Orange Blossom is a bit sweet

Chapter 49: Life is like a play

Chapter 49 Chapter 048
Ji Yingduo quickly harvested two heads in the bottom lane and attacked without hesitation.

After he pushed the minion line under the tower, he simply left the random "Ya Ya like you" (Temo) and went to the wild area. He knew that the opposite mid laner, top laner and jungler were all rushing to the wild area, so this opening The first wave of 3 people who are only level 9 will fight in the wild.

It's really weird.

[Human Tower In One] wants to capture WingsMisa's relatives and friends and then isolate AD from their team, so that they die again and again.

But Ji Yingduo is a dog-nosed person, and he is determined not to be fooled, so he immediately told Li Cheng to stand there after brushing F6, eat the blood bag and wait to turn back.

Li Cheng quickly glanced at the map, and sure enough, the jungler and mid laner Syndra came running over from the opposite side. Fortunately, her ultimate move was almost ready: "How annoying! I haven't killed the fire dragon yet, so I'm going to do it now." Have you started a wild field team battle?... I thought I could at least finish visiting the stone men before we can talk about it!"

Ji Yingduo gave Li Cheng an idea: "It doesn't matter, you can also fight at level 3, you tell Xiaocha to stand still at F6, and then you avoid their eyes and ambush, no matter whether I can intercept them on my side You have to protect Xiaocha so that she won't be caught, and if you don't want to fight on the way back, you know?"

Li Cheng quickly replied: "Okay."

Li Cheng inserted a grass eye next to F6 before laying an ambush, and after getting a good view, he unscrupulously followed this position from the grass beside the river.

Although they have the cute little tea princess with them, the wild area on their side is already lit up like a street lamp.

Li Cheng knew that he was not very good at inserting wards, but he didn't know that what he inserted was stacked with Ji Yingduo's, but the goal was still achieved, and the wild area became as bright as a dungeon.

It was too late, but soon, Ji Yingduo saw the little murloc walking carefully in his wilderness.

So the opponent must have never expected it, and the little murloc's enchanting move to avoid the eye position was useless at all.

Li Cheng was very nervous when she saw that the middle road was coming to shake people. According to the instructions, she hid near F6, and Xiaocha stood at the position of F6 as bait.

The mid laner had already rushed over, and she jumped out suddenly. She was nervous, her position was not very good, and her E skill was missed. She then thought that maybe the opponent could see her with a vision, so the displacement of the super fast reaction Dodged the big move.

The mid laner on the opposite side was startled and yelled, "Oh, my ancestors! They're hiding here!"

Immediately afterwards, Syndra's Q skill was directed at Li Cheng.

Li Cheng didn't want to be connected by Syndra's QE, so he listened to Ji Yingduo's command and decisively handed in a flash.

Syndra's flaw is that it consumes a lot of mana in the early stage and has a thin skin. Once the QE is not connected, it will be very difficult to take away the opponent's mid laner.

The mid laner was also a little surprised, and uttered a cry in the team: "(#`) Convex, I'm Nima! This is a professional who is allergic to towers!"

Xiaocha found Syndra's weakness, she raised her hand calmly, aimed at Syndra with W skill, and used [burn] to take away half of Syndra's health.

Xiaocha found out that Li Cheng was beaten by the opponent and ran away, so no matter how stupid he was, he knew he was going to gank.

Li Cheng immediately replied: "Nice, baby! You are so great!"

Ji Yingduo immediately blocked the jungler from the middle, disconnecting the jungler from the mid laner.

The jungler also wanted to say that the mid laner was walking too fast, and wanted him to wait for him. As a result, Ji Yingduo, who was wearing a push rod (Hex technology belt), sprinted forward for a while, and suddenly appeared in the In front of the little murloc, the three-ring aqae of the speed of light smoothed the little murloc who was even crispier than Wei En, and then groped the river to find the mid laner.

The ball girl had already run in front of Li Cheng and was half-healthy. She didn't see the jungler knocking him out, but she received the news that the jungler was lying dead.

The mid laner was startled and shouted in the voice channel: "Holy shit! What kind of hand speed does this guy have!"

It would have been better if I had known that I would be on guard against the next road. Their jungler is full of drama, and they deliberately bypassed the ward. Is it necessary?It's not playing in the professional league.

Due to Syndra's lack of support from the jungle, she was pinned down by Annie as soon as she hit Annie to the point of residual blood, and was stunned and slowed down by Li Cheng's Xin Zhao.

Li Cheng is a typical example of turning in a flash and turning back with a displacement skill.

Then I connected a Q to gank the ball girl.

Ji Yingduo felt that Li Cheng had made progress, and said decisively: "It's beautiful, fruity orange, bring Xiaocha back to the city, teach Xiaocha to buy equipment, and then use this opportunity to teleport to the middle road and pull out the middle road tower."

Li Cheng took a deep breath and said, "Okay."

The middle road almost wanted to cry without tears: "Boss, is this really a game of abuse? This Annie has a good mental quality! She was beaten to the brim just now, but she didn't run away in a hurry, but waited for the jungler to attack, so which one is Xiaobai?"

Top laner Lucy saw her jungler and mid laner being knocked down so easily and said, "Yiming, you are not wronged at all for being knocked down by him. I told you not to take it lightly..."

The mid laner in the battle shook his head speechlessly: "Sister, you said you were the one to shake people in the middle lane. Where are you? The food abuse bureau? We haven't even had dinner yet! Oh, I'm hungry, I'm bored..."

Lucy urged with black lines all over her head: "Okay, okay, I will take you to eat 9999 shabu-shabu later, and quickly clear the mobs in the wild area."

Just when Bai Yu went out from the F6 position of his own wild area to the middle lane and went directly to the opposite wild area, the two ran into each other on the edge of the wild area.

(F6 refers to the location of the 6 pheasants in the Wild Area of ​​Summoner's Canyon.)
Nar was 2 levels higher than the prince, so after the two sides met, Bai Yu decisively pulled Nar to the middle.

Bai Yu's escaping posture is very timid, and the way he runs all the way without flashing, looks like a little white, so [Human Tower Unity] can't be confused by this, of course he has to catch up No matter what, he will kill this Xiaobai first.

So while chasing, he used the pull back to push the prince away.

In this way, he was led to the middle road by the prince.

Gnar didn't see his mid laner and jungler in the middle lane, because his own laner and jungler had already entered the jungle from the middle lane before him.

Immediately after he was chasing the prince, he received notifications that the little murloc and Syndra had passed away one after another. At this time, his mentality really broke down. She thought she had to kill this cowardly jungler to earn some face and come back.

Anyway, no matter how bad the kung fu is at this time, the opposite person who is allergic to the pagoda and the people in the pagoda can be beaten to a residual blood. Anyway, she still has the big move of "Tathagata Palm".

Renta Heyi estimates that there may be two novices in Misa's group of relatives and friends, and one of them must be the Bai Yu in front of him now.

Then he fell into the trick Bai Yu set for him.

Bai Yu's purpose is to pretend to be Xiaobai and drag this person to hide in his own tower. He is two levels behind Gnar, so it is definitely impossible to fight this Lost Fang head-on, without even a glimmer of hope.

Not only is he two levels higher than him, but this little animal has a red buff on it, and it hurts to death if you cut it.

(End of this chapter)

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