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Chapter 373 Resignation 5

Chapter 373 Resignation 5
"What! How can you lie! Obviously you asked me to get it!"

The maid quickly shook her head and said, "What are you talking about!! I never told you that, okay?"

Xiaoqian was anxious, and hurriedly said, "Yes! Surveillance! Isn't there surveillance! Don't you know if you look at the surveillance! The time is around ten o'clock in the morning!"

The maid also nodded vigorously and said, "Yes! Just watch the surveillance!"

Seeing the maid's so determined appearance, Xiaoqian suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

Sure enough, the housekeeper immediately coughed twice, and said, "Indeed, I've already seen it! Xiaoqian, right? You guys did have contact, and it's confirmed that you went to Madam's room and took the missing things."

"What?! How is it possible! So I said it because she asked me to take..."

The maid clapped her hands and said, "I don't remember saying such a thing! Our contact today is only because of tomorrow's celebration!"

"Besides, after we met for a while, I also went to talk to other maids!"

At this time, the people on the other side also stood up and said, "Housekeeper, indeed, she only talked about the celebration party today! I'm just watching."

Xiaoqian said in disbelief, "No! No, no! It's really not me! Isn't there a man! He took the ring and necklace from me! I promise! And he also sent the things to Madam!"

"I obviously left after confirming it!"

She circled around again, and before she could speak, a man stood up and said, "That..."

Xiaoqian hurriedly said, "Ah! That's right~ it's him! Tell me quickly! Didn't you take Dingxi away!"

The man wondered, "Uh...? I don't know what you're talking about, I haven't taken anything from you!"

She gasped, and asked, "You're lying! Surveillance! Don't you know by watching the surveillance!"

The man scratched his head and said, "I don't have any problems, but I remember that I only contacted you in the morning because you said that there will be something that needs my help in the celebration tomorrow..."

"Indeed, I gave the ring to Madam, but it wasn't you who gave it to me!"

The butler pressed his temple with a headache.

At this time, another maid stretched out her hand and said, "Here is something to say! I am the one who gave the lady's ring to this!"

Xiaoqian was confused.

"What the hell are you talking about!"

At this time, the maid standing next to Madam said, "Today...Madam did wear the wrong ring, it was my mistake."

"But the person who sent the ring was indeed this man, and it was the maid who handed over the ring to this man. I also clearly saw this."

"So... where are you from?"

Xiaoqian was stunned, her eyes widened, she really couldn't understand what the group of people were talking about.

"Liar! You are all liars! You are all liars! How is it possible!! You told me to take away the necklace and ring and give them to Madam!"

The housekeeper said irritably, "You mean...they all lied to you alone, don't you?"

Xiaoqian nodded and said, "Really! Trust me!! Butler! I didn't steal!"

Madam Liu watched with her mouth shut all the time, but finally she couldn't hold back and asked, "No... the only thing I'm wearing wrong is the ring. Where did the necklace you're talking about come from?"

Xiaoqian opened her eyes wide and said with cold sweat, "Necklace... It's not that you said you forgot to bring it... No, it's not... How did this happen..."

(End of this chapter)

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