The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 396 The Walking Dead - Night Chapter (163)

Chapter 396 The Walking Dead - Night (163)

In fact, the voice of the person hiding in the cabinet had already been heard when he saw the emergency room at night.

After listening to his voice, she could only look at the cabinet indifferently at night, although she knew that the person hiding in the cabinet was not intentional, after all, her sudden appearance would definitely bring him a sense of fear.

Even so, there was still an unknown anger in her heart.

But because this is a mandatory task of the system, he suppressed his anger and calmed down his furious mood, and her system, Mr. Ray, was also calming her down.

After sorting out her mood, she walked towards the big cabinet, and she could feel that the person inside the cabinet was in an extremely tense situation, so she deliberately slowed down her pace, telling that person that she was not He is not a bad person, and at the same time, he told himself his sincerity in wanting to save him.

In the night, he didn't think that the survivor got him wrong, and when he saw that she was a girl, he thought it was the savior who came to save him, and he subconsciously regarded the night as the opposite person.


The survivors hiding in the cabinet also have some weapons in their hands. After all, there are so many zombies outside who keep some weapons on their bodies, so I always feel a little uneasy.

He watched the night slowly approaching him. At this time, inside the big cabinet, he tried hard not to breathe loudly, and at the same time he could hear his own violent heartbeat inside the cabinet.

The sound of the beating heart was definitely not telling him that danger was coming towards him.

He picked up the scalpel in his trousers, and when he entered the cabinet, he conveniently put all the operations on the operating table into his trouser pocket, just for this situation to happen.

He holds a scalpel in his right hand. The operation that was originally used to save people has now become a weapon he is about to kill. As a doctor, when he thought of this, he couldn't help sneering in his heart. This is really a big deal. joke.

Obviously a doctor who saved lives and healed the wounded, but now he has become a murderer who wants to live.This is really a trick of good fortune.

He tried to stare at the girl walking towards him outside, as if if the girl opened the door of the closet, he would immediately stab her with the scalpel in his hand.

To his surprise, the girl stopped three steps away from him, looked at the cabinet she was hiding and did not speak.

In fact, when he took out the scalpel from his pants, Keen Night had already heard the sound, because the scalpel can be said to be a metallic sound, and her hearing is much better than ordinary people, so she can hear it. arrive.

The night when she heard the voice stopped, she wondered in her heart what was going on in the mind of the person hiding in the cabinet.

Isn't her sincerity not obvious enough, and it doesn't look like she came to save him from the surface?
At this time Mr. Ray interrupted: I think you seem to have killed him

The night I heard the words:  …

So when she was three steps away from the cabinet, she stopped, as if telling the survivor inside the cabinet that she didn't want to be his enemy, and at the same time, she was the one who wanted to save him.

The person inside the cabinet seemed to see what the night meant. Although he hesitated, he still slowly opened the door of the cabinet, but the scalpel in his right hand did not put away.

(End of this chapter)

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