say it now

Chapter 372 Resignation 4

Chapter 372 Resignation 4
The maid hurriedly walked up, stretched out her hands very familiarly, and took the earrings given by Liu Wenxi.

Liu Wenxi waved his hand and said, "Thank you for your hard work, let's go down."

"Oh, yes, this matter..."

She made a gesture around her mouth to signal the maid to remember to keep her mouth in check.

The maid was startled, and hurriedly said, "Miss, don't worry!"

She waved her hand again, and the maid quickly stepped back.

Xiaoqian looked around very nervously, a little curious, that lady didn't come to find fault today!
Although she didn't know what was going on, she still felt very happy.


"Who the hell!! Better say it yourself!"

In the empty hall, there were more than [-] servants standing there.

This scale is unimaginable, Xiaoqian once again sighed in her heart how big the Liu family's house is.

In front of all the servants, the person standing is the butler here.

He was staring angrily, repeating that sentence over and over again.

"If you turn yourself in, we may deal with it leniently!"

"If it was reported by others...then wait for the court order!"

People around were rustling, and the atmosphere was very cold.

But no one has ever come forward to admit it.

Today's incident is mainly because the gems in the lady's room were stolen.

So now we are looking for the thief.

Xiaoqian felt a little uneasy in her heart.But after thinking about it carefully, she didn't seem to have made any mistakes.

After all, there are surveillance cameras at home, and she didn't deliberately XZ those things up.

Madame did receive something.

Another one is that what she gave today is not a gem.

Oh that necklace a gemstone?
"Ha... No one has come out to admit it yet, right?"

"I'm so disappointed! I didn't expect that we would recruit such dirty hands and feet!"

Xiaoqian thought silently, the thief hastened to admit it!It was so late at night that they couldn't rest...! !

Suddenly, a somewhat familiar voice reported, "That... Butler!"

The butler blinked his eyes, pointed at the speaker and asked, "Say it!"

She said timidly, "Well...I seem to see my roommate...has been to Mrs.'s room today, and I told her to be a little sneaky..."

The housekeeper asked seriously, "Your roommate? What's his name!"

The maid shook hands, and said in a panic, "That...we all call her Xiaoqian...the one who has been by Madam's side for the past two days..."

Xiaoqian originally wanted to watch the fire from the other side, but who knew that she clicked on her own name!
She quickly stood up and denied in a panic, "I didn't! I did go to Madam's room today, but it was because Madam left her ring and necklace behind! So I just went to get things!"

"There are witnesses to this incident too! That maid who sent the message!"

Xiaoqian looked around, and finally found the thin maid in the corner.

"Yes! I remember it was her! That maid in the far corner! She asked me to get it!"

The maid who was called was startled and quickly stood up.

The housekeeper stroked his beard and asked, "Is what she said true?"

Xiaoqian blinked and looked at the maid.

The maid said slowly, "It's not true! I never told her to take the lady's things today!"

Xiaoqian's complexion changed suddenly, and she hurriedly said, "What!"

(End of this chapter)

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