Advanced NPC

Chapter 215 Oh, I lost my footing at one o'clock

Chapter 215 Oh, a momentary slip

In the red-golden flames, the woman in the white skirt raised her chin lightly, her beautiful and familiar face showed a majesty that players had never felt before: "Go back to Longshan."

"Hahaha——" Semihaye paused on the spot, but suddenly laughed out loud at this moment, "Then you kill me—the moment you can leave Longshan, I feel that you have already lost face! You Just think about how you should explain to your colleagues—”

Antovilia gave a "tsk", as if thinking of something that caused a headache, but she let go of her frowning brows in the next second: "Forget it, let's deal with you first."

After finishing speaking, she raised her hand—silver-white light flickered, and a staff with a sharp bottom fell into her hand.

There is a crimson gem at the top of the staff, which shines brightly.

"Even the 'Glory' has been taken out—you really panicked, you bastard." Seeing this, Semihayer's ugly face was wiped away, and instead he felt a little relieved.

Antovilia's expression remained unchanged, she just said, "Adventurers—stay away from here..."

Players: "???"

Players: "Okay, let's get out!"

Her voice was cold, slow and melodious: "I'm in a bad mood right now... This woman talks too much."

Players who usually talk a lot feel cold behind their backs.

The staff rose into the air, and pure white light scattered around—then, on the sky, the clouds rolled, forming a clear and huge vortex, a sense of deterrence that could destroy everything was overwhelming.

The Black Prince seems to have done this kind of thing too, but he had the power of phantom at that time, and this...

Antovilia's expression remained the same, her fingers stretched without holding the staff——

Something came out of the clouds—people took a closer look and found that it was the fire ball that appeared when Antovilia appeared, but the fire ball seemed to be bigger than that, or...falling from the sky!

The scene that followed was probably indescribable in terms of shock.

Violent vibrations, the flames hit the ground, and the sea of ​​flames surged from the place where they were shot down, covering the sky——

The demons were instantly engulfed, and when the players thought they were going to GG, they found that the spell miraculously didn't touch them at all...


"It's too scary..."

"I feel like this big sister can overthrow the Silver Empire with one hand..."

Hathaway was not too surprised. She hummed and glanced in Antovilia's direction.

One hand... For her at that time, it seemed to be... possible.

"It's not over yet?"

However, beside Antovilia, who was standing in the sea of ​​flames but unscathed, a black figure suddenly emerged with a dagger——

Antovilia raised her hand to block Semihaye's dagger, and retreated several times during the opponent's crazy offensive, but suddenly turned around at a certain end, and the staff in her hand became a long sword for a while, colliding with the dagger , knocking out a brilliant spark——

The picture of melee combat is really wonderful - but how can it be seen that the picture is so wonderful when the light effect is so fast that it is almost invisible...

It was probably because both of them were fighting in long skirts, yet none of them were gone... This should be the work of the boss!
At the same time, awareness of the horrors of "Antovilla" has risen again.

It’s good that I don’t know Hesevi, but those who know her now have very exciting expressions, especially when I see this young lady with explosive combat power snapping her fingers at the same time in melee, and a fireball or pillar of fire will appear. When walking away with a group of demons that have not been cleaned up, the expression is even more wonderful.

What's even more frightening is that when fighting against Semi Haye, her advantage can be said to be obvious——

At this moment, the battle came to an end—Antovilia pushed Semihaye away violently, and the complicated magic circle appeared behind him, aiming at Semihaye.

It can be said that although she joined the battlefield at the end, Antovilia killed most of the demons present, and now the rest are remnants of soldiers, not to mention that they would be hacked to death by the crazy players rushing up.

In an instant, the situation was reversed.

"Damn it..." Semihaye glanced at the empty wasteland, turned his head, clutched his injured and bleeding arm, looked at Antovlia, and snorted coldly, "You woman is so disgusting."

"Oh." Antovilia glanced at her, and the slow motion suddenly moved forward, and the flames that shot out from behind instantly engulfed her!

After a while, there was no trace of Semihaye's place left.




Is it too scary?Burn the patriarch of the demon clan on the spot?

The players felt that it was too scary, but Hathaway suddenly whispered: "Anyway, I didn't really die."

"Immortal?" Seeing that she was finally willing to speak up, Ah Bai replied politely.

"An... The reason why Antovilia didn't realize that Semihaye had left Longshan was because of the substitute she used..." Hesevi paused, her tone was a little unnatural at first, but soon became smooth as usual.

Ah Bai accurately captured this point: "You are still very clear."

Hathaway: "..."


After Semihaye was "disposed of", Antovilia took a breath and snapped her fingers - all the spells dissipated, except for the burn marks on the ground and those deep pits that could not be eliminated, there was nothing left what traces.

The players were a little nervous at this moment.

What will she say?

Who is she?
"Miss Sister?" At this moment, someone finally remembered the Hathaway they were looking for.

But Hathaway sighed heavily.

So she doesn't really want to show up...

"Did you see?" I saw that after Hathaway coughed lightly, her tone became more and more serious—in the eyes of the players who were half blank and half in awe, she pointed to Antovilia, "Actually, she is My long-lost sister, I am actually the final boss of this game, but I accidentally became a player."

Players: "..."

I saw that Hathaway's face was not red and her heart was not beating.


Be silent again.

"Tsk... I believe there are ghosts."

"Believe in ghosts +1."

"Miss, do you know the game production team... Did the game pinch your face?"

"if not……"


Hathaway listened to the reactions of the players, her mood was calm.

Already knew it would be...

"A momentary slip?" However, I heard Ah Bai speak lightly.

Hathaway's shoulders twitched, thinking why there is still a difficult problem——

"Yes..." Before Hathaway had time to speak, she heard another movement from the NPC.

Sirul came out from the crowd, unexpectedly restrained his idleness slightly, and looked at Antovilia: "I have admired you for a long time——Morning Star Antovilia."

Antovilia nodded back, then raised her eyebrows and said, "Is the patriarch of the dwarves—what happened to the human race to attract the demons?"

"Maybe it wasn't them that attracted the demons, but...the curse of Ghana came again, and the new human ruler called them here."

(End of this chapter)

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