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Chapter 37 Kang Hua Chapter 3

Chapter 37 Kang Hua Chapter 3
After comparing this series of movements, he leisurely disappeared into the corridor.

Gao Xin, who was pushed down, had passed out, and there was a lot of noise downstairs, and the students moved Gao Xin to the infirmary in a panic.

Fortunately, fortunately, there was nothing serious about Gao Xin, it was just anemia and a sprained ankle in the past two days, and he fainted for a while due to the impact of falling down the stairs.

Seeing that everyone was fine, Kang Hua felt relieved and was about to leave, but was dragged back vigorously by the late Liu Ziqin.


Liu Ziqin panicked and said, "Ah, I'm sorry. I'm just a little anxious. Where is Gao Xin? How is she?"

Looking at Liu Ziqin who was worried about Gao Xin, a feeling of envy suddenly rose in her heart.

"Ah...Gao Xin fell asleep in the infirmary. The doctor said it was because...anemia and a sprained ankle, and because he fell down the stairs, he was shocked and passed out temporarily."

Liu Ziqin said angrily, "Why did you fall down the stairs! It's true!"

Kang Hua, who saw the whole process, shook his shoulders, and finally lowered his head and said, "It seems that...the foot slipped..."

After listening to Liu Ziqin, he didn't say anything anymore, but patted her on the shoulder and said, "Okay, I understand. Thank you, Kang Hua."

Said I went into the infirmary.

Her cheeks were slightly red, this was the first time she had physical contact with a boy.

"That's not the person you can imagine."

Kang Hua was startled when he heard the voice, and turned around quickly.

Xiao Feiyun stood behind, hooking her fingers coldly.

She had no choice but to follow obediently.

Xiao Feiyun turned around and took her to a place, which was the activity room of the drama club.

She turned the hair on her chest, and said with a smile, "Kang look timid and extremely weak, but I didn't expect to do such a dirty thing."


Kang Hua raised his head in disbelief, and looked at Xiao Feiyun.

She pinched her fingernails and said, "Hey...let me think about it, I heard that you like stealing things from others since you were a child? Classmates' money, classmates' pencil cases..."

Kang Hua's eyes widened in shock.

"No, I didn't...these are all rumors, they framed me...I didn't steal..."

Xiao Feiyun said indifferently, "Oh~ I heard that you still sleep with others? Be someone else's pillow?"

These are all fake!

how can that be possible!
Kang Hua's wide eyes were full of fear.

"I didn't, I didn't! It's all rumors! It's all..."

Xiao Feiyun tilted her head.

"It's all rumors? Hahahahaha, hey, you are so funny. You are the only one who said these are rumors. Your friends are saying that you are a thief and you sleep with others. How is this so? What about rumors?"

Tears rolled in Kang Hua's eyes, no, no...

She never had any friends... those people were all fake!

"Rumors are spread by many people, and this is the truth. How about it, do you want to be famous in this school?"

"Ah~ In that case, Gao Xin and Liu Ziqin will be able to see your true face! At that time, will they still be your friends?"

No... no!Can't!
Although she knew that these were all false, Kang Hua was still afraid, she was really afraid that they would believe these rumors, and would call him dirty and ugly words like their former classmates.

(End of this chapter)

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