The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 397 The Walking Dead - Tantai Pengzhang (164)

Chapter 397 The Walking Dead - Tantai Peng (164)

The person in the cabinet seemed to understand what she meant, and slowly opened the door and walked out of the cabinet, but at night, he saw that his scalpel had not been put away, and it seemed that he was still a little wary of himself.

Now that this person can come out is already very good, and I don't expect him to trust me so much.Besides, in the eyes of others, I should be a sudden person here, and I will definitely be full of hostility towards this strange person, which is also what I should.

For some reason, this scene reminded Mu Yucheng and the others suddenly at night.

After thinking of them, I was also a little worried at night whether they could find the supplies he had prepared for them. Those supplies should be enough for them to eat for a while.

The man who came out of the cabinet looked up and down the night, and when he saw that she was not planning to attack him, he relaxed his vigilance a little.But because the girl in front of him smashed the 5th floor glass with one kick, and he doesn't know whether this person is an enemy or a friend. It is possible that her current appearance is all camouflage, and she may be in the next second. Take out your weapon and attack yourself.

As he looked at the night, the night also looked at him.

The man standing in front of Ye Ye looked about forty or fifty years old, wearing glasses and a white mandarin jacket.Looks like it's one of the doctors in the hospital.

If he is a doctor, his medical skills should be relatively high.

Thinking of the night here, I thought of the community. Apart from some basic operations, the medical staff would be helpless for any major surgery. Either they would let the wounded heal themselves, or the wounds would become inflamed, and the patients could not afford to have a fever. eventually die.

In fact, they should not be blamed for this, after all, they have not accepted the study of real medical skills, and they are not professional in these.

If this doctor is placed in the community, then...

Just as she was thinking this, the electronic screen appeared in front of her again.

[Please send the survivors safely to a safe area. 】

It seems that he has already guessed what the night is thinking now, and the three words "safe zone" are highlighted in red and magnified a lot.

Seeing this, Ye Ye could only nod his head, and he had no choice but to put his thoughts behind him.

The two of them just didn't speak, and looked at each other.One minute passed, and suddenly there was a loud noise at the door outside the emergency room, and the two of them were brought back to reality by the sound of these words.

At night, he subconsciously looked at the door of the emergency room, and at the same time, he also observed that the door of the emergency room can still stand for less than a minute, so he immediately said to the survivor:

"I'm here to save you."

When he heard these words, his heart finally fell.Although his age is not too high, even if he dies here, he will admit it, but he still wants to survive. After all, everyone has the desire to survive.

When he was about to speak, the night interrupted his words:
"Sorry, I'm in a hurry now, let's talk about it when we reach a safe place, come with me."

After talking about the night, he walked towards the window.

Seeing this, he followed the pace of the night, and when he walked to the window, he saw the broken glass of the window falling to the ground.At the same time, I saw the whole body of the night sticking out of the window.

Him: What is this for?
(End of this chapter)

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