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Chapter 833 Pursue You Openly

Chapter 833 Pursue You Openly
This is Xia Yu from five years ago.

That's right, this photo is exactly the one that Xiao Licheng took for Xia Yu in the car on the day he sang the seabed.

Five years later, I still love you.Now I can pursue you openly.

Xia Yu looked at it, and his face turned red.

Xia Liang saw it, and quietly climbed onto her shoulder, and asked softly, "Why, do you like him?"

Xia Yu was startled and shook his head quickly. "No, no, no... no, I don't like him, no, I do like him, but the liking I said is not that kind of liking!"

"I am what I am as a person and I appreciate this person... I, I, I... I... I have nothing else to say!"

Xia Liang looked at her flustered appearance from the side, and couldn't help stretching out her hand to pluck her cheek.


"Why are you panicking?"

Xia Yu lowered his head, obviously nervous.

"I... I didn't panic..."

Xia Liang sighed, then patted her head again.

"Hey... what am I going to do with you..."

"Xiaobai, we agreed, we can't lie to each other."

"What do you say?"

Xia Yu pursed her lips tightly, without saying a word.

Xia Liang pinched her cheeks twice, and asked with a smile, "Your liking is the same as his liking, right?"

"... "


Seeing Xia Yu's honest answer, Xia Liang handed her the tablet in his hand.

"You didn't lie, you did a good job."

Xia Yu took the tablet and looked at it. It was a photo of her and Xiao Licheng when they were together.

One after another.

In just two years, she and he have experienced so many things.

"I knew you liked him a long time ago. I knew it from the time we met again, when you told me you were going to leave directly."

Xia Yu was silent for a while, and said in a panic, "I... I like it, but I won't be his girlfriend. I will always be with you!!"


Xia Liang bent her eyes and smiled brightly.

"Hahaha...Then what do you mean, you won't be his girlfriend?"


"You don't date him or marry him?"


"Then you want to stay with me when you're single?"


"That can't be done..."


Xia Yu was a little confused.

"What doesn't work..."

Xia Liang dragged Xia Yu all the way to his big bed, and then collapsed on it.

"Hey... I always thought, I can't be your shackles, I can't be your shackles... I didn't expect that I would still be your shackles when I came here."

Xia Yu turned his head and looked at her.

"What shackles, you are not!"

"Then why don't you dare to be brave with someone you like? You said you want to stay with me... Xiaobai... No, Xia Yu. I've been telling you, you have to do what you want to do, don't think about it anymore I see, do you understand?."

"Now is not the past. I don't need to worry about anything, and neither do you. With someone you like, you have to be brave enough to pursue your own happiness."

"No matter what you do, I will support you unconditionally."

I support you unconditionally.

These simple 7 words are Xia Liang's doting on Xia Yu, and also represent Xia Liang's attitude.

Xia Yu turned sideways and held Xia Liang's hand tightly.

"Sometimes I really don't understand, how can I be so meet you?"

"I think I'm the happiest person in the world right now."

(End of this chapter)

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