Advanced NPC

Chapter 214 Two Hathaways?

Chapter 214 Two Hathaways?
In the sky, a white light gradually lit up——

"This is..." Semihaye looked back, his dark green pupils shrank rapidly when he saw it clearly——the expression on his face completely changed in an instant.

A muffled sound—

The player closest to the edge slammed on the brakes when he heard the sound, and found an arrow nailed into the ground in front of him.

There was a silver-white soft light on the arrow's tail feathers—followed by a series of small cracks.

In fact, most of the players didn't know what was going on at the moment, and they were still running around—however, the small and light sound became more and more obvious, so that they noticed, and it was even more obvious—the silvery white quickly Covering the ground, wherever it passes, the flames are engulfed!
The player's reaction was naturally bewildered. They subconsciously followed the direction of the silver-white extension, and only then did they find an increasingly clear white figure in the sky.

The white figure was galloping on a white horse with a pure white bow in his hand. At first, people thought it was the horse that was shining, but soon they discovered that it was the person on the horseback that was shining.

A soft white light shines from the depths of the night, like the rising sun—

This is……

Like the other players, Ah Bai stared at the approaching figure in a daze - and they all fell silent at the same time.

"Damn it... didn't you tell me that she couldn't know that I left Longshan?!" The environment became quiet, and Semihaye's voice became very clear at this time, and her face was also extremely ugly, "Come back—— "

It’s about those demon subordinates——

However, it was too late.

A complicated magic circle behind the people rushing here changed from blurred to clear, and huge ignited fireballs flashed out of thin air, dotted in all directions of the magic circle. Like a wild dog running wild, pouring madly!

Each slam left a deep hole in the ground and carried away several daedra—and with a precarious jolt.

Only the figure that was still going here was not affected.

Seeing this, Semihayer frowned tightly, took a step forward, and made a gesture towards the figure. The cyan light quickly gathered, and with unstoppable power, it unreservedly shattered the air on the way it passed, and moved towards where the swoop--

Only then did the players know that Semihaye had actually "shown mercy".

When the wind passed, sand and stones flew up, and the players covered their faces to block it, so they couldn't see anything—there was only the neighing of horses falling to the ground.

They probably didn't want to miss this wonderful scene. Before the wind and sand had dissipated, they forced their eyes to open. At this moment, what caught their eyes was a person in a white cloak who had already landed.The long white dress under the cloak was exposed and danced in the wind-it turned out to be a woman.

——The hood of that figure was also blown away by the wind, and the long grassy brown hair slipped out of the hood. On the white and flawless face, the facial features were exquisite to a certain extent. There is a pool of emerald greenness in the eyes, clear and clear.

It also makes people dare not make mistakes, but at this moment, there is an unquestionable majesty in those eyes, which contrasts with the silver forehead ornament falling on the forehead, like a living goddess.

But these players are used to seeing so many strong women recently...


Not only were they surprised.

Still shocked.

Shocked speechless——

"Isn't this fucking Hesevi?!" Ai Jue saw this face clearly, and her voice suddenly raised like a woman's!
Everyone woke up like a dream, but some still couldn't accept it.

What's going on? !

Even Ah Bai, who had never joined the shock brigade, was stunned at this moment.

He jerked his head back—seeing Hathaway's gaze elsewhere, whistling.



"Antovilia..." Semihaye looked at the person who suddenly appeared, and gritted his teeth, "You actually..."


"Fuck? Is it real or not?" No one expected that it was Ah Jin who lost his voice because of the name, "Antovilia?"

Players: "???"

Ai Jue followed up and asked, "You know this is—"

"Elf players have three professions, which are different from humans and dwarves - light knight, templar mage, and blue mage. The managers of these professions are directly under a high-level NPC in the elf land," Ah Jin thought they simply asked As he spoke, he sighed with emotion, "The head of the templar mage is called Antovilia—it was introduced that she is the daughter of the Elf King, she studied under the golden mage Spier, and is the strongest mage in the elves, but She has not been in the elf temple all year round, and she is busy with how to level the entire Longshan every day."




Ah Bai narrowed his eyes, and couldn't help but look at Hathaway again——

Hathaway shook her head slightly, continued to look elsewhere, and hummed a song instead.


The players—especially the players who knew Hathaway, were so frightened at this moment that they were in a daze, and didn't know what to say for a while.

This feels like a good-looking friend who usually jokes with you, but is approachable even though he is a second-year student—the face is exactly the same as the leader of a certain country.

"Miss sister?!" Jiang Sheng looked up to the sky and screamed, "Is that your sister?! It seems!"

Players: "..."

The big pigeon, who was not very familiar with Hessewi, was not affected much. At this time, he muttered softly, pointing to the essence: "In this world, apart from Erqiu, I am afraid there is no such wonderful existence that combines stupidity and simplicity..."

Jiang Sheng: "..."

Only then did someone think of it—may Hathaway is still there!Just as she was about to ask, there was movement from Antovilia——

"You are really as stupid as ever." Antovilia showed no expression on her face, and walked slowly towards Semihaye, her voice was cold.

Even the the same.

Semihaye sneered, "The lackeys of the elves are really so sharp. It's an eye-opener."

Antovilia raised her eyebrows, said "ah", and smiled, as if she was talking about some trivial daily matter, "It doesn't matter why you left Longshan, but... since I caught you, give me Get back."

Are you easygoing?
Lovely, right?
You can fart - bang -!
At this moment, more than one pillar of red-golden flames spewed out of the wasteland—as if a volcano erupted, quickly devouring many demons!

Semihaye seemed to have done similar things not long ago, but Antovilia's spell was obviously more grand——

"Damn, it really is the strongest elf?!" Ah Jin couldn't help but blinked, "Every day I think about how to crusade against the demons - it really is not an ordinary elf."

The demons, according to the current situation, this thing is indeed difficult to deal with.


Abai looked at Hathaway for the third time, and there was more than surprise in his narrowed eyes.

Hathaway was still silent and continued to glance elsewhere, and she continued to hum.

(End of this chapter)

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