Orange Blossom is a bit sweet

Chapter 48 047: Human Tower Unite 1

Chapter 48
"Hehe, I just bought the Prince who is still hot, so let's use it." Bai Yu chose Prince Demacia. This hero is perfect as a jungler, and has strong self-protection ability as a SLR. He can be used alone or in combination. The ban rate is quite high recently, it is very suitable to roam and bring small tea.

Li Cheng glanced at her shallow novice hero pool and glared at Xin Zhao and said: "Ji Xiaoshuai, my Lux Elementalist skin has not been used twice so far! Do you want to use it? It's beautiful! "

Li Cheng scanned the heroes that were distributed for free by the system with her eyes, but she couldn't choose a hero she liked. Xin Zhao, who was distributed for free by the system, was reluctant to do so.

Ji Yingduo didn't want to use Lux. When he met the human tower in one man-machine before, he used the big element to make the skin dangle next to him. If it weren't for this man talking too much, he would have thought it was a human demon king. .

That's why he didn't like Lux no matter what he saw: "I still use Vayne, Lax's skin can be used when you solo yourself, prodigal."

Li Cheng shook his head and sighed: "Hehehehe! I don't know who played Hearthstone and paid 2W for cards and rare cards in one breath?! Who is the loser!

... Lux's skin is better than a card that can't move at all! "

Ji Yingduo replied impatiently: "You don't understand!"

"What do you mean I don't understand! Is this saying that only the Duke of Zhou is allowed to set fire and the people are not allowed to light lamps?
Besides, isn't this a low-end match for beginners? What's the matter with using it? Isn't it pretty good to use big elements to make the skin for the passer-by?

Is Lacus really that bad in your high-end game?Why don't you all use it? "Li Cheng pouted and retorted.

It is rare for Ji Yingduo to patiently explain to Li Cheng: "Do you think it is good to go back to your hometown with a handful of Lux? If you use a handful of Lux, your teammates will eat soil with you to see if it is good!"

The whole world knows that she has a Q skill to fix her footsteps, but don't she know how to hide?
There is also the R skill that can be dodged with a little brain, the reading time is long and the CD is long, let me tell you, Anne is easier to use than Lux.

Annie has been in the BAN position these years, with strong firepower, high damage, flexible AOE, and a short CD. When you are in line, you don’t lose soldiers. If you are not in line, you can go downstream with flash firepower. Is silk okay?
It consumes mana and is brittle, has no displacement, and doesn't even have a passive. Oh, so she and Galen are siblings, and there is only one advantage, the skin is beautiful. "

Li Cheng knew that it was rare for Ji Yingduo to have the patience to explain a few words, but she listened to it completely. Anyway, she knew that Lacus was suitable for elementary school students. Ji Xiaoshuai was a high-end player, but he didn't like the baby Lacus.

One of the randomly matched people in the team chose a Teemo whose ID is 'Yaya likes you'.

Xiaocha's chosen hero is still the particularly lovely Anne, the daughter of darkness.

After getting familiar with the first one and groping for the second one, Xiaocha also understood how to operate the hero, at least she already understood everything about playing back and forth skills with qwe on the keyboard and switching CDs.

After distinguishing the upper, middle and lower lanes, she found that the bosses would be refreshed every once in a while on the wild area of ​​the Summoner's Canyon map, which was very interesting.

Bai Yu deliberately went to the wild area of ​​the upper road to take a look at Renta Heyi.

Just like what Ji Yingduo guessed, the combination of human and tower is really old Jianghu, so he chose Gnar the Lost Fang. As soon as he entered the book, he followed the jungler to grab the red BUFF, and then rushed to the road up.

Bai Yu shuddered, and his brows frowned: "Xiao, isn't it a coincidence? Such a professional-level operation?"

Ji Yingduo asked Bai Yu to insert two eyes in the river. After Bai Yu came back, Ji Yingduo happened to see [Human Tower Unity] touched the red buff and went to squat on the road.

Ji Yingduo and Bai Yu both laughed at the same time: "It's definitely not a passer-by. They have a team to cooperate. The little murloc used in the jungle just now entered the jungle area to provide vision and clear the way for the top road. Fortunately, you avoided the field of vision when you went there just now." , otherwise the head will be given away at the beginning."

"Hehe, this world is too small to actually meet a professional player in a match." Bai Yu was a little speechless.

"Then how about letting her experience the heart-wrenching feeling of wanting to gank but not being able to gank? Which team would you say would be such a professional top laner?" Ji Yingduo felt a little bitter.

Bai Yu has been doing team analysis recently, so it's not like a coincidence that such a sharp top move: "If it's not a passer-by, I can only think of one person for this tower, Zou Rang.

But I don't think Zou Rang would be so boring. It is very likely that Lucy imitated her master, even her tone of voice. What do you think? "

Ji Yingduo scratched his neck and said, "Oh, even you think so, then it must be her. It seems that the people on the other side are all members of the toilet team."

Li Cheng was a little confused, so: "Toilet team? The technology is so stinky!"

"Hey, it's not that the technology stinks, but the abbreviation of their team is WWC, leaving out the first W is WC, we all call it that.

You must have heard the name of this team, and you must feel it is thunderous. WWC is the abbreviation of [War Team].

I originally wanted to observe for a while to find out whose seed player is so boring. If it is Lucy, everything is reasonable. "Ji Yingduo frowned slightly.

"Well, Xuanjing drove out yesterday, and got on August [-] in the middle of the night and early in the morning, since she couldn't find me, she naturally came to block Xiaocheng.

She admires her master so much, so naturally the name of the trumpet has something to do with him. " Bai Yu calmly analyzed Ji Yingduo's suspicion.

Li Cheng thought who this Human Tower Heyi was: "Ah? Lucy! It's her, Human Tower Heyi is Zou Rang's title in the world, right?"

Ji Yingduo frowned when she heard Li Cheng's gloating voice: "Yes! Who has time to care about her! Why come here to tease you if you don't train well... It's crazy to provoke idols!"

Li Cheng tightened her nose: "Eh? She pretended not to know her just now, but she came to add my account as a friend, didn't she?
Maybe it was because I went to gank your base when I was active in Jiangcheng, so I was remembered by the team next to me.

The two of you are inseparable, and she picked me up because she knew I was an idol, probably because I looked more threatening than you. "

Although there are rules in the e-sports circle, players do not fall in love, so as not to affect the team's overall performance due to emotions affecting the game.

But after all, it is only on the premise of not affecting the results. After the competition results come up, they can talk about whatever they want.

But idols are not good, they are written in black and white that they cannot fall in love and sign a contract.

Ji Yingduo's eyebrows were all knit together, he was a little angry this time, not because of Li Cheng.

Li Cheng was a little worried and said: "If the person in the opposite tower is really Lucy, you have to protect me! The people from their toilet team will focus on me later!"

"That's a must." Bai Yu and Ji Yingduo answered Li Cheng's words in unison.

The two looked at each other and nodded.

 "Little Master Orange Blossom" is ready to be released at the end of the month~
  The male protagonist is not the master who determines the development of the game from the moment he appears, and the female protagonist is not a routine who is left out and then turns around.

  But this theme is what I have prepared for a long time and it is also my favorite theme. I will use 120 points of effort to describe and present it!

  In the new era, thank you all book friends for your recommendation tickets and support!

  Bow (*^__^*)!


(End of this chapter)

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