do anything to destroy everything, the machine...

"How can this be--"

The last voice seemed to be Cheng Guojing whispering in surprise——


 5 minutes last chapter

(End of this chapter)

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