Advanced NPC

Chapter 355 The so-called truth of the story (7)

Chapter 355 The so-called truth of the story (7)

Cha Huo lowered his head, pursed his lips, and when he raised his head again——

Although he was laughing, tears kept falling from his eyes.

Hathaway was taken aback, and walked up, not knowing whether to coax her or what——

Damn, she doesn't have this skill?
"Miss Sister—" Chahuo stretched out his hand and hugged her neck, "I like you the most—"

Hathaway blinked her eyes and patted her on the back: "Me too...well, although the one I like the most may not be you."

Tea fire: "..."

Tea fire: "Puchi."

In fact, I really don't understand this kind of little girl——Hesaway was crying and laughing while watching the tea, and didn't know how to react for a while.


Very well, just thanked her and now apologized.

But Hathaway probably feels something——

"I don't know who I am, I'm nothing, it's actually me." Tea Huo said softly, "I've been thinking about who I am, but... I should be like you, don't care what it is, and aim for It's the right way to go if you think it's right..."

Hathaway was taken aback.

Then I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck, and the picture in front of me gradually blurred.

Before the consciousness completely disappeared, there was only a faint voice in his ear.

"Wake up as soon as possible, this is the future you should arrive in..."


Cheng Susu recalled that there was always only one person in the family.

—only herself.

Mom died early, and Dad was so busy—and unhappy—that when he came back, he only stayed for a while.

Research, projects, failures.

These words surrounded the man and made him cold and serious.

She was arranged to study related things, but that was fine, since she had no other interests anyway.

After meeting Atang, she felt that at least she would not be so lonely——

In fact, he was very kind to her, would surprise her, comfort her, and give up some things for her—she once thought that she would never meet someone better.

But she forgot that A-Tang's surprises are always "he thinks" the best, and the things he gives up are just insignificant.

Later, she also felt that she was too unprincipled, and another voice convinced herself that she was just a created program, and it was impossible and necessary to have her own consciousness.


Knowing Hathaway is completely out of curiosity.

The sudden non-human, usually lying in the cold experimental tank as an experimental subject—Cheng Susu, or Tea Huo, would be very curious about what kind of person she is.

This game was also created entirely from her memory—that is, such a huge world was created with just one individual's memory.

So she opened an account.

A very interesting person, who has experienced such a sad thing, still let himself adapt to the changes, constantly reflect on himself, stubborn, but rarely really take care of himself, prefer to say and do some unbelievable things, then Cover up your unease, or your true purpose.

Even if you know at the end that all of this is false——

Will be happy in the future.


Cheng Susu stepped forward and walked up Longshan——

Her steps seemed small, but perhaps because she was connected to the entire LZD system, no one stopped her, and her speed was terrifyingly fast.

She opened a panel and dialed a certain number.

After dialing three times, the other party finally picked up.

"What's the matter?" The other party's voice was slightly lower, "I should go back tonight..."

When Cheng Susu made this call, he caught a glimpse of a private chat - it was sent by Yinkong Frye not long ago, it seemed to be some kind of green grassland or something.

"Stop it." Cheng Susu said softly.

In fact, she knew—a person like Ah Tang was very confident, believed in the things she liked, and never felt that she would lose them.

including yourself.

Rather than saying that it is for atonement and feeling owed to "myself", it is better to say that I don't want to believe it.

"What did you say?" When the other side spoke, there was a little hesitation. Soon, the noise over there gradually disappeared, and his voice became louder, "Did something happen——"

"Cheng Susu is dead."

Atang was silent for several seconds.

Cheng Susu also waited for him for several seconds.

"It's only a little bit close. Why... You clearly know that the experimental subject is not even a human being. Do you feel guilty about it? Can you stop being so timid—"

Are you timid?
It seems that she has always been a timid person.

Cheng Susu smiled, with a relaxed tone——

"In your life, the existence of Cheng Susu is actually not important. Her value may be that she really relies on you, but that was already ten years ago-it's my fault. I didn't end all this early, let you until I still remember this guy.

"As an investor, you should face a series of investigations, but I deleted most of the content that threatened you fatally... This is the only thing I can do.

"I heard you're engaged. That's good, you should have your own life, your future, those futures It has nothing to do with Cheng Susu.

"I'm not her either. In fact, you have always known it, but you just don't want to believe it. But things can only be like this now.

"I really feel guilty, buy a bunch of flowers and go see her."

After speaking, he simply hung up.



Cheng Susu was startled, and looked up——

This is at the top of Longshan Mountain. Although Haisaiwei has been forced to go offline by her, LZD is still running and the plot is still going on.

The blood-soaked Antovilia appeared behind Lantiste at this moment—she moved fiercely, raised her hand to knock the phantom cage into the air, and left him aside, piercing the dagger into her shoulder——

"Yeah, I really insist on Asil's request." She panted, her voice was a little weak, she was still wiping the blood from her mouth when she spoke, looking at Lantiste's dark green eyes that were astonishingly bright, " I saw a lot just now...whether it is the truth about the mainland, or who I am..."

Lantister clutched his wound, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"But it's not me who is paranoid." Antovilia walked towards the phantom cage step by step, "I don't know whether all this is right or wrong, I only like this, and those you claim to hate Things don't make a difference."

She slowly stretched out her hand, and touched the phantom cage——

Various colors of light overflow from the metal hollow pattern.

The drums on Longshan paused for a moment, and the cracks in the ground opened with the muffled sound——

Cheng Susu stared at this spectacular scene, speechless in a daze.

Like the end of the world.

She didn't expect that Antovilia would have a moment to fight back—even at the last moment, she was still unimaginably firm.

has it ended?

Seems like—

I vaguely saw that the two people in the story finally met.

She suddenly wanted to cry.

It may be because, ushered in the end of a story.

It was also at this time that the countdown to the 10-minute server shutdown came.

(End of this chapter)

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