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Chapter 38 Kang Hua Chapter 4

Chapter 38 Kang Hua Chapter 4
No... no!
"Don't say it, please, don't say it!"

Xiao Feiyun saw Kang Hua's body trembling with fear, and smiled, "Yes... If you don't want me to say just control your mouth. Ah, but, even if you say it, they won't won't believe you."

"Because... a thief and a lady, which side will the school believe?"

Kang Hua looked at this ferocious man in front of him, how could he say that this man was kind?

She could no longer hypnotize herself.This is a demon!Evil spirit!She can push people down the stairs without hesitation, she can spread rumors without guilt...

"What about you in the future... just listen to me obediently. In that case, no one will know what you really look like."

Kang Hua agreed, and this promise made Xiao Feiyun bully Gao Xin even more.

Gao Xin thought it was an accident every time, even when she fell down the stairs, was splashed with water, or dropped a flower pot from a tall building...

But as Xiao Feiyun's movements became bigger and bigger, Kang Hua began to get scared.

She went to Xiao Feiyun and said, "Don't do this again! If you continue like this, if you continue like will really kill you!"

Xiao Feiyun smiled morbidly.

"It would be good if that bitch Gao Xin died? Why? He obviously hasn't been in a relationship for three months before! It's obvious that I'm always by his side! I'm special! But why! Gao Xin obviously It's been six months and we're still dating!"

Kang Hua was very scared of Xiao Feiyun like this.

What a deformed love...

"Ah... But, it doesn't matter. After all, murder is a crime, and I'm a good student, as long as they break up~"

"Kang Hua, do me one last favor, and I'll let you go free. How about it, is it a good deal?"


In Kanghua's ears, it sounded like the whisper of the devil.

"Help me once, and I will set you free."

She nodded.

"Okay, one last time, I'll help you one last time. What am I going to do? Let the air go? Attract attention?"

Xiao Feiyun shook her head and said, "No, you don't need to do so many troublesome things this time. What you have to do this time is very simple, and that is to sit."


She picked up the water glass and took a sip.

"Yes, sit down. This Saturday, I will invite Liu Ziqin and Gao Xin to go to KTV together. Then I will pull Gao Xin out. You just need to sit next to Liu Ziqin and watch him."

When Kang Hua heard that Xiao Feiyun was going to be alone with Gao Xin, his spirit tensed up.

Do you want to directly hurt Gao Xin?
Xiao Feiyun Fangfo read her thoughts, and said, "How could it be possible to hurt someone directly, I am Miss Xiao's family."

She seemed so sincere.

"I just called people out for a chat. Yes, I just peacefully persuaded her to leave Liu Ziqin." that's the case.

Kang Hua was relieved, if it didn't directly hurt Gao Xin, it would be easy.

Xiao Feiyun was right, she would not be so stupid as to hurt Gao Xin directly.

Kang Hua hypnotized herself again, she shouldn't, she should understand what kind of person Xiao Feiyun is.

It won't be over with just a few words...


Everyone gathered at the door of the KTV, Liu Ziqin was very surprised and said, "Kang Hua is here too, I thought you wouldn't like this noisy environment."

(End of this chapter)

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