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Chapter 63 Chapter 63: The Xiao Family 1

Chapter 63 Chapter 63 The Xiao Family 1
"Master, the nanny has been standing outside for a long time."

Master Xiao looked at the report without frowning, and asked, "Nanny? Why is she standing outside?"

The butler lowered his head and said, "It seems that I have something to tell you."

Master Xiao put down the report, and said irritably, "What can a nanny do if he sees me? Which nanny is it?"

"It's the one supported by our Xiao family..."

Hearing this, Mr. Xiao was very surprised and said, "Oh? How dare you come over and talk about the problem? Back then, they kindly subsidized their family, and dropped out of school without even giving a reason. What a black spot for our Xiao family!"

"Call her in. I want to see what she can say."

The housekeeper nodded, and opened the door outside. Kang Hua's mother stood outside the door looking very haggard.

The eyes are also very red and swollen.

"Aunt Kang, come in."

Aunt Kang entered the study door, accepted the guidance of the housekeeper, and sat on the sofa.Master Xiao also took a step forward and sat opposite Aunt Kang.

"Go ahead."

Aunt Kang lowered her head and said, "I am very grateful to the master for allowing me to work in Xiao's family, giving me a high salary, and sponsoring my daughter to go to school."

Master Xiao nodded.

"Yes, you are very law-abiding, unlike other nannies whose hands and feet are not clean. But your daughter failed to meet your expectations."

Aunt Kang shook her head and said, "No, it's not that she failed to meet my expectations, but that I, as a mother, have been too dereliction of duty."

Master Xiao' Oh? ' With a sound, he asked, "Continue to talk."

Aunt Kang rubbed her legs and said, "Actually... I have already resigned today, do you know that?"

Master Xiao glanced at the butler, and the butler nodded, indicating that there was indeed such a thing.

"Speak the key."

Aunt Kang sighed and said, "Yesterday, my daughter told me everything that happened. She was threatened by Miss Xiao, helped her to hurt her friends, was framed by Miss Xiao, had to drop out of school, and was injured by a gangster hired by Miss Xiao. My legs and feet are inconvenient and I dare not go out of the room."

She said sadly, "Can you imagine? Master, Miss Xiao actually said that my daughter is a thief who sleeps with others. Even if these are not true, once the rumor spreads, it will become true if it is not true." thing."

"She also threatened my daughter with me, saying that I work in Xiao's family, and it is easy for me to be charged with unclean hands and feet."

"I'm also really stupid. When my daughter asked me to quit my job at the Xiao family, I thought the child was just talking nonsense and wanted me to spend more time with her, so I was willful..."

"I should have discovered earlier that the child has never been self-willed with me, so there must be her reasons."

After hearing this, Mr. Xiao frowned deeply. If these are true, how much impact will the news have on the Xiao family!
"One-sided words, why do you think I should trust you? Xiao Feiyun, the young lady of the Xiao family, has been well-educated since she was a child, and she got A's in all subjects. How could she do such a vulgar thing."

Aunt Kang smiled and said, "I couldn't believe it at first. Until I saw the wounds on my daughter. Sir, think about it, how much despair is it that makes my seventeen-year-old daughter jump into the river? Do you know... How scared and desperate was I in my heart at that time? I was really afraid that my daughter would never come back, so what is the point of my life!"

"I am the mother of a child, and I am the only support for that child!!"

(End of this chapter)

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