Advanced NPC

Chapter 205 Go?not going?

Chapter 205 Go?not going?

The ring shattered.

Although the blackened Alfred stopped all his movements, he still stood straight in the center, holding the knight gun in his hand, with the attitude of "I can hang you trash for 300 years in a minute".

——The players were so scared that they held their breath, not daring to breathe.


Blackened Alfred's shoulders collapsed, his body slid to one side, and hit the ground—followed by a muffled bang.

"Father—!" Yelisha was the first NPC to react, and also the first person to yell and rush over—in fact, she fell into a coma very early because she couldn't support herself, and she just woke up. Saw this scene.

It's really miserable.

The emotions of the players are also very deep, but it is still quite deep——

"The event has finally progressed... I'm so moved..."

——On the activity panel where the progress of "Tears of the Silver Corolla" has been crawling like a tortoise, the hopelessly full activity bar in the capital of the sanctuary has been cleared, and the three large characters "has been conquered" at the back.

This can really move the players to tears - what kind of mess have they experienced!
Didn't figure it out until now!
At the same time, more and more players outside the barrier are still looking at the players inside, neither envious nor dazed...


"So... the three underlings of the Black Prince must die?" Ai Jue glanced at Yelisha's direction and asked cautiously.

The so-called three subordinates of the Black Prince are the mage Miranda, the knight Alfred who appeared on the publicity PV, and...the warrior Teresan who occupied the war capital not long ago.

"The event should have related tasks..." Abai shook his head, "The ending of the city of the sanctuary should have been modified by several plot twists, which led to the current situation."

Jiang Sheng's branch about Iser is one, and the branch of Yelisha that Yuge received is the second... But the most deadly thing is probably what Hathaway did at the banquet.

That's a plot influence based on no mission at all... It seems like it's been played out since then?
Ah Bai frowned, but now there is no way to confirm the relevant details with Hathaway through communication, so many things are difficult to determine——

But where did she go?
"There are no players in Zhandu except the players who dug things back then." Ai Jue didn't know what Abai was thinking at the moment, thought he was talking about "related tasks", so he said.

Ah Jin heard their conversation, came over and asked: "Need to summarize the data to see what task nodes can attack the boss of Zhandu? Can Ah Bai build a model for analysis?"

"Probably that's what it means." Ai Jue clenched his hand into a fist, pressed it against his lips, and said in a deep voice, "But the situation in Zhandu is very strange now..."

As he said that, the players around him were discussing about Zhandu——

"The boss at Zhandu doesn't look like a human race?"

"Hmm... big beauty..."

"Are women these days more beautiful and deadly..."

Upon hearing this discussion, Ah Jin couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with Zhandu—"

As soon as she arrived in the Silver Empire, she ran to the capital of the temple, and she hadn't had time to learn about the situation of the capital with Ai Jue.




When this matter was mentioned, the players immediately shut their mouths, looking hesitant to speak - so that even Ah Jin could feel the strong sadness in them.

Ai Jue sighed: "The Zhandu player group was destroyed, and it was directly destroyed by the mobs brought by the boss."

At first, it took so long to besiege the monsters of Treyson, and then a woman led an army and trampled them down——

Ai Jue recalled that he also personally fought with that boss-level woman, but she didn't know which way it was, and abused him like chopping vegetables, so he was sent back to the resurrection point directly. No need to struggle.

"You can't do it, and you were hanged and beaten by a woman?" Ah Jin gave him a sideways look.

Ai Jue: "..."

"Is this girl familiar with you? The one I communicated with before?" Guan Shanhai was delighted when he heard it, and he didn't feel the grief and indignation of being trampled on.

Ai Jue felt that the uncle's focus was really miraculous, so he helped his forehead and said, "I've known him for a long time."

"Why have we known each other for such a long time? You treat me like this after we haven't seen each other for a few months?" Ah Jin also laughed, "Obviously we are childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts."

Ai Jue: "..."

Ai Jue: "Beauty, can you let me go?!"

God knows what he's thinking - no one understands the pain in Ai Jue's heart, they just think he's over excited.

"Did someone save the screenshot?" Ah Jin snorted, "That boss's"

"Don't say anything, there are not many, there are many screenshots of this boss." Ai Jue began to scroll the panel, with a bit of sarcasm in his tone - by the way, he despised some players.

A group of players who were obsessed with the beauty of the boss grabbed their hair embarrassingly and laughed.

Ah Jin: "..."

Why don’t you players seem to be quite right—the footsteps moved towards Abai and Ai Jue without a trace, and Ai Jue happened to share the screenshots on the panel——

"Hey, this NPC." Ah Jin took a good look and was amused, "It's actually a demon?"

Ai Jue—including Ah Bai, who had been quiet all this time—raised his eyebrows.

And a new race?

Other players are also curious: "What is the demon race? Why have you never heard of it?"

"Everyone in the elves knows about this—the demon king Ghana's family, who are active in the Longshan area of ​​Hiranvia, have always wanted to avenge Ghana and destroy the silver protection." A Jin shook his hair and explained, "The elves have many daily missions to crusade against the demons, but other races are rare."

"You said that the ban on the elves was lifted—" Ai Jue suddenly remembered a key question.

"Elf players used to have separate forums and maps, just like the two games, but I heard that the guild leader of a guild left the elf land and came here. I don't know how it is now." A Jin With a casual tone, "He seems to be called Pale Face."




Oh my god, so that person is actually an elf——


"Adventurers." The players felt confused at the moment, and when they hadn't thought about what to do next, Atwood's voice sounded. He walked over and looked at everyone, "After the matter here is resolved, the The rebel army has taken it—and Sirrut will go to the war capital."

"Then shall we go to Zhandu too?" Ai Jue asked.

"Hey, why did you go to Zhandu? Zhandu is controlled by the demons. Although the elves have lifted the ban, they are still closed, but they don't seem to be very good at intervening. It is not easy to attack?" Ah Jin raised his eyebrows and said, "Why don't you try? Trial method? The elves often pass on the rubbish of human spells, maybe it's simple."

Atwood: "..."

As a human mage sage, I want to throw you out right now.

"The elves...has the habit of underestimating the spells of the human race?" Ah Bai suddenly asked.

He has not expressed his position, and when he opened his mouth, his focus was a little strange.

Ah Jin didn't think much, said "ah" and nodded: "Almost, it is often said that the spells of the human race are too simple."

Abai fell silent.

I always feel that this attitude is very similar to...

 The first day Miss Sister disappeared, I missed her.

(End of this chapter)

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