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Chapter 832 1 I Have Been Waiting For You 3

Chapter 832 I Have Been Waiting For You 3
As soon as she finished commenting on this sentence, Yuesheng Entertainment sent out a lawyer's letter, which stated that the complaints were those marketing accounts with rhythm and some fans who spread rumors.

After the announcement was made, fans responded with the words "well done" under the official post.

In the afternoon, some unexpected people came to Xia Yu's side.

"Bai Yu!"

Ling Yiyi yelled Xia Yu's original name, and immediately rushed over.

Xia Yu wobbled to catch the red-haired girl who was rushing towards him, with a shocked expression on his face.

"Ling Yiyi? And...Xu Qiuyi?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and hurried over to grab Xia Yu.

"You... how do you..."

Ling Yiyi pouted.

"Ah~! That's too much! You didn't tell us when you left!! You went abroad to study all of a sudden!"

"That's right, don't say a word when you come back!"

Zhou Huadong, who I hadn't seen for a long time, was also at the door, with his hands in his pockets, holding his girlfriend's small items, squinting.

Study abroad…

Ling Yiyi licked the corner of her mouth, and said, "So your original name is Xia Yu! I knew you were the lady of the Xia family hahaha!"

"Yes, yes, yes! But seeing that you are doing well, we are relieved!"

Xia Yu raised his head and glanced at Xia Liang. "This is…"

Xia Liang smiled.

"I just came here to talk about cooperation. Seeing that we are old acquaintances, I specially brought you here to meet you."

Xia Yu's nose soured.

"Is that so..."

Xu Qiuyi said regretfully, "Hey, in fact, Chen Ruixi and Gao Xin miss you very much~! It's a pity that you didn't come."

"I think they will come back to see you in a short time! Because it's really been a long time!"

Gao Xin...

Xia Yu narrowed his eyes and smiled.This is also a name that makes her miss...

A few people sat, talked about the old days, and then ate together, Ling Yiyi and Xu Qiuyi reluctantly let Xia Yu and the others go back.

At night, Xia Liang and Xia Yu were paralyzed on their sofa, checking their phones. Suddenly, Xia Yu froze.

She just went out to have a meal, why did the hot searches change when she came back? ?
She saw Daxi and Lianlian specifically apologizing to her. In addition, the top trending search turned out to be a five-year relationship with President hz. 】

Xia Yu was dumbfounded, she clicked in and looked, it said Xia Yu was Xiao Licheng's girlfriend, and on the day the show started, Xiao Licheng even picked her up for dinner.

The photo attached above happened to be taken by Lian Lian, and it was Xia Yu's appearance in the parking lot that evening.

Not only that, but the photos of Xia Yu, Su Yale, and Xiao Licheng standing together when recording the song "Under the Sea" were also found on the above, and someone even found out that the boy playing the violin at the New Year's Eve party is now the president of hz. Xiao Licheng, the Patriarch of the Xiao Family.

They were all talking about how Xiao Licheng and Xia Yu's relationship lasted so long. Unexpectedly, Xiao Licheng saw it, forwarded it, and accompanied it.

[It used to be a sneaky crush, but now it's an aboveboard pursuit. 】

There is a photo above, which is extremely beautiful.In a car, passing a bridge, the corner of the girl's mouth slightly raised.

The photo is like a poster, exuding the smell of oranges. Everyone was amazed after seeing it.

This is Xia Yu from five years ago.

That's right, this photo is exactly the one that Xiao Licheng took for Xia Yu in the car on the day he sang the seabed.

Five years later, I still love you.Now I can pursue you openly.

(End of this chapter)

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