Advanced NPC

Chapter 204 It's probably the calm before the storm

Chapter 204 It's probably the calm before the storm
After the communication was hung up, Ah Bai was still on the spot for a while.

"Ah Bai, what are you doing?" Ah Jin who caught him "fishing" couldn't help being surprised, thinking it was the news of the century, "You haven't figured out how to deal with the mechanism yet?"

This does not conform to the national conditions, does it?
Abai glanced at her, and then looked at the center of the field - Alfred stood in the middle as the boss, playing with dazzling skills.

The blow that Hathaway blocked was really useless - the Black Prince succeeded afterwards, and Esther turned into a blue light and fell into his hands.

And the other thing, called Asil's ring, was put on Alfred's hand.

This is what happened next - Alfred became black and became the current boss.

"This is a group battle boss, shall we remove that barrier first?" Ai Jue said beside him.

After all, Alfred is the knight commander of the paladins. After being blackened, he is not only worthy of fighting, but also flies in his mouth. to what effect.

Those who play paladins—especially Huaishan, now feel that their profession is the same as that of a buyer show, and they are too tired to face the seller's strength.

"He has immunity, and no matter how many skills the damage can't reach, he can't make effective damage." Abai rejected Ai Jue's suggestion, "Opening the barrier will let the mobs come to help him—"

"Are you sure? This blood bar was not made by someone at all?" Ai Jue stared, while avoiding a range attack from Alfred.

The reason why blackened Alfred is a group battle boss is because of his blood bars that have stacked at least ten tubes.

In the next second, the blackened Alfred pointed his spear and called a certain player's name—the player immediately fell into a stun.

"Leave the area under his feet—" Abai said immediately.

This is not a damage skill, but a very doggy forced cooling skill - all players who do not dodge, the skill will all enter the cooling state when the circle under Alfred's feet takes effect.

Sure enough, despite the prompt, some players still fell for the trick—even the common one-key cleaning skills have entered the cooldown, which is simply outrageous.

"Ah Jin, his ring has been blasted with all the fire elemental abilities of Divine Sense Miracle." Seeing this, Ah Bai took a deep breath and said.

Ah Jin was taken aback when he heard the words: "Are you sure there are all explosive elements?!"

"Any questions?"

The question is very sincere - the elves are a new race to them, and Abai hasn't had time to investigate yet, so he doesn't know the specific situation about the profession.

Ah Jin scratched her hair, as confident as she was for the first time showing a little embarrassed look: "The problem is nothing... Tsk, it really is Ah Bai, who even knows this kind of big move..."


"The professional instructor said that this skill combination is the strongest match for the Templar Mage. It is unique to the elves. It is impossible for others to know, but the sequelae of too much explosion may be more serious-it seems to be in multiple burning states." A Jin said, " So I haven't really tried it..."

Unique to the elves, it is impossible for others to know...

Abai narrowed his eyes.

After a while, he came back to his senses, and he said, "Then I'll leave it to you."

"You are as polite as ever." Ah Jin said "tsk", "Then you have to find a way to control him, otherwise it will be useless if you can't hit him."

"That's what you said." Ai Jue paused, "Which of us can control this boss?"

The crowd was silent.

"Please trust me, Phantom Spirit Nurse..." Jiang Sheng unknowingly found a wooden fish out of it, knocked on it and said, it's very Buddhist.

Everyone suddenly missed Hathaway very much.

Ah Bai was silent again, and opened the panel calmly - Hathaway's avatar was on, and although she was online, she turned on rejecting communications.

What is she...


"I didn't expect it to reach this level--" At this moment, a voice sounded slowly--the person who suddenly appeared above the capital of the temple... Atwood, looking down, swept past the players, and landed on Adeno body, "Adeno, have you changed your mind?"

Adeno was leaning against the wall, his heart was ashamed - this lasted for a long time, he heard Atwood's voice, he barely raised his head, his face was weak and pale, and the corners of his mouth moved slightly: " Did you come to see my joke?"

"Joke? There's nothing funny about it." Atwood said, the wind around him blocked the blackened Alfred's blow, his tone was cold, "Paranoia will kill people, you are really a role model. "

Adeno didn't want to talk.

"Adventurers, let's do it, smash the ring - make sure that Elf King Asil notices the change of the human race."

After speaking, the blue wind gradually gathered under his feet, seemingly gentle and soft, but extremely fierce when it was blown out—it was like a rope, entangled around Alfred when he was close to blackening Alfred—!
Blackening Alfred naturally tried to cut it off, but—the wind was constantly cutting, and his struggle was futile at this moment—

An inexplicable mania made the action of blackening Alfred crazy - and Ah Jin had already taken the opportunity to read the miracle of divine thoughts.

"The power of the spirit demon..." Atwood narrowed his eyes, "Adventurer, hurry—"

The miracle of divine sense requires a one-minute warm-up on the spot——Ah Jin didn’t speak, and his fingers were flying like flying on the operation panel——

People are a little nervous.

If it doesn't work, who knows what big move the manic blackened Alfred will use——


"Okay." Ah Jin's words made people breathe a sigh of relief - but the explosion scene that followed was not as "gentle" as her tone -

Wrapped in gold and red, it rushed outward, like an imposing dragon, and opened its mouth to the struggling blackened Alfred——!
A distant place shrouded in light.

The person sitting upright in the giant white tree had a handsome face, long pointed ears, and amber eyes that rarely moved—but at this moment, he blinked and looked at his knees.

A ring on his hand shattered in an instant.

"Silver...Empire." His voice was beautiful and ethereal.


Silver Empire.

The ancient library was sunk in a dark environment, a tall figure was leaning against the bookshelf, flipping through a book, silently.

Wearing a cloak, you can't see your face clearly.

The figure of the Black Prince suddenly appeared - he was dressed in black, with two rings on his slender fingers, faintly glowing in the dark environment.

"Congratulations." The person who read the book didn't even lift his head, but he knew what happened like the back of his hand.

The Black Prince couldn't help but glanced at him: "You can predict things like a god."

Whether it is the plan of the city of the temple, or the affairs of the war capital.

"It's a pity." The man didn't care much, and then he said softly.


"It's a perfect drama, but there are no accidents, so there is no exciting feeling." The man sighed, and then pointed to the book in his hand, "Like this story collection, although it is interesting, it is also very exciting." It’s a little too routine.”

The Black Prince was silent, and then he choked out a sentence: "The plan is always better if it is more perfect."

"Ha." The man smiled, "Fortunately, there is still a scene to watch before going back... The demons have already arrived in Zhandu."

"As you said, they agreed to the conditions - the rebels will definitely pass." Mrs. Hei nodded, her five fingers gradually tightened, "But...the elves really won't notice?"

"No." There was a faint, low laugh in the air.

 I think it is necessary for me to declare in advance that the black prince is not a tyrant, and there is no such thing as a meme that is half dead after collecting a snap of fingers_(:3」∠)_
(End of this chapter)

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