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Chapter 62 Alarm

Chapter 62 Alarm
Because she fell in love with someone she shouldn't?
because of her……

At that time, after Gao Xin rejected Liu Ziqin again, revenge followed.

They wore masks and beat her.

Just when Gao Xin wanted to give up everything, the hero appeared.

Some people may say that comparing others to heroes is too much, too exaggerated.

But this is Gao Xin's innermost thoughts.

Everyone didn't believe her, didn't help her, didn't listen to her, only Bai Yu stood up.

Gao Xin lay on the ground and looked up at Bai Yu.The golden light shines on Bai Yu's body through layers of leaves.

As if to save her...

She unconsciously said that sentence, what she always wanted to say.


The hero is strong and helped her as she wished.


Thinking back on what happened today... She was always selfish, only thinking about herself.

If... when Liu Ziqin made her own claim, she would retort more strongly, be more determined...

But if there is no if, the matter has passed. To be honest, when Liu Ziqin was beaten, Gao Xin was very contradictory.

She was flustered and felt that she should stop it, but... her heart was more comfortable.

She wanted to hit him for a long time, even though she loved Liu Ziqin very much, the harm caused by Liu Ziqin could never be wiped out.

Liu Ziqin was greatly shocked by the real appearance of his childhood sweetheart, as well as his ex-girlfriend's experience and thoughts.

Is it him... is he doing something wrong...

"Kang Hua, I'm sorry for you too. If I could be tougher, then...the ending would be different..."

"Also... I'm sorry Bai Yu, I doubted you even for a moment today. I'm really sorry, I'm selfish, everyone should doubt..."

"I'm really sorry for hurting you..."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Liu Ziqin with a sad face.

"That's why I've been unwilling to get back together with you. Do you understand? Liu Ziqin, Young Master Liu."

Bai Yu said indifferently, "I don't care. Whether you believe this bald man or not, it has nothing to do with me."

Liu Ziqin lowered his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

This is the first time he has been beaten so hard and dumped so badly since he grew up.

Yes, he, Liu Ziqin, grew up like a star-studded moon since he was a child, and there was nothing he couldn't get.

He took it for granted that all good things belonged to him, and he developed an arrogant character.

Even chasing Gao Xin this time was simply because he couldn't get it.

Ask him if he likes Gao Xin?
The answer is like it.

But as we all know, likes can change.If he had been dating Gao Xin back then, he might have dumped Gao Xin because he was bored, but she resisted and escaped from his grasp.

So he just chased after Gao Xin with a shameless face, and after chasing and chasing, the love did not decrease, but increased to a higher level.

Liu Ziqin never imagined that it was his selfish liking that caused his sweetheart to suffer such serious injuries.

At this moment, what else can he say?
He couldn't say anything.

He could only keep his head down and say those three words over and over again, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

As he spoke, he finally couldn't hold on anymore and passed out.

Bai Yu sighed and made a call.

"Hello? Is it 110? Ah, yes, there is a fight here... yes, yes, it has been suppressed, the road section is..."

(End of this chapter)

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